Ouk Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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Ouk (Ook)

(a.k.a. The Ascended Horror)

Home Plane: The Void
Worshipers: Necromancers, evokers, outer planar creatures, the ambitious, destructionalists, historians, spies, underworld beings, warlocks
Clerics Alignments:NE, LE, N, LN, CN, CE
Favourite Weapon: Two white gems that hurl brilliant missiles

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Death

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tentacle face in front of a void

Tenets of Faith

Ambition, Mysteries, Magic, The void, Secrets, Night, Freedom, Darkness, Death, Suffering, Terror, History, Knowledge

Physical Description

Body Features

Ouk stands as a proud robed figure, surrounded by unearthly black tentacles, carrying two blinging spheres of blue and white light.
Divine Classification
Netural Evil
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