Rithlis Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Arachnid lord, the bite in the night)

Home Plane: The Abyss
Worshipers: Spiders, assassins, Rogues, blood mages, shadow creatures, evil fey, demons, undead, musicians, cave dwellers
Clerics Alignments: CE, NE, CN, LE
Favourite Weapon: A glaive dripping with acidic poison

Divine Domains

Fate, Twilight, Blood,


"Twin bite" Rithlis unholy Glaive

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black spider on red background

Tenets of Faith

Spiders, Murder, Darkness, Death, Blood, Hatred, Suffering, Shadows, Lies, Poison, Thieves, Music, Youth, Fertility, Dreams, Bones, Caves

Physical Description

Body Features

Rithlis appears as a handsome young elven man in shadowy garb, red markings adorn his otherwise perfect features. When not trying to manipulate a mortal, Rithlis takes the shape of a gargantuan spindly black spider with a red markings.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Evil

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