Silvanix Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "Sentinel of the Verdant Realm")

Home Plane: Evergreen, the Verdant Realm   Worshipers: Forest Spirits, Rangers, Druids, All who protect and dwell in the forests   Clerics Alignments: NG, N   Favourite Weapon: "Bramblethorn," a whip made of living vines

Divine Domains

Nature, Protection, Growth

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An ancient tree whose roots and branches form a protective circle

Tenets of Faith

Guardianship of the natural world, Growth through nurturing, The interconnectedness of all life

Physical Description

Body Features

Silvanix does not possess a singular form but is the spirit of the forest itself. He can manifest as any aspect of the forest, from the mightiest ancient tree to the smallest sprouting seed, each form pulsing with the vibrant energy of life. To those he chooses to reveal himself to, he appears as a guardian made of bark and leaf, eyes glowing with the green light of life, embodying the untamed and nurturing aspects of nature.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Neutral Good

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