Sirath Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "The Paragon of Valor")

Home Plane: Valorium, the Eternal Battlefield   Worshipers: Knights, Guardians, Judges, Those seeking justice, Paladins   Clerics Alignments: LG, NG, LN   Favourite Weapon: "Gleaming Edge," a radiant longsword that shines with the light of justice

Divine Domains

War, Light, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A radiant longsword crossed over a golden shield

Tenets of Faith

Honor, Courage, Justice, Protection of the Innocent, Valor, Righteousness

Physical Description

Body Features

Sirath appears as a towering figure clad in gleaming silver armor that never tarnishes. His face, noble and compassionate, is often illuminated by a soft, divine light, reflecting his purity of purpose. His eyes blaze with the courage of a thousand battles, and his voice, when he speaks, resonates with the authority of the ages.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Lawful Good

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