Thalix Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "The Deep Current")

Home Plane: The Oceanic Abyss   Worshippers: Sea Creatures, Sailors, Water Elementals, Coastal Communities   Clerics Alignments: NG, N   Favourite Weapon: "Tidecaller," a trident that commands the seas

Divine Domains

Water, Travel, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A trident rising from the ocean, encircled by waves

Tenets of Faith

Protection on the seas, Exploration of the unknown, Harmony with the ocean's depths

Physical Description

Body Features

Thalix does not have a fixed form but is often perceived as an immense, benevolent presence beneath the waves, capable of manifesting through the water itself. To those he appears to, he might take the form of a sea creature or a powerful whirlpool, always exuding a sense of calm mastery over the depths.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good

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