Volluy Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "The Spirited Mischief")

Home Plane: The Canopy of Endless Play   Worshippers: Adventurers, wanderers, entertainers, tricksters, those seeking fortune or wishing to overcome great odds   Clerics' Alignments: CG, NG, CN   Favourite Weapon: "Jester's Boon," a versatile staff capable of miraculous feats to aid in mischief or heroism

Divine Domains

Trickery, Nature, Luck, Liberation

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A golden monkey with an ever-shifting grin, holding a peach of immortality.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace freedom, spread joy, and protect the innocent with cleverness and courage.

Physical Description

Body Features

Volluy manifests as a vibrant, golden-furred monkey with eyes sparkling with mischief and wisdom. His form is lithe and agile, exuding an aura of playful energy. His fur shimmers with a divine light, and his ever-changing facial expressions reveal a deep understanding of the world's joys and sorrows. Volluy's tail is prehensile, often used to perform feats of acrobatic prowess or to wield his magical staff, "Jester's Boon." Around his neck, he wears a simple necklace from which hangs the peach of immortality, symbolizing his eternal spirit of adventure and defiance of the mundane.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Good

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