Zephyros Character in Seerth | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. "Whisperer of Winds ")

Home Plane: The Boundless Skies   Worshipers: Sailors, Travelers, Artists, Rebels   Clerics Alignments: CN, CG, TN   Favourite Weapon: "Gale's Edge," a rapier that slices with the force of the wind

Divine Domains

Air, Travel, Freedom, Change

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A swirling vortex surrounded by floating feathers

Tenets of Faith

Embrace change, Seek freedom, Let the winds guide your path

Physical Description

Body Features

Zephyros is envisioned as a fluid, ever-changing presence, like the wind itself. His form shifts between that of a human and an ethereal being made entirely of air currents, with eyes that sparkle like the clear sky.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Neutral

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