Alakas Whiteclaw

Alakas Whiteclaw (a.k.a. Al)

Alakas was never raised to be a leader or particularly ambitious, as by Kanmaraki succession, he was the 'skipped' generation; while his father, Skaz, was Kanmarak XVI and his son, Nez, will be Kanmarak XVIII, he was there to simply continue the family line, much like the current Kanmarak's own father, Kayne Whiterock. Instead, he was raised in relative comfort, knowing that his only full responsibility would be to raise a son worthy of the Kanmaraki legacy one day.   The previous Kanmarak, his father, Skaz, was reported to be a harsh, but fair disciplinarian, however, Alakas knew little of him. After all, he was only five when Skaz died of old age, leaving him to be raised by his mother, Meena, a woman in her late twenties who had openly married Skaz for money and security. Despite being an honest gold-digger, Meena made sure to instill into Alakas that as someone with a comfortable upbringing she could only dream of, he was freer than her to marry for love.   She would regularly sing songs to Alakas in Goblinese Malassaian, and told him tales of the Goblinese homeland with a wistfulness that made Alakas believe she'd been there personally. As it turned out, no, she hadn't; she was simply recounting what her grandmother, a genuine Malassaian, told and sang to her. Nevertheless, this led Alakas to grow up fascinated by his own heritage and the nature of Malassai, publicly converting to Chromatism his late teens.   During these same times, he would be publicly accused of working with a goblinese knight, Leezai Greenscale, of attempting to overthrow Kanmarak XVII, despite not knowing the man nor the reasoning for his rebellion. Kenneth Whiterock, upon the begging of Alakas's mother, put on a show of magnanimousness and pardoned Alakas for his alleged crimes, to 'hold together the Kanmaraki Union we all value so dearly'. This insult and the reduction of his mother to begging led Alakas to grow vengeful, and he would do his own research into why Sir Greenscale rose up in the first place.   The result was him uncovering Kenneth's serial exploitation of commoner women, even collecting information on some women claiming to have birthed Kenneth's bastard children. It was during this research he would come across the goblinese maid of an architect's wife by the name of Hakar. The two were not immediately in love, but did experience near-instant attraction, with Hakar seasoning her generic courtesy with flirtation while Alakas regularly noted her loveliness where it wasn't appropriate.   While he got additional information to bolster his steadily mounting pile of evidence against Kenneth that he intended to present to the King, the true prize from the visit was learning Hakar's home address. He would regularly visit her until eventually, they grew into lovers and spouses. His mother, Meena, adored Hakar and treated her as her own daughter, even if Hakar's own family was a tad sceptical about Alakas; his smiles oft came off as leering smirks. However, as they knew their eldest grandson would become Kanmaraki nobility if they accepted the match, they were hardly wont to complain.   They married when they were both in their mid-twenties, a sharp contrast from his own father, and Meena personally helped deliver their first son, Nez, in the third year of their marriage. Nowadays, Alakas is a proud, warm father, steadily building his case for the Whiteclaws' eventual takeover of Mount Kanmarak, along with the retirement of the Kanmaraki Union. However, for the time being, he's playing it safe; commoner women may be suffering beneath Kenneth Whiterock, but there is no amount of justice Alakas would dole out if it meant the deaths of his wife and son.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alakas has thick black hair that manifests as a mane-like appearance that sticks out at the back, a straight-bridged nose, and green, scaly skin with brown dappling, along with a relatively lanky, thin-hipped figure for a goblin. His eyes, unlike most goblins' orange, are pale blue and particularly sensitive to light. His claws are somewhat blunted, and he tends to wear blue and white to match his house colours. Generally he wears practical mountain man gear that's easy to move and clamber around in, as he's quite fond of 'controlled falls' from his tower. When he smiles, he can't help but appear smug.


Contacts & Relations

Kenneth Whiterock/Kanmaraki XVII (human kanmaraki equivalent)
Apostle Serena Godspeak (overlord)
Sir Marek Wolfsblood (personal tower guard)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Alakas has rediscovered his goblinese heritage compared to most Valeman goblins, and has thus become preoccupied with the God of Malassai, the forest god of colours referred to as Chromatus in Old Galdusian texts. He strongly believes in freedom, love, and open expression of joy regardless of 'properness'. He's known to occasionally attend pantheistic temples when visiting his province's capital, Gods' Peak, but for the most part, he's a Chromatist scholar.


Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of the House of Whiteclaw
Year of Birth
522 AGA 29 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mount Kanmarak
Current Residence
Mount Kanmarak
Pale blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green with brown patches
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Malassaian Goblinese
Old Orcish


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