El'arwyn Werenthos

Lord Arwyn Elwyn Werenthos

The last main-line scion of the once-proud warrior lineage of Werenthoses and holder of the legendary rapier, Desire, Arwyn Werenthos was expected to be a bold, strong warrior like his father and his grandfather before him. However, young El'arwyn would grow up naturally skinny and weak, amid the company of two girls, Serella Senheil and Quira Abraxas, who were quick to embrace his more gentle, feminine qualities.   As such, his father, Lord El'koran Werenthos, upset with the effeminate son he'd 'allowed' to manifest, forced the boy to attend barracks training from the age of ten, threatening to sell the family's ancestral sword, Desire, if he couldn't find a son worthy to inherit it. His mother, Estrella Safiros, was more understanding, telling Arwyn whenever his father wasn't in earshot that he wouldn't sell an heirloom for no reason. When Arwyn asked his mother why he didn't just have another son with her, she told him something that made sense of his father's actions; Lord El'koran Werenthos had lost use of his nethers ever since being kicked in the crotch by an unruly stallion.   Suddenly, his father's obsession with manliness added up, and sadly, Arwyn didn't take this opportunity to connect with and understand his father, but instead see him as an old, irrelevant fool whose advice he could ignore. He would give up on going to the barracks and enjoy his time with Quira and Serella, though the former would eventually be returned to her home in the Shrine of the Dead, due to the local spellbinder count, Sariun Senheil, her own uncle, molesting her. El'koran's protective fury and immediate arrest of Count Senheil restored some of Arwyn's respect for him, but not enough to make him return to the barracks in earnest.   What did, however, was the tour of duty Prince Landon Shearwater and his muscular, powerful young soldier friend, Komekk Axol, undertook. Komekk regularly trained in the barracks over his temporary stay in the Divine Halls, and though El'arwyn didn't realise it immediately, he soon realised his urge to train with the young man was attraction to his body. When Komekk showed signs of reciprocation, they took a chance they may not have had again, and slept with each other in a high-class inn. This fling would steadily develop into a relationship, albeit not always emotionally monogamous on Komekk's part, owing to the dark elf's flirtatious nature.   Having come into his own, knowing why it was he always felt different from his father's expectations, he would occasionally reach out to the still-acclimating Overlord Kel'nas Sinhelios, his second cousin and a similar elf of warlike lineage without a hint of warrior's bloodlust within him. Their letters would lead the struggling overlord to write to his father, offering El'arwyn his sister, Herael, as a wife. Lord El'koran eagerly accepted on Arwyn's behalf, considering a beautiful overlord's sister to be more than a fair match. Arwyn, despite being around Kel'nas's age, felt unable to protest, and so went along with this betrothal.   The result was a half-year of utter misery; Herael Sinhelios was a bitter, spiteful young woman who, upon discovering Arwyn's preference for men, refused to let him live it down, abusing him at every turn and calling him every emasculating insult she could imagine. When Arwyn went to his father regarding how to quell this constant abuse, the brusque man's man gave his son advice he couldn't take in good conscience; he suggested hitting her to put her in her place, a notion that especially disgusted him given the recent passing of Lady Estrella. When Arwyn refused, his father grew unsympathetic, saying that if she continued, it was on her.   In hindsight, El'arwyn considers this moment to be the likely reason his lord father died; somehow, Herael must have caught wind of the old lord's vile proposition. The moment an opportunity presented itself, in this case, a crackdown on bandits in the village of Ternville that left Lord El'koran injured, the lord was poisoned with ranunculin, a toxin that Wisdom Serella had marked as stolen not three days before. The late lord Werenthos's stomach and throat became filled with ulcers and cysts, and ultimately, Koranai Werenthos died choking on his own fluids.   Though Arwyn had his suspicions, Herael's venomous words regarding El'koran finally tasting some of the bile that constantly flowed from his mouth made him decide that regardless of solid evidence, his betrothed was responsible for his father's death. Growing desperate, he journeyed to Riversong Manor, an abandoned house in the Divine Halls that once belonged to the minor noble family of Riversong, a group of humans that served the necromantic Lords of Wrathaek. Though it was likely the daemons who now owned the manor were away due to their service to Quira Abraxas, he was lucky enough to find the three daemonic 'sisters' visiting the manor for old time's sake.   He begged them to help with killing Herael Sinhelios, and their response was half-helpful; they did not wish for their work to be tracked back to them, as their current mortal mistress, Quira, didn't want to be associated with unprovoked murder. Instead, they connected him to Rakh'dor ge Nu'ei, who in exchange for Herael's body, agreed to send a 'body collector' daemon to attack her. El'arwyn agreed, but with one stipulation; they leave her head, so that her death would be confirmed.   Nu'ei accepted these terms, and over the coming days, Herael would go missing, then resurface one day as a disembodied head, washed up on the Divine Halls' sandy beach. While El'arwyn feigned grief, in private he exulted, knowing that his betrothed was murdered and, as far as he could tell, nothing could connect back to him. What he didn't count on was his would-be brother-in-law, Kel'nas, would develop a paranoid streak a mile wide, and amid his delusions of his sister's reincarnation into teenage women, Sinhelios would accidentally stumble upon the truth, regularly accusing El'arwyn of murder.   Though King Silas was mentally unfit to preside over the resultant trial, his advisor, Yal'devon Boathis, along with Royal Wisdom Melancholy, failed to find El'arwyn guilty of wrongdoing, and so while attention had now been drawn to Arwyn on a kingdom-wide scale as a vanisher of betrotheds, he was legally protected from Sinhelios's accusations. This did not prove to soothe relations, and to this day, Kel'nas Sinhelios maintains Arwyn is a monster, not understanding the desperation his evil sister had driven him to.   Landon Shearwater ascended to the throne and made Arwyn's lover, Komekk, a prince, further securing Arwyn much-needed royal protection, however, he knows that the eyes of the kingdom, even within his own city, rightly judge him as a murderer even as the king dismisses it as court of public opinion disrespecting a rightful acquittal. Worse, his reputation as a cursed marriage option means that even if he was able to stomach the revulsion that sex with women evokes within him, he wouldn't be able to find a willing marriage match even among commoners. While initially a triumph, Arwyn has to live with the knowledge that his eagerness to kill his way out of a problem has led to the imminent extinction of his line.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arwyn has long blonde hair tied into a ponytail and sapphire blue eyes, along with the light olive skin and straight-bridged nose associated with the Sinhelioses and Werenthoses. He's slight of frame, wearing pink and gold Nadibhan-style loose clothing beneath a very much Arkheran purple-and-gold, high-collared cloak. Tends to hold himself tensely, hiding himself within his cloak whenever possible, hiding his otherwise thin silhouette.


Contacts & Relations

Princess Serella Senheil (friend and foster sibling)
Royal Advisor Quira Abraxas (friend and foster sibling)
Prince Komekk Axol (lover)
King Landon Shearwater (king and overlord)
Overlord Kel'nas Sinhelios (former brother-in-law, persistent thorn in side)
Kel'hera Sinhelios (formerly despised betrothed, deceased)

Family Ties

Religious Views

While an Eternalist like much of his recent relatives (as well as his mother), El'arwyn considers himself not particularly worthy of the God of Eternity's forgiveness, love, or blessings, so he only attends his local Eternalist Church for public appearances, as enduring a service is akin to torture by guilt. Despite his genuine belief in the God of Eternity he is not naive enough to presume the priests are analogous to god, and has regularly had his city's churches investigated for corruption.
True Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Divine Halls
Fleetmaster of the Plains of Death
Bearer of Desire
Year of Birth
519 AGA 32 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
The Divine Halls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light olive
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian


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