Erwyn Yagaska

Count/Wisdom Erwyn Yagaska

Erwyn Yagaska is a dedicated wisdom to the House of Selenia, and due to the diminished mental faculty of the lady he serves, he is in many ways the effective overlord of the Forests of Winter, along with his fellow advisor, Count Rakh Fel'thuz. However, he's not even a 'native' of the province he now governs; he was born in Moonrock to the minor house of Yagaska, an Elarondian elven house that once served as the right-hand men to the prominent Sanguinases.   Now his family is a relatively irrelevant countly organisation that owns little beyond a small set of manor grounds and farms in Moonrock, something Erwyn was distinctly aware of from an early age. While his father, Count Elarro, would rant about their family's decorated history, about how political correctness and seerish rights forced the Sanguinases to betray them and steal their lands, all while beating his sister-wife Esmerelda for voicing objections, Erwyn would see his family name as objectively worthless, viewing the Yagaska name with contempt from as early as eleven.   Upon reading books on history, his contempt would only grow. The Yagaskas and Sanguinases were Elarondian brothers-in-arms, fellow genociders of the seers whose ghosts now haunted Sanguinas Isle, or as it should have been named, the Isle of Ver'ghan. Erwyn decided he would ignore his father's constant rants about his supposed duty as an elder son to represent the 'pride' of his family and focus on biological studies, moving south to Deathsport to serve as Royal Wisdom Melancholy's novice while his younger brother, Vledyn, would bear the brunt of Count Elarro's abuse. While he would occasionally send letters to his mother and sister, Ellaria, he would refuse to address his father or resentful younger brother.   Eventually, Elarro would die in a hunting accident, leaving a will that, out of spite for both of his sons, left his lands to his eldest son, a wisdom-in-training with no interest in succeeding his father, while disinheriting the youngest son who'd worked tirelessly to become a knight and adhere to the proud, masculine leader role Elarro valued. Erwyn, on reading the will at his father's funeral, mocked the late count's efforts, and tore the will up in front of his mother and siblings. Vledyn was initially outraged, until Erwyn announced his intention to leave the Yagaska lands with him, restating his intent to become a wisdom, and refusing to allow his father's spectre to change that.   As such, he would return to Deathsport following the funeral, only leaving after to attend his mother's funeral, the birth of his niece, Strakha Safiros, the progeny of Ellaria and Lord Serwyn Safiros, which unfortunately also became his sister's funeral, due to a botched surgery by Starfall's wisdom, Alwyn. This marks the one time Erwyn has been seen to be publicly violent; upon hearing of his sister's death through incompetent surgery, he cornered Alwyn and directly blamed him for her death, threatened to kill him, and only the bungling wisdom's complete emotional breakdown caused him to hesitate long enough for his much more violent brother, Vledyn, to ironically pull him away.   Despite his resentment of Wisdom Alwyn, he's proven careful not to blame his niece for the death, and keeps regular contact with her through letters, comforting her regarding her recent miserable marriage to Maltyn Moonchild. Following his sister's death, Erwyn would mostly immerse himself in training, and before Melancholy died, she still considered Erwyn worthy of being a wisdom in his own right. This was in the year 534, which proved to be exceptionally good timing, as Wisdom Waldon of Moonstone, who hadn't even begun to train a novice, suddenly died shortly after Countess Razarkha Fel'thuz's most recent stillbirth.   Melancholy told Erwyn that he was good enough to fly on his own, and that he couldn't refuse to seize the moment, so he stepped in to serve Lord Nemeron Selenia as Waldon's considerably cleverer replacement. Though he was good enough not to mysteriously go missing following Razarkha's stillbirths, he still couldn't preserve any legitimate Fel'thuz children. He would, however, come to be a confidant to the two younger Fel'thuz siblings, Rakh and Tei, who'd been having an affair behind Razarkha's back.   What was worse, Tei had become pregnant from the affair, hiding her belly with illusionism and little else. Erwyn would eventually claim Tei had a fictional wasting illness with high contagion as an excuse to keep her hidden from Razarkha, who would likely kill any child who would be pure Fel'thuz without being hers. The time spent speaking alone with Tei led to the two growing close, debatably closer than Tei was to Rakh following her regrets over the affair.   They agreed that Rakh would likely attempt to groom her child to be his son and successor from afar while trying to work around his homicidal sister-wife, not understanding the risks, so together they conspired to hide the child's location from even his own father, dropping him off at the Defiance Against Acedia orphanage, chosen for its location in the poorer parts of Moonstone, away from where Razarkha may suspect, and its proximity to an Order of the Shade lodge, a potential vehicle to spirit the powerful mage child away to a relatively safe organisation if he ever became prominent enough to attract Razarkha's notice.   From there, Tei vanished, going missing without a word, while Rakh constantly asked questions regarding both. While he genuinely did not know where Tei was, he lied to Rakh about not knowing his newborn son's location, painfully misdirecting his friend for what he hoped was the greater good. In the meantime, he tended to Nemeron Selenia's increasingly bizarre manic episodes, assisted in brokering a betrothal between Irikhos Foenaxas and the youngest Selenia daughter, Yarawyn, and tried, in vain, to encourage learning in any form of productive manner in the likely heir to Moonstone, Kagura Selenia.   Nemeron would die from self-hanging in the year 541 and leave Moonstone to Kagura as an interim lady until Yarawyn would come of age (as she was only thirteen) and marry Irikhos. However, Lady Kag had an idea which was unfortunately more consistent with Arkheran primogeniture; that she take the ladyship of Moonstone as the elder sister, deliberately sabotage the marriage of Irikhos and Yarawyn by citing concerns about blood purity, and finally, sending both her younger sisters to Elarond to 'treasure hunt', in effect an exile without cause. Erwyn attempted to sway her, but Kagura proved to be as willful as she was stupid in this case.   When his letters to Melancholy regarding the issue proved ineffective, he would sit and watch as Kagura Selenia consolidated power, only to receive one letter from his former mentor which, while devious, made sense. The royal wisdom suggested letting Kagura take over with legitimacy, that way there would be an idiot as an overlady. And an idiotic noble generally meant a powerful advisor, which in this case meant Erwyn. While Erwyn wasn't happy about leaving the younger Selenia sisters to languish in Elarond, having them return would only lead to resentment and fights breaking out, as well as difficult legal wrangling to somehow overturn primogeniture with a verbal will of Nemeron Selenia alone. Meanwhile, if he could advise the idiotic Lady Kag, he could limit the damage she did.   As such, since then, even as Melancholy has lost her position as Royal Wisdom, Erwyn has stayed wisdom of Moonstone, effectively governing an entire province through, ironically, shedding the lands of his father's supposedly proud name. His 'worthless studies' have led him to be ten times as powerful as his abusive father could ever hope to be. Currently, he's received word of a pandemic that's hit Moonstone's vassal city Ashglass, one that he's recognised as the parasitic nemesis of his mentor; rapeworm. As such, he and his court are likely to assist Ashglass as soon as possible.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Erwyn is silver-haired and red-eyed, preferring to crop most of his hair and, in cases where his hair is overgrown, ties his hair up during operations. He wears the red and blue of his family, preferring velvet with a white cravat, but will wear a white smock over all of this during operations. He has a squint in one eye, and hence needs a corrective monocle, preferring ones with white gold or silver around the glass.


Contacts & Relations

Overlady Kag'nemera Selenia (employer)
Count Rakh Fel'thuz (best friend, crush)
Razarkha Fel'thuz (persistent irritation)
Tei Fel'thuz (close friend)
Melancholy (mentor)
Rarakhi Fel'thuz (son figure of a kind)
Sir Plutyn Khanas (affiliate)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Erwyn isn't particularly religious. He was raised an Elarondian Eternalist yet regularly picked up and used seerish/Sanguinasi religious phrasing invoking 'the Ghosts', the set of seerish souls attached to the Haunted Woods of Sanguinas Isle. He most certainly believes in the Ghosts, as they are definitively proven by the whispering in the forests of the Isle, along with the cases of unwilling possession of seerish mediums and occasionally elves. However he doesn't hold them or the God of Eternity in any particular reverence, seeing religious organisations as political ones with esoteric aims.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of the Yagaska Estate of Moonrock
Lord of Ghoulwater Bay (archaic title, functionally meaningless as the city doesn't exist anymore)
Wisdom of Moonstone
Year of Birth
508 AGA 43 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Noble (Minor)
Current Residence
Pale Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian


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