Kag'nemera Selenia

Overlady Kagura Nemera Selenia (a.k.a. Lady Kag)

Overlady Kagura Nemera Selenia (official noble name Kag'nemera Selenia) has been sheltered for most of her life. Though never intended to be an heir by her father, she currently rules the Arkheran province of the Forests of Winter from its capital, Moonstone. She was an eldest daughter, which in Selenia culture meant that she was destined to marry her firstborn brother. However, as her parents tried and tried for a son, they only got stillborns and girls, two of which survived infancy.   The birth of her youngest sister, Yarawyn, unfortunately led to her mother's death, so young Kagura would never have a brother to marry. Lord Nemeron addressed the situation by doting upon his eldest daughter, painting her over and over again, assuring her she'd be a wonderful wife for the brother that would never come, all while arranging a marriage between Irikhos Foenaxas and Yarawyn. However, Nemeron's obsessive depression mixed with regular exposure to turpentine fumes led the high elven overlord to regularly contemplate and attempt suicide.   When Nemeron finally succeeded at taking his own life, Kagura ascended to her father's position in a state of arrested development from her teenage years, exacerbated by a pre-existing mental health condition that appears to limit her ability to reflect on how others feel. Her sisters, neglected and resentful. She was intended to be an interrim lady until Yarawyn came of age and married Irikhos, however, she quickly used her power to cancel the betrothal and take power for herself, citing that her brother would eventually descend from the Moon to marry her and that high-elf dark-elf marriages were foolish in the first place.   Following this, she used her power to put her sisters on a quest to find magical artefacts, knowing they couldn't refuse, ensuring neither Torawyn nor Yarawyn would have children while she waited for the brother that would never come. In the meantime, she would rule as a child ruler might; relying on the local wisdom, Erwyn Yagaska, and her spellbinder advisor, Rakh Fel'thuz, to do the governing while she sat around and looked pretty, the only skill Nemeron bothered to instill in his unfortunate daughter.   Nowadays, she has a mixed-to-positive reception with her peasants, if only through lack of exposure and indirectly taking the credit for her subordinates' hard work. However, he has numerous enemies bubbling up; for one, Irikhos Foenaxas, the man who was denied a place as Lord Consort of Moonstone through her whims, and several of her allies aren't too fond of her either. Despite this, Lady Kag remains blissfully unaware of the hate her carelessness inspires around her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lady Kag is a beautiful woman, and in her own mind, the most beautiful woman in the world. Her complexion is fair and without blemishes, her nose is small and button-like, her hair is sleek and raven black, she has pale red eyes that would be haunting if not for her disarmingly childish facial expressions, and her body is slender and somewhat short by high elven standards. She is in many people's eyes the perfect example of an aesthetically pleasing high elf.   She tends to wear Wrenfall-style kimonos, especially in salmon and white or her house colours, blue and silver. The latter case often renders her akin to a stereotypical wizard, with loose, silk-like clothing with moons and stars upon it.


Contacts & Relations

Count Rakh Fel'thuz (primary advisor)
Countess Razarkha Fel'thuz (former bully)
Wisdom Erwyn Yagaska (wisdom, father figure)
Minister of Criminal Affairs Plutyn Khanas (subordinate, supposed friend)
Chancellor of Vaults Enva (subordinate)
General Kareon Moonspawn (subordinate)
Minister of Works Blueprint (subordinate)
Lady Mor'kha Foenaxas (one-way enemy, vassal)
Lord Consort Solyx Solerro-Foenaxas (vassal)
Lady Marissa Gemfire (vassal)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Lady Kag'nemera is a sincere Eternalist, believing that there is an everlasting afterlife where the dead remain young and beautiful. Unlike most Eternalists, however, she's become convinced that the afterlife has a physical form on the Moon. This is due to her father's attempts to comfort her prior to his suicide, convincing her that he and her mother are on the Moon, working together to produce and send down a younger brother for her to marry. As such, she's currently obsessed with finding eternal youth, so she can remain young for her future brother-husband that isn't coming.
True Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Overlady of the Forests of Winter
Lady of Moonstone
Year of Birth
523 AGA 28 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Pale Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Ruled Locations


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