Kanmarak XVII

Kanmarak Kenneth Whiterock

The eldest son of Kayne Whiterock and groomed to be the seventeenth Kanmarak of the Mount, Kenneth Whiterock was always well aware of both his duties and, unfortunately for his subjects, entitlements. His disappointing younger brother Lex, meanwhile, was a fat, deeply insecure young man. Kenneth always proved himself as superior in arms and diplomacy alike, additionally acting as a charming young man to strangers while his brother floundered and suffered Kenneth's mockery.   His mother, along with his sisters, Serra and Juniper, however, seemed to be kinder to Lex despite his flaws. Despite Kenneth proving himself time and time again, with his father treating him as a worthy representative of the upcoming Whiterock governance of the mountain, his sisters' consistent kindness to Lex combined with their relative ignorance of him led him to conclude that women were illogical, foolish creatures who were only attracted to folly and failure, not considering that perhaps his mother and sisters were instead reacting to the constant bullying Kenneth put Lex through.   Eventually, said bullying grew too much, and the moment Lex earned his title as a knight in his own right, albeit still not one as accomplished as his older brother, he left Mount Kanmarak, leaving Kenneth a note that told him that he hoped he would choke on a sword some day, and apologising to his sisters, begging them not to come looking for him. Kenneth, outraged, demanded they sought Lex out, but the sixteenth Kanmarak, Skaz Whiteclaw, said that Lex was free to serve whoever he pleased as a knight, and refused to help the Whiterock heir. When Kenneth's father attempted to apply pressure, Skaz told him under no circumstances will Kanmaraki forces, whose role was to defend the Northern Vale from the Peachvale Horde, be used as a glorified hit squad over a personal insult.   Kenneth said nothing, knowing it was ultimately through goodwill between the Whiteclaws and Whiterocks that Kanmaraki succession worked at all; angering Skaz Whiteclaw could, if extreme enough, lead to his disinheritance. Instead, Kenneth simmered in his own anger, channeling it into devotion to the Kanmaraki military, surrounding himself with men and, according to his own hindsight, wasting his youth away from women. His sisters still grieved for Kenneth's inferior brother, so at the time he considered women to be worthless and illogical beings.   As Kenneth decorated himself both as a gunner and eventually commander at numerous Kanmaraki forts, Last Bastion being his hardest fought battle as Peachvale Orcs successfully scaled the walls and forced him to put his sword to use, his sisters would get married into the Adderwood family. He'd return from his fifth tour of duty only due to Skaz Whiteclaw's death; he was switching from military command to political command, and was named the Seventeenth Kanmarak of the Mount. It was at this point that the ageing, usually encouraging Kayne Whiterock ranted to Kenneth drunkenly about how his eldest son had apparently 'missed the point'.   He said that his military decorations were all well and good, but without a wife the future of House Whiterock was in jeopardy; Lex was cavorting who-knows-where, not remotely intent on continuing the family line, and Serra and Juniper were Adderwoods as far as Kayne was concerned. Kenneth, in his forties, pointed out that Skaz Whiteclaw got married to a much younger woman, and that his child, Alakas, was a mere boy of five while his father was dead of old age. Kayne mockingly asked Kenneth if he thinks it's so easy to get a younger woman, he should try it.   As such, Kenneth, his pride wounded by the one person he thought respected him, unfulfilled by his stationary role as a politician whose soul belonged to a battlefield, grew increasingly obsessed with having sex with young commoner women simply because he could. He would coerce even married women using his power as the Kanmarak of the Mount, often flaunting them before his father as 'proof' of his exploits, and it is thought that Mount Kanmarak is overrun with undeclared Whiterock bastards.   Eventually, Kayne Whiterock would die, voicing his unending disappointment in both his sons before the end, Lex for not being there even as he was dying and Kenneth for taking his concerns about inheritance as an excuse to become, as he put it, a hedonistic monster his mother would have disowned. This wounded Kenneth's ego so much that he had his father's body tossed over the 'untamed' side of the mountain, where it would inevitably split into pieces and be devoured by the numerous ice spiders that roam it. By this point the city guard was already disturbed by Kenneth's mean streaks, but this was an act that disgusted them enough that Sir Leezai Greenscale and a set of other elite guard attempted a coup that would place the Whiteclaws indefinitely in charge; this was despite Alakas Whiteclaw being merely seventeen and without a son to act as the eighteenth Kanmarak.   Kenneth had already foreseen this outcome, and spied out multiple power-hungry guards who matched his own hedonism; by bribing them with extra pay and a share of the women he coerced into 'service', he had a loyalist force that handily crushed the rebels, and following the event, Kenneth would make a show of sparing Alakas Whiteclaw despite there being no evidence the boy even knew of the coup. He would then redouble military efforts against the Peachvale Horde to keep the people focused on an external enemy rather than the internal bane to every commoner's wife and daughter.   Finally, after almost two decades of his overindulgence, Kenneth decided as a man in his sixties, that he should marry a noblewoman to carry his legitimate heirs, and when Apostle Kiran Adderwood suggested marrying Serena Godspeak, he mocked the suggestion, saying he wouldn't deign to marry an 'old maid', despite the fact she was twenty years his junior. Instead he would focus on the eighteen year old Selah Godsvale, a highly beautiful young woman and a knight, through both her father's titles and her skill at arms.   She was feisty, opinionated, and appeared to enjoy sex if the rumours were accurate, even if she was officially a maiden. This air of unattainability would drive Kenneth into obsession; the once great military commander has since degraded into a sex-obsessed old man determined to marry a woman less than a third of his age, who has, time and time again, rejected him. He is still a feared and despised figure to the Peachvale Horde, and while the commoners dislike him, the military men among Kanmarak still regard him as one of the finest commanders in the Mount's history. His fixation on everything he doesn't have, however, may lead to his downfall.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kenneth Whiterock is a tall, formidable looking man for his age, with broad shoulders, grey hair, blue eyes, and a prominent nose with a well-waxed handlebar moustache, all encapsulated in velvet military regalia coloured in the whites, greens, and blues of the Kanmaraki. His hands are callused, and he's never without a musket close by.


Contacts & Relations

Alakas Whiteclaw (goblinese Kanmaraki equivalent)
Nez Whiteclaw (heir apparent)
Apostle Serena Godspeak (overlady)
Apostle Kiran Adderwood (brother-by-law and one-sided rival)
Dame Selah Godsvale (object of age-inappropriate lust)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Kenneth was raised an Arkheran pantheist like most southern humans, and his personal patron god is the Border. He does necessarily believe in right and wrong, but he does believe in order above all, personally despising the Peachvale Horde with a fury perhaps expected of his position. He believes that the gods would approve of his genocidal leanings regarding the Horde, as well as his regular indulgence in the wives and daughters of his subjects.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Kanmarak, Uniter of the Mount
Defender of the Northern Vale
Year of Birth
486 AGA 65 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Grey Blue
Grey Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue


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