
Humans are the Sekaian species most akin to the readers of the tales set within it, but that doesn't mean they're exactly the same. While their height and phenotypic variance is largely the same as earthly humans, with a diverse range of dark to olive to light skinned peoples, big-nosed, small-nosed, fair to raven hair, they have one key difference to us: Like all other Sekaian humanoids save orcs, they possess an arcana node.   The arcana node is a crystalline structure within the brain, close to the amygdala and stimulated by fear and arousal. This allows humans to access magical powers. Like spellbinders, those who are born with a type of magic are limited to one type, and with some effort, they can learn spellwork just like them. However, the natural destructive potential of human magic is considerably weaker than spellbinders, but to compensate, humans are notably bulkier and stronger than their willowy counterparts.   Humans are also one of two humanoid species capable of successfully acting as a host for the Thread, an interdimensional parasite which grants, in high infestation cases (known as kogane, marked by golden eyes), outright reality warping capabilities regular arcane magic cannot achieve. Yukishiman humans are unilaterally infested, though in most cases their thread content merely grants them a slightly longer lifespan, immunity to mid altering arcane magic, and mild resistance to extreme temperature, at the cost of disabling any ability to access arcane magic.   As a well-rounded humanoid species, humans are found in most areas of the world, and are the primary demographic of the two major empires currently competing for international power, the Soltelle Empire and the Madaki Empire.

Additional Information


Sulari humans are generally the result of being bred in breeding facilities for their ability to survive a magical process known as augmentation. Unlike natural humans, domesticated humans tend to require highly structured commands and control, and are emotionally reliant on a spellbinder master,in addition to being significantly less wilful and aggressive than wild humans.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are capable of augmentation, a process by which the body is destroyed save for the amygdala and arcana node, then replaced with a rocky, magical form. These obedient, magical, servants are used by Sulari spellbinders for a variety of uses.

Facial characteristics

Variable but noticeable noses, chins are weaker in females than males.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Throughout much of the world, as humanity is a remarkably generalised race.

Average Intelligence

Humans, barring severe mental defects, are sapient and capable of empathy, friendship, delayed gratification, and imagination.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans are from disparate cultures and creeds, so to offer a ruleset that determines human naming conventions is never going to be truly comprehensive. Generally speaking, humanoids vary naming conventions with their ethnicity. A Malassaian may name their son Kealuau and their daughter Talia, while a Madaki will name their son Madhav and their daughter Priya.

Major Organizations

Soltelle Empire (Yukishima)
Madaki Empire (Southern Amerist, Ali Madak)
Theocratic Kingdom of Jaranar (Jaranar)
Nzoratlic Kingdom of Na'lima (Na'lima)
Nzaoatlic Kingdom of Na'dya (Na'dya)
Democratic Republic of Romi (Romi)
High Kingdom of Nu
Royal Electorate of Arkhera (Arkhera)
Indigo Division of the Order of the Shade (Arkhera)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In most societies, humans are cooperative with other humanoid species, while Sulari spellbinders exploit humans as livestock. In certain human supremacist societies, such as the Yukishima in the past and both Jaranar and Nadibha, humans have treated elves and goblins with a certain disdain. Yukishimans even saw fit to enslave elves for their race.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sapiens
Kakajuan Humanoid
70-120 years
Average Height
5'0' to 6'6''
Average Physique
Variable, with lanky, stocky, and mesomorphic variants. Lack tails and body hair is minimal but present, facial hair can grow thick in males.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans have variable skin tone, some higher melanin than others. Hair colour tends to be red, blonde, or black naturally, and eye colour ranges from blue to green to brown.


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