Kel'nas Sinhelios

Overlord Nasuon Kelohi Sinhelios (a.k.a. Nassie)

Kel'nas Sinhelios was not a man who wanted to be destined for greatness. Even now, if asked, he would deny his notability, instead considering himself the unluckiest second son in history. He was born to Overlord Kel'dan Sinhelios and Herael Cadarus as a second son, and was summarily neglected and deemed unremarkable by his father, who deemed his older brother, Kareon,much more worthy of his attention.   His mother wasn't much better to him, as she suffered from a form of post-natal mania that caused her to completely fail to maternally bond with young Nasuon, forcing Kel'dan to bring in wetnurses to do the job his wife failed to. As Nasuon became a toddler, his mother would be too ashamed to attempt to bond with him, and when she finally grew out of her fear, she died in childbirth having her third and final child, a daughter Overlord Kel'dan would name after her, considering it an act of instant reincarnation.   While the golden boy, Kareon, would be taken to archery ranges and the barracks, trained in all manner of weaponry from a young age, Nasuon was left to languish, the only person bothering to talk to him being the Renewalist priests of his local temple and the castle's wisdom, a gnome by the name of Dobb Bracken. Despite being thin and physically weak, Dobb noticed a clear academic gearing within the boy's head, taking especially to Madaki literature and poetry. As such, he took the boy in as a novice, given he would never be lord in his eyes.   Life would continue for Nasuon, growing up with a dominant, cocky older brother who'd offer to take him for drinks (an offer that, due to childhood bullying, Nasuon took as a cruel joke, and so refused) and a spoilt younger sister who despised him for being the only babysitting figure who'd attempt to discipline her (her father, viewing her as a reincarnation of his late wife, doted upon her). His father would regularly berate Nasuon for not living up to the 'fiery Madaki warrior' image of the Sinhelioses, lamenting that he didn't grow up to be a disposable second son warrior or knight like so many Sinhelios second sons had before.   In the year 541, life would change abruptly for Nasuon, as two thirds of the people making him miserable died. Leading an expedition to liberate what remained of the thoroughly-raided town of Duston, Overlord Kel'dan Sinhelios demonstrated the folly of being a noble house famous for its warrior-patriarchs and died in battle. Reports of the Battle of Duston indicated that Kareon, by contrast, survived the orcish raiders that he repelled, but was suddenly engulfed by a suspicious, highly localised sandstorm, never to be seen again.   When he received the news, despite everything, the newly-mad Overlord Kel'nas Sinhelios fell into a deep, grieving depression, holding a sombre funeral whose ceremonies spanned over the course of three days, per Madaki tradition. He wore naught but sackcloth throughout, and wept openly. However, during one of his ceremonies, his younger sister, the last of his close kin, publicly humiliated him. She ranted about how he should stop pretending to be sad, about how two men infinitely better than him died, and now he's elevated to overlord. She even floated the idea that somehow, Nasuon was to blame, riling up an angry crowd that needed to be suppressed.   The resulting bloodshed only deepened Nasuon's depression, and Herael compounded upon this even after being shut in by her brother, blaming him for everything wrong in her life, calling him a weak, assassin-hiring monster. She would perpetually wail for her older brother, the only man that understood her, apparently. Even though he found solace and distraction in the form of his daemonic lover, Rakh'dor ge Nu'ei, his sister's bitterness blackened every facet of his life. Eventually, Nasuon grew tired and sent her away to the Temple of Renewal to become a nun of sorts. When the priests complained of her delinquency and attempted poisoning of the high priest, Kel'nas decided the only solution was to send her away from the city, away from reminders of her grief.   As such, he arranged a betrothal between her and their second cousin, El'arwyn Werenthos, the heir to the Divine Halls and a promising, if a mite effeminate, lordling. Shortly after she was informed of the match, Herael launched into the loudest tirade of her life, mocking Nasuon for being afraid of her, accusing him of trying to silence her, and when, at his wit's end, Kel'nas explained that he didn't know how to make her behave like a sane person, she spat in his face, calling him worthless and a pathetic usurper who she would never call overlord.   He sent her away kicking and screaming to the Divine Halls, and shortly after, Lord El'koran Werenthos died, followed by Herael herself. According to Lord El'arwyn, it was a freak incident, and all they could find of her was a head that washed up on the beach after she was missing for days, but his opaqueness and Wisdom Serella Senheil's overly diplomatic words read to the former novice as an attempt to hide foul play.   Overcome by grief and mounting paranoia, Nasuon's mind snapped. He constructed a fantastical image of his past, where he was a tyrant who unfairly bullied and controlled his younger sister, where Herael was simply a willful young woman unafraid to speak her mind. Despite his rosy view of the late Herael, he would always remember her final words, refusing to call him overlord and calling him a pathetic usurper, and allowed these words from a now canonised Herael to form his self-image.   During his funeral for Herael, as denied of a body as he was from his brother's, Kel'nas noticed his cousin, Relyn Cadarus's daughter, Mariel, a girl of nineteen, looked almost exactly like his deceased sister as he last remembered her; brown-haired, sapphire-eyed, with a triangular nose, and even the same penchant for blue headscarfs and ironically form-fitting dresses. This caused his vulnerable, grieving mind to project his new, idealised sister onto her and declare her as Herael reborn. Unable to question his overlord while in the middle of his mad grief, Relyn unsurely went along with this, unintentionally securing his daughter a place as Kel'nas's heir.   Four years have passed since then, and Kel'nas has somewhat stabilised, becoming a decent, if mediocre ruler whose grip on his northern vassals is steadily slackening due to Parakosi military might and Sandspark Tower's increasing usage of Sandport to forge international connections with the Soltelle Empire. He still finds solace with his daemonic lover, he still dotes upon the increasingly concerned Mariel Cadarus with mad fervour, and he still regularly accuses El'arwyn Werenthos of killing his sister, along with accusing the Royal Electorate of covering up his crime. As such, numerous politicians are keeping one eye open for a civil war erupting between Sinhelios and Werenthos, which in turn would spiral into a kingdom-wide network of allies fighting.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kel'nas is a high elf with long, silver hair, a gaunt figure and gaunter cheekbones. He has a triangular nose much like his fellow Madaki high elven nobility, the Werenthoses. He has baleful brown eyes and a grim, humourless expression at most times, but almost paradoxically wears colourful, Nadibhan-style clothing, usually pink, blue, beige and golden. Occasionally, when at formal events in his city's Renewalist Temple or entertaining fellow nobles, he'll hide his long hair in a turban.


Contacts & Relations

Rakh'dor ge Nu'ei (lover)
Wisdom Dobb Bracken (wisdom, father figure)
Spearmaster Rexal (captain of personal guard)
Lord El'arwyn Werenthos (bitter enemy, former brother-in-law)
High Enforcer Alsion (subordinate)
Chancellor of Vaults Hazrik (subordinate)
General Fazaar (subordinate)
High Builder Anvilwhacker (subordinate)
Lady Sharkas of Parakos (vassal)
Lord Serkal Sandspark (vassal)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Lord Kel'nas Sinhelios is a sincere Renewalist who uses his faith to justify his delusions regarding Mariel Cadarus, who he, through mere surface-level association, considers to be a reincarnation of his dead sister, despite Mariel being nineteen years of age when Kel'hera Sinhelios died. Despite this glaring issue with his ideology, his Renewalist philosophy makes him a highly forgiving man, often brushing off numerous personal slights and insubordinate behaviours by his vassals due to him believing that ultimately, people have the right to hate and love who they please. The only exception to this rule appears to be Lord El'arwyn Werenthos, who he believes to have killed his sister.


Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Overlord of the Sea of Daemons
Lord of the Great Oasis
Year of Birth
519 AGA 32 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The Great Oasis
Current Residence
The Great Oasis
Silver Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Olive
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian


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