Remeria Sanguinas

Overlady Remeria Sanguinas (a.k.a. Remy)

Though young and frail, Overlady Remeria Sanguinas bears the responsibility of an entire province's affairs on her shaking shoulders. Afflicted with a form of vampirism that makes her sensitive to light, extremely physically weak, and unable to keep non-liquid food down (with a strong preference for blood), she would have every right to simply forego her duties, but even at the tender age of eighteen, she takes her role seriously.   Unable to walk with any sort of reliability, Remeria Sanguinas has kept her nose in books to compensate for her complete inexperience of the outside world. She was born to Overlord Vledyn Sanguinas and his equally frail cousin, Lady Franaria Sanguinas, a firstborn daughter to her mother, but not to her father, who'd already fooled around with numerous tavern wenches, gaining one bastard daughter, Koarawyn, from his constant affairs.   Lord Vledyn was an adventurous man who adored hunting in the haunted forests of Sanguinas Isle, and infinitely preferred the company of his active, bold bastard daughter over Remeria or his wife. He did eventually have a second legitimate daughter, Franaria Junior, whose birth killed Franaria Senior. The death of his wife caused Vledyn to realise that he wouldn't live forever, and so he panicked over how much of an absentee father he'd been.   He begged his wisdom, Patch Bracken, to do everything he could to teach Remeria about the world, while he would try to teach her how to be assertive, decisive, and ultimately equipped to be lady, all while neglecting his bastard daughter out of guilt for everything he'd done to betray his wife. Remeria would grow to be a clever, if afflicted young woman, and in order to ensure Remy's safety and company, he would hire the services of one of the last natural-born chronomancers in existence, the spellbinder known as Salakh'has.   Though notably older than Remy, she would quickly become her best friend, though when Remeria hit puberty and realised that animal blood simply wasn't fulfilling certain needs, she asked Sally if she would accept her blood being drank. She accepted, and almost instinctively, the teenaged high elf sucked her retainer's blood. To her shock, Sally appeared to enjoy it, and the arcane content of the blood gave Remeria a burst of strength that cut through her lethargy briefly. As such, the two would continue doing this behind closed doors.   Meanwhile, Vledyn, happy that Remeria had a friend and was well on her way to becoming a good overlady, began spending more time with his daughters not set to inherit his title: Koarawyn, his illegitimate and Franaria Junior, his last legitimate. He would take them hunting regularly, which unfortunately resulted in a pair of tragedies. Firstly, Franaria discovered a particularly haunted grove and becoming possessed by a cluster of seerish ghosts, which led to her imprisonment while Wisdom Patch attempted to work out how to exorcise them. Secondly, Vledyn would hunt alone, desperately trying to forget about his possessed youngest daughter, only to be ruthlessly eaten by a terror bird he would normally have killed without effort.   When Vledyn didn't return from his final hunt, Remeria waited three days for his return, then told Patch to officially classify him as dead. She held a funeral for him and gave one of the few public speeches she has ever made, telling of how despite his flawed nature, Overlord Vledyn was a deeply passionate, caring man who had an abiding sense of regret, even if he made some horrible mistakes over the years. She wished him peace wherever he was, then assumed the title of overlady.   Remeria has been overlady for just over a year, and so far has largely spent her time keeping her province stable and attempting to fund expensive cure attempts for her little sister, all while Koarawyn, her bastard older sister, claims that Franaria Junior should be put down to put an end to her suffering. Her relationship with Salakh'has has become blatantly romantic in recent years, and the more magical blood Remeria drinks, the more she wonders if perhaps she's only weak because she hasn't got enough to drink.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Remeria is extremely frail, being thin, weak, and barely capable of walking. Her skin is unnervingly pale and her hair is a pale golden-blonde, with her only major point of natural colour being her eyes, which are red. Her features are small and youthful in appearance, and she tends to wear bedclothes most of the time, occasionally wearing simple, Elarondian-style dresses, albeit without using a corset.


Contacts & Relations

Salakh'has (retainer, best friend, confidant, lover)
Wisdom Patch Bracken (employee)
Lady Salekh Moonchild (vassal)
Lady Strakha Safiros (vassal)
Lady Sonaxa Solerro (vassal)

Family Ties

Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Overlady of the Sanguinas Territories
Lady of Sanguinas Isle
Year of Birth
533 AGA 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Sanguinas Isle
Current Residence
Sanguinas Isle
Pale red
Pale blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian
Old Seerish (basic)


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