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Lynxaris Tabaxi

The Lynxaris Tabaxi, a sub-species of Tabaxi, hails from the eastern part of the cold Lancrayacian Continent. Their origins can be traced back to a significant earthquake that formed a straight between Lancrayacia and Maztica, known as "The Gap." This geological event resulted in the formation of a water-filled crack, creating a unique and isolated region.   Similar to their Tabaxi counterparts, the Lynxaris Tabaxi adhere to the polytheistic beliefs of the Tabaxi Pantheon, with Hualta, The Yellow Hawk, as their primary deity. They hold deep reverence for Hualta and view themselves as protectors of the Tabaxi holy city of Jabamba, a significant center of spiritual and cultural importance.   In terms of appearance, the Lynxaris Tabaxi possess a striking resemblance to humanoid Lynxes. They have lithe and agile bodies, covered in sleek fur that mimics the markings and coloration of their feline counterparts. Their ears are pointed and tufted, resembling those of a lynx, and their eyes reflect an innate sense of keen observation.   The Lynxaris Tabaxi's physical attributes, such as their sharp senses, nimble reflexes, and natural agility, align with their role as guardians and protectors of the sacred city. They are adept at traversing the challenging terrain of their cold homeland, utilizing their feline features to their advantage.   In addition to their physical characteristics, the Lynxaris Tabaxi share the cultural and religious practices of the broader Tabaxi community. They celebrate the Tabaxi Pantheon, offering prayers and rituals to Hualta and other deities. They partake in the rich tapestry of Tabaxi traditions, storytelling, and artistic expression, weaving their unique cultural heritage into their daily lives.   The Lynxaris Tabaxi, with their Lynx-like appearance and spiritual role as guardians, bring a distinct flavor to Tabaxi society. Their close connection to the land and their commitment to protecting the holy city of Jabamba make them an integral part of the Tabaxi cultural fabric in the Lancrayacian Continent.

Basic Information


The Lynxaris Tabaxi exhibit a distinctive anatomy and morphology, reflecting their humanoid Lynx-like nature. Here are some key features of their anatomy:   Body Structure: The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess a humanoid body structure with a combination of feline characteristics. They have a slender and agile build, showcasing grace and flexibility in their movements. Their limbs are well-muscled, enabling them to move swiftly and perform acrobatic feats.   Lynx-Like Head: The Lynxaris Tabaxi's most notable feature is their head, which resembles that of a lynx. They have a slightly elongated face with a short snout and a prominent nose. Their ears are pointed and tufted, similar to those of a lynx, enhancing their hearing capabilities. Their eyes are usually large and expressive, often reflecting their keen senses.   Fur and Coloration: Just like their lynx counterparts, the Lynxaris Tabaxi are covered in a layer of thick fur. The fur can vary in coloration, typically matching the patterns and hues found in lynxes, such as various shades of brown, gray, or reddish tones. The fur provides insulation against the cold climate of their native Lancrayacian Continent.   Tail: A defining feature of the Lynxaris Tabaxi is their long, furry tail, reminiscent of a lynx's tail. The tail aids in balance and agility, assisting them during intricate maneuvers and maintaining stability in their movements.   Claws: The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess retractable claws, similar to those of a lynx. These sharp and curved claws are vital tools for climbing, hunting, and self-defense. When not in use, the claws can be retracted within their fingers.   Height and Proportions: The average height of the Lynxaris Tabaxi is similar to that of regular Tabaxi, typically ranging between 1.7 to 2.1 meters (5'7" to 6'11"). Their proportions are well-balanced, with slightly elongated limbs and a slender physique that enhances their agility and dexterity.   The unique anatomy and morphology of the Lynxaris Tabaxi combine humanoid features with distinct lynx characteristics. This blend allows them to navigate the challenging environments of the Lancrayacian Continent, embodying the grace, keen senses, and adaptability associated with their Lynx heritage.

Ecology and Habitats

The Lynxaris Tabaxi inhabit the cold and diverse landscapes of the Lancrayacian Continent, an eastern region separated from Maztica by "The Gap," a water-filled crack formed after a significant earthquake. This sub-species of Tabaxi has adapted to the unique ecology and habitats found in this cold environment. Here are some key aspects of their ecology and habitat:   Cold Climate Adaptation: The Lynxaris Tabaxi have evolved to thrive in the cold climates of the Lancrayacian Continent. Their fur, similar to that of lynxes, provides insulation against the cold temperatures, keeping them warm in harsh conditions. Their bodies are adept at conserving heat, allowing them to withstand frigid temperatures more effectively than many other races.   Varied Terrain: The Lancrayacian Continent offers a diverse range of habitats for the Lynxaris Tabaxi. From snowy tundras and icy mountain ranges to dense forests and frozen plains, they have adapted to traverse and survive in different environments. Their agility and natural climbing abilities enable them to navigate steep slopes, rocky cliffs, and icy surfaces with ease.   Hunting and Foraging: The Lynxaris Tabaxi primarily rely on hunting and foraging for sustenance in their habitat. Their keen senses, agility, and natural weapons, such as retractable claws, aid them in tracking and capturing prey. They are skilled hunters, capable of stalking and ambushing small to medium-sized animals that inhabit their cold environment.   Nomadic Tribes: The Lynxaris Tabaxi often live in nomadic tribes, constantly on the move to follow food sources and adapt to changing weather patterns. Their semi-nomadic lifestyle allows them to explore new territories and maintain a sustainable existence in their resource-limited habitat. They possess a deep knowledge of the land and its resources, ensuring their survival in challenging conditions. Some of the Lynxaris Tabixi settled down in cities, but most of them still life theri semi-nomadict lifestyle.   Coexistence with Wildlife: The Lynxaris Tabaxi have a harmonious relationship with the wildlife of the Lancrayacian Continent. They respect and appreciate the natural balance of their habitat, recognizing the importance of preserving the delicate ecosystem. They hold a deep connection with the creatures of the land and often revere them as symbols of strength, wisdom, and survival.   Sacred City of Jabamba: The Lynxaris Tabaxi consider themselves protectors of the Tabaxi holy city of Jabamba, which holds immense cultural and spiritual significance. This city serves as a focal point for their community, where they gather for important rituals, celebrations, and cultural exchanges. The city's location within their habitat further influences their movements and interactions with other tribes and races.   The ecology and habitat of the Lynxaris Tabaxi reflect their adaptation to the cold and diverse environments of the Lancrayacian Continent. Their ability to navigate challenging terrain, survive in harsh climates, and maintain a harmonious relationship with the natural world underscores their resilience and connection to their ancestral home.


The behavior and psychology of the Lynxaris Tabaxi are shaped by their unique cultural heritage and the demands of their cold and challenging habitat. Here are some key aspects of their behavior and psychology:   Adaptability and Resourcefulness: The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess a strong sense of adaptability, allowing them to thrive in their ever-changing environment. They are resourceful individuals who can quickly assess and utilize the available resources to meet their needs. Their nomadic lifestyle and ability to adapt to various terrains demonstrate their flexibility and resilience.   Independence and Individualism: The Lynxaris Tabaxi value their independence and individuality. They have a strong sense of self and often prioritize personal freedom and autonomy. While they form communities and tribes, each individual retains a sense of personal identity and freedom of choice, valuing their own pursuits and goals.   Tribal Bonds and Loyalty: Despite their individualistic nature, the Lynxaris Tabaxi also recognize the importance of communal bonds. They form close-knit tribes or clans that provide them with a sense of belonging and support. Loyalty to their tribe is highly valued, and they work together to ensure the survival and prosperity of their community.   Pragmatism and Practicality: The Lynxaris Tabaxi exhibit a pragmatic and practical approach to life. They focus on survival, adaptation, and the efficient use of resources. They prioritize practical solutions to challenges, making calculated decisions based on their keen instincts and experiences.   Reverence for Nature and Spirits: The Lynxaris Tabaxi hold a deep reverence for the natural world and the spirits they believe reside within it. They see themselves as guardians of the land, striving to maintain a harmonious relationship with the environment and its inhabitants. They often engage in rituals, ceremonies, and offerings to honor and seek the favor of nature and the spirits.   Curiosity and Wanderlust: The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess an innate curiosity and wanderlust. They have a natural inclination to explore their surroundings, seek new experiences, and discover hidden knowledge. This curiosity fuels their desire for exploration and often drives them to venture beyond their native habitat, expanding their understanding of the world.   Cunning and Quick Thinking: The Lynxaris Tabaxi are known for their sharp intellect and quick thinking. They possess a cleverness and cunning that aids them in survival, hunting, and outmaneuvering adversaries. They are adept problem solvers and strategists, utilizing their intelligence to overcome challenges they encounter.   The behavior and psychology of the Lynxaris Tabaxi encompass a blend of independence, adaptability, tribal loyalty, and reverence for nature. Their pragmatic approach, combined with their curiosity and intellect, makes them resourceful and versatile individuals in navigating the complexities of their environment and interacting with other races and cultures.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Lynxaris Tabaxi exhibit a social structure based on tribal organization. They form close-knit tribes or clans that provide a sense of community, support, and shared identity. Within these tribes, there is a hierarchical structure with leaders or chieftains who guide and make decisions for the group.   Leadership roles are often earned through displays of strength, wisdom, or exceptional skills. The chieftains are respected figures who uphold the traditions and values of the tribe. They are responsible for maintaining order, settling disputes, and ensuring the welfare of their tribe members.   The Lynxaris Tabaxi value cooperation and teamwork within their tribes, relying on each other's skills and strengths to survive and thrive in their challenging environment. They emphasize loyalty, unity, and the well-being of the entire community over individual desires.   Interactions between different tribes can vary, ranging from alliances and trade relationships to occasional conflicts over resources or territory. The Lynxaris Tabaxi maintain a sense of territoriality and protectiveness over their lands, particularly the holy city of Jabamba, which holds immense cultural and spiritual significance to them.   Overall, the social structure of the Lynxaris Tabaxi revolves around the tribe as the primary unit, with leaders guiding their members and fostering a sense of unity and cooperation for the betterment of the community as a whole.

Facial characteristics

The facial characteristics of the Lynxaris Tabaxi resemble those of humanoid lynxes. They have a combination of human and feline traits, including a slightly elongated face, a prominent nose, and sharp, expressive eyes with vertical pupils. Their ears are typically pointed and tufted, akin to those of a lynx, adding to their distinctive appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lancrayacian Continent

Average Intelligence

The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess above-average intelligence, characterized by their quick wit, keen observation skills, and adaptive thinking. They have a natural curiosity that drives their quest for knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess heightened perception and sensory capabilities, showcasing their innate feline traits. Drawing from the DnD 5th edition terminology, here are their sensory and extrasensory capabilities:   Darkvision: Like their Tabaxi counterparts, the Lynxaris Tabaxi have the ability to see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light, up to a range of 60 feet. This exceptional vision allows them to navigate in low-light environments and spot potential threats or hidden objects with ease.   Keen Senses: The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess acute senses, akin to those of a lynx. Their hearing, smell, and sight are incredibly sharp, surpassing that of most humanoid races. They can pick up subtle sounds, detect faint scents, and perceive minute details in their surroundings.   Natural Stealth: These Tabaxi sub-species have a natural affinity for stealth and agility. Their light footsteps and precise movements enable them to move quietly, making it easier for them to surprise or evade foes. This skill, combined with their heightened senses, allows them to excel in sneaking, scouting, and ambush tactics.   Enhanced Reflexes: The Lynxaris Tabaxi possess remarkable reflexes, making them quick to react to danger or stimuli. Their agility and nimbleness, coupled with their heightened senses, grant them an advantage in dodging attacks and evading threats.   Tracking Instincts: As descendants of lynxes, the Lynxaris Tabaxi possess an innate ability to track scents and signs left by creatures or individuals. They can analyze footprints, scent trails, and other environmental clues to determine the presence, direction, or nature of their quarry. This tracking proficiency aids them in survival, hunting, and pursuit.   Extrasensory Awareness (Variant): Some exceptional Lynxaris Tabaxi individuals may exhibit extrasensory capabilities beyond the norm. These rare individuals may possess limited telepathic or empathic abilities, allowing them to communicate or sense the emotions of others within a short range. This variant trait, though not common, further enhances their overall perception and connection to the world around them.   The heightened perception and sensory abilities of the Lynxaris Tabaxi grant them a remarkable advantage in various situations, from scouting and stealthy maneuvers to tracking and survival in their native Lancrayacian Continent. These natural gifts, coupled with their feline instincts, make them formidable and resourceful individuals in both exploration and combat scenarios.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Lynxaris Tabaxi follow a naming tradition rooted in the Quechua language, which reflects their cultural heritage and connection to their Lancrayacian homeland. Names are often chosen based on their meaning or significance. Here are some examples of Lynxaris Tabaxi names:   Intiqa: Meaning "sunrise" or "new day"   Pachamayu: Referring to the "mother river"   Qoriwayra: Signifying "golden wind"   Sacharuna: Translating to "jungle spirit"   Urqukhuyaq: Denoting "mountain hunter"   Ayllupacha: Representing "community earth"   Runaqui: Meaning "people's voice"   Wayrapacha: Referring to the "wind realm"   Wasiquri: Signifying "seeker of knowledge"   Yanantin: Translating to "complementary balance"   These names reflect the natural world, spiritual beliefs, and cultural values that hold significance for the Lynxaris Tabaxi, emphasizing their connection to their ancestral roots and the land they call home.

Major Organizations

The Holy State of Jamala is a significant organization among the Lynxaris Tabaxi. As the sacred city and spiritual center of the Lynxaris Tabaxi culture, it holds great importance in their society. Jamala is revered as a place of pilgrimage and religious significance, housing temples, shrines, and gathering spaces dedicated to the worship of the Tabaxi Pantheon. The city is governed by religious leaders and serves as a hub for cultural exchange, knowledge dissemination, and the preservation of their traditions.

Common Dress Code

The Lynxaris Tabaxi have a distinct dress code that reflects their cultural heritage and the demands of their cold Lancrayacian environment. Here are some key aspects of their dress code:   Cold-Weather Attire: Given their habitat, the Lynxaris Tabaxi wear clothing suitable for cold climates. They don garments made from thick, warm fabrics such as fur, wool, or layered textiles to provide insulation against the chill.   Fur Accents: Fur accents are common in their clothing, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes. They may have fur-lined hoods, collars, or trimmings on their coats or cloaks, adding extra warmth and a touch of their lynx heritage to their attire.   Layering and Insulation: The Lynxaris Tabaxi utilize layering techniques in their clothing to trap heat and adapt to changing weather conditions. They wear multiple layers, including tunics, shirts, vests, and cloaks, allowing them to add or remove garments as needed to regulate their body temperature.   Practicality and Mobility: The Lynxaris Tabaxi prioritize practicality and freedom of movement in their dress. Their attire is designed to allow for agility and flexibility, enabling them to perform acrobatic maneuvers, climb icy terrains, and engage in other physical activities without hindrance.   Tribal and Cultural Influences: Their clothing often incorporates tribal symbols, patterns, or embroidered motifs that represent their cultural heritage and personal identity. These symbols may include stylized representations of animals, natural elements, or religious icons that hold significance within their society.   Accessories and Adornments: The Lynxaris Tabaxi may accessorize their attire with practical items and cultural adornments. This can include belts, scarves, gloves, and warm headwear to further protect against the cold. They may also wear beaded jewelry or amulets, often incorporating natural materials like bones, stones, or feathers.   Camouflage and Earth Tones: To blend with their natural surroundings and aid in hunting or evasion, the Lynxaris Tabaxi often opt for clothing in earthy tones. These can include shades of brown, gray, white, and muted greens, helping them camouflage within the snowy landscapes and forested areas.   The dress code of the Lynxaris Tabaxi combines functionality, cultural symbolism, and practicality, allowing them to thrive in their cold Lancrayacian environment while maintaining a strong connection to their heritage and traditions.


The Lynxaris Tabaxi have a rich history that begins with their migration to the cold Lancrayacian Continent after a cataclysmic earthquake formed "The Gap" between Lancrayacia and Maztica. Settling in this new land, they established themselves as the guardians of the holy city of Jabamba, devoted to the polytheistic Tabaxi Pantheon. Over time, they developed a resilient society, honed their survival skills, and formed strong tribal bonds, solidifying their place as an integral part of Lancrayacian's history and culture.

Lynxaris Tabaxi

Genetic Ancestor(s)
70-90 years
Average Height
1.70-1.90 meters
Average Weight
65-90 kilograms
Average Physique
The Lynxaris Tabaxi exhibit a lean and athletic physique, reflecting their agility and nimbleness. They have well-toned muscles, granting them the strength and dexterity necessary for their nomadic lifestyle and survival in their challenging environment.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Lynxaris Tabaxi display a range of natural body colors and markings that align with their lynx-like heritage. Their fur can come in various shades, such as shades of gray, brown, and tawny, mirroring the colors found in lynxes. They often possess markings like spots, stripes, or rosettes, further accentuating their feline resemblance. These markings can vary in color, typically contrasting with the base fur color and serving as unique identifiers for individuals.

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