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Tabaxi culture is deeply rooted in the continent of Maztica, which they share with the despised Goblinoid race called Batiri. The Tabaxi people have a rich and vibrant culture, with a strong belief system centered around their polytheistic Tabaxi Pantheon, led by their primary deity, Hualta, The Yellow Hawk.   The Tabaxi are a feline-humanoid race known for their agility, grace, and natural affinity for hunting and exploration. They possess cat-like features, with a sleek body, sharp retractable claws, and often sport various fur patterns and colors that reflect their individuality. These physical characteristics influence their cultural practices and beliefs.   The Tabaxi Pantheon is an integral part of their society. Hualta, The Yellow Hawk, is revered as the chief deity and is associated with the sun, the sky, and leadership. Hualta is depicted as a majestic yellow hawk with keen eyes and wings outstretched. They are believed to guide the Tabaxi people, bestowing blessings and wisdom upon them.   In addition to Hualta, the Tabaxi Pantheon comprises numerous other deities, each representing different aspects of life, nature, and the cosmos. These deities include Purratia, The Green Mother, associated with fertility, growth, and harvest; Mieva, The Silver Paws, representing stealth, cunning, and nighttime; Roflom, The Golden Whisker, the god of luck, chance, and fortune; and many more.   Tabaxi culture is centered around the principles of freedom, curiosity, and adaptability. They are a nomadic people, known to roam the lush jungles and expansive savannas of Maztica, constantly seeking new experiences and knowledge. Tabaxi society values personal independence and encourages individual pursuits, making them exceptional hunters, explorers, and traders.   The Tabaxi hold storytelling and oral traditions in high regard. Elders and shamans pass down their knowledge and history through captivating tales and songs, preserving their cultural heritage. These stories often incorporate mythical creatures, heroic feats, and moral lessons that guide the younger generations.   Relations with the Batiri, the Goblinoid race inhabiting Maztica, are characterized by deep-seated animosity. The Tabaxi view the Batiri as enemies, given their conflicting interests and territorial disputes. This enmity has fueled centuries of conflicts and skirmishes, with both sides vying for control over resources and territories.   Art and craftsmanship play significant roles in Tabaxi culture. They create intricate and vibrant textiles, jewelry, and pottery, often incorporating animal motifs and patterns. Music and dance are also integral to their rituals and celebrations, with rhythmic beats and fluid movements expressing their joy and connection to nature.   Overall, Tabaxi culture thrives on their strong connection to the land, their reverence for the Tabaxi Pantheon, and their desire for exploration and personal freedom. Their customs, beliefs, and traditions have shaped them into a resilient and spirited society, guided by their faith in Hualta, The Yellow Hawk, and the other deities of their pantheon.

Basic Information


The anatomy and morphology of Tabaxi, the feline-humanoid species, can be described as follows:   Body Structure: Tabaxi possess a humanoid body with feline features. They typically stand on two legs but retain some feline characteristics in their overall physique. They have a graceful and agile build, with well-toned muscles that enhance their speed and agility.   Height and Size: Tabaxi exhibit a range of heights similar to that of humans, typically ranging from 5 to 7 feet tall. Their size can vary depending on individual genetics and geographical adaptations.   Facial Features: Tabaxi have a distinct feline appearance in their facial structure. This includes a relatively short snout, a well-defined jawline, and a set of sharp, retractable claws. Their ears are pointed and mobile, capable of swiveling to detect sounds from different directions.   Fur and Patterns: Tabaxi possess a thick coat of fur that covers their bodies, providing insulation and protection. The patterns and colors of their fur can vary greatly among individuals, often reflecting the diversity found in natural feline species. Common patterns include stripes, spots, rosettes, and solid colors.   Eyes: Tabaxi have eyes that resemble those of cats. Their eyes exhibit a wide range of colors, including shades of amber, green, blue, and gold. Their pupils are typically vertical slits, allowing them to adapt to various light conditions.   Limbs and Dexterity: Tabaxi possess limbs similar to humans, with arms and legs ending in strong, dexterous hands and feet. Their hands feature retractable claws, which they can use for climbing, hunting, and self-defense. These claws can be extended or retracted at will.   Tail: A prominent feature of Tabaxi is their long, flexible tail, which aids in balance and coordination. The tail is covered in fur, matching the rest of their body, and can be expressive, conveying emotions and intentions through its movements.   Senses: Tabaxi have enhanced senses, particularly in terms of vision, hearing, and scent. They possess acute night vision, allowing them to see clearly in low-light environments. Their hearing is highly sensitive, capable of detecting even subtle sounds. Their sense of smell is keen, allowing them to track scents and perceive pheromones.   These anatomical and morphological characteristics contribute to the unique and versatile nature of the Tabaxi, enabling them to excel in hunting, exploration, and other endeavors that require agility, adaptability, and feline-like attributes.

Biological Traits

Tabaxi, the feline-humanoid race, possess several notable biological traits that distinguish them from other humanoid species. Here are some key biological traits of Tabaxi:   Feline Appearance: Tabaxi have a humanoid body structure with distinct feline features. They exhibit a combination of human and cat-like physical characteristics, including a sleek and agile frame, pointed ears, feline eyes, and retractable claws. Their facial structure may incorporate short snouts, defined jawlines, and expressive whiskers.   Enhanced Agility and Reflexes: Tabaxi possess extraordinary agility and reflexes, granting them impressive dexterity and nimbleness. Their nimble bodies and flexible joints enable them to move swiftly, climb surfaces with ease, and perform acrobatic feats. This innate agility makes them exceptional hunters, trackers, and adept in combat situations.   Keen Senses: Tabaxi have heightened senses, reflective of their feline heritage. Their vision is typically excellent, especially in low-light conditions, thanks to their cat-like eyesight. They possess acute hearing, allowing them to detect subtle sounds and pick up on auditory cues. Their sense of smell is highly developed, enabling them to track scents and identify specific odors.   Natural Weapons: Tabaxi possess retractable claws on their hands and feet. These sharp claws can be extended or retracted at will, allowing them to use them as formidable weapons in combat and for climbing surfaces with ease. Their claws are capable of tearing through flesh and provide them with an advantage when engaging in close-quarters combat.   Cat's Grace: Tabaxi are known for their inherent grace and elegance. Their natural feline agility, combined with their flexible bodies, grants them an innate sense of balance and poise. This trait contributes to their exceptional reflexes, quick reactions, and ability to navigate treacherous terrain with finesse.   Versatile Climbers: Tabaxi possess a strong affinity for climbing. Their bodies are well-adapted for scaling vertical surfaces, trees, and other structures. They can use their retractable claws and agile movements to ascend and descend quickly, granting them access to elevated positions and aiding their hunting strategies.   Endurance and Stamina: Tabaxi possess physical endurance and stamina that allows them to sustain prolonged periods of activity. They are capable of engaging in demanding physical tasks, long hunts, and extended periods of exploration without easily succumbing to fatigue. This endurance enables them to traverse their environments and survive in challenging conditions.   These biological traits, influenced by their feline nature, contribute to the unique capabilities and prowess of the Tabaxi race. They combine physical agility, enhanced senses, and specialized adaptations to thrive in a variety of environments, making them formidable hunters, skilled climbers, and agile warriors.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tight-knit communities with varied leadership structures; value cooperation, personal achievements, exploration, knowledge, and storytelling.

Facial characteristics

Humanoid with a short snout, defined jawline, sharp teeth, expressive eyes, and mobile, pointed ears.

Average Intelligence

Comparable to intelligent and clever humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision: Tabaxi possess the ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light, thanks to their keen feline vision. This grants them an advantage in low-light environments.   Feline Agility: Tabaxi are renowned for their exceptional speed and agility. They can move with incredible swiftness, allowing them to cover distances rapidly and maneuver deftly during combat.   Keen Smell: Tabaxi possess a heightened sense of smell, which provides them with an advantage on perception checks that rely on scent. They can detect various scents, track creatures, and potentially uncover hidden or obscured information using their olfactory senses.   Cat's Claws: Tabaxi have retractable claws, which serve both practical and combat purposes. They can use their sharp claws for climbing surfaces with ease and as weapons in slashing attacks.   Acute Hearing: Tabaxi's feline nature suggests they possess acute hearing abilities. While not explicitly mentioned, they likely have a heightened ability to detect sounds, perceive subtle auditory cues, and potentially excel in Wisdom-based perception checks related to hearing.   Extrasensory Abilities: Although not inherent to the Tabaxi race, individual Tabaxi characters may acquire extrasensory abilities through class choices, feats, or magical items. For instance, a Tabaxi character specializing in divination magic might possess the ability to perceive distant or hidden things through magical means.   It's important to remember that the specific perception and sensory abilities can vary depending on the character's background, class, and personal choices within the game world. The mentioned traits and capabilities provide a general understanding of how Tabaxi characters, in a fantasy setting, can interact with their environment and possess sensory attributes akin to those of actual felines.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tabaxi naming traditions often reflect their cultural heritage, individual traits, and ancestral connections. Here are some examples of Tabaxi names to illustrate their naming conventions:   Single Names: Tabaxi may have a single given name that carries meaning or significance.
  • Pounce
  • Whisper
  • Shadow
  • Quickpaw
  • Swiftstrike
  • Brightclaw
  Descriptive Names: Tabaxi sometimes receive names that describe their physical features, personality traits, or accomplishments.
  • Stormrunner
  • Silvermane
  • Goldeneye
  • Fleetfoot
  • Wiseheart
  • Swifttail
  Tribal Names: Tabaxi names can also reflect their tribal affiliations, paying homage to their ancestral connections and the region they come from.
  • Sunstalker
  • Moonshadow
  • Junglethorn
  • Windrider
  • Emberclaw
  • Frostfang
  Nature-Inspired Names: Tabaxi often draw inspiration from the natural world around them, incorporating elements of their environment into their names.
  • Riversong
  • Willowbreeze
  • Thunderstrike
  • Sunfire
  • Nightshade
  • Skydancer
  Tabaxi Clan Names: In some cases, Tabaxi may have clan names that signify their lineage and family ties.
  • Moonwhisker Clan
  • Swiftfoot Clan
  • Sunfire Clan
  • Shadowpelt Clan
  • Windrider Clan
  • Thunderstrike Clan
  These examples demonstrate the diversity and creativity in Tabaxi naming traditions. Each name reflects aspects of their identity, culture, and the environment they inhabit. It's important to note that individual Tabaxi characters may deviate from these examples and choose names that suit their unique personalities and experiences.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tabaxi, as a feline-humanoid race, have distinct language groups and dialects associated with their regular and Lynxaris variations. Here are the major language groups and dialects:   Tabaxi Common: Tabaxi Common is the primary language spoken by the regular Tabaxi. It serves as a lingua franca among different tribes and communities. Tabaxi Common incorporates elements from ancient Tabaxi languages and has evolved into a standardized form understood by most Tabaxi individuals across various regions.   Lynxaris Tongue: The Lynxaris, a sub-group of Tabaxi known for their distinctive traits, have their own unique dialect called the Lynxaris Tongue. This dialect, specific to the Lynxaris Tabaxi, features variations in vocabulary, pronunciation, and syntax compared to Tabaxi Common. The Lynxaris Tongue is influenced by their Lynxaris ancestry and reflects their cultural nuances.   Regional Dialects: Within the larger language groups, Tabaxi communities in different regions may develop their own regional dialects. These dialects incorporate local vocabulary, accent variations, and subtle grammatical differences. Regional dialects can emerge due to geographical isolation, cultural influences, and historical factors.   Examples of Tabaxi dialects and regional variations may include:   Jungletongue: A dialect spoken by Tabaxi tribes living deep within lush jungles, characterized by a rich vocabulary related to the flora and fauna of their environment.   Coastwhisper: A coastal Tabaxi dialect influenced by their proximity to the sea, with terminology related to maritime activities, fishing, and oceanic phenomena.   Mountaincrest: A dialect spoken by Tabaxi communities residing in mountainous regions, featuring vocabulary associated with rugged terrain, survival skills, and mountaineering.   It's important to note that these language groups and dialects are generalizations, and individual Tabaxi characters can have unique linguistic backgrounds and preferences. Language fluency and dialect usage can vary depending on the character's upbringing, exposure to other cultures, and personal experiences.

Common Dress Code

Natural Fabrics: Tabaxi favor clothing made from natural materials, such as lightweight cotton, linen, or silk, that allow for breathability in warm climates. These fabrics are often dyed in vibrant colors and adorned with intricate patterns, reflecting the Tabaxi's appreciation for the natural world and their artistic sensibilities.   Loose and Comfortable Attire: Tabaxi clothing tends to be loose and flowing, providing freedom of movement for their agile bodies. Loose-fitting tunics, robes, and pants are common choices, allowing for easy climbing, running, and acrobatic maneuvers. The clothing is typically tailored to fit their feline features, accommodating their tails and flexible joints.   Tribal and Personal Symbols: Tabaxi garments often feature tribal symbols, patterns, or embroidered motifs that represent their cultural heritage and personal identity. These symbols can include stylized representations of animals, natural elements, or religious symbols that hold significance within their society.   Practical and Versatile Designs: Tabaxi prioritize functionality in their clothing choices. Their attire is designed to adapt to different environments and weather conditions. Some garments may have detachable sleeves or layers that can be added or removed as needed. This versatility allows them to adjust their clothing to suit varying temperatures or activities.   Accessories and Adornments: Tabaxi enjoy accessorizing their outfits with various items that complement their attire and reflect their individual style. This can include belts, sashes, scarves, and beaded jewelry, often incorporating natural materials like feathers, shells, or stones. These accessories may hold personal significance or cultural symbolism.   Practical Footwear: Tabaxi prefer lightweight and flexible footwear that allows them to maintain their agility and sensory perception. Soft leather sandals, boots, or moccasins provide protection while allowing their paws to maintain their natural sensitivity.   Adaptable Clothing for Travel: Tabaxi adventurers often favor clothing that is easy to pack, lightweight, and resistant to wear and tear. Garments that can be rolled or folded compactly are preferred, along with items that dry quickly when exposed to water or humidity.   It's important to note that Tabaxi dress code can vary among different tribes and individuals, influenced by regional traditions, personal preferences, and practical considerations. This description provides a general overview of their clothing style, but specific details may differ based on cultural variations and individual choices.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Tabaxi culture is deeply rooted in their connection to nature, tribal traditions, and reverence for their feline heritage. They hold a profound respect for the natural world and incorporate rituals and practices that celebrate its cycles. Tabaxi communities are organized into tribes, each with its own customs and traditions, and they place great value on storytelling, music, and art as means of preserving their heritage. Tabaxi have a natural curiosity and love for exploration, often becoming travelers and explorers. They have a strong oral tradition, passing down myths and legends through captivating storytelling. Tabaxi communities are led by respected individuals, and they have a vibrant musical and dance tradition. Ancestral connections are highly valued, and ceremonies honor the spirits of departed kin. Overall, Tabaxi culture reflects their deep connection to nature, their artistic endeavors, their thirst for knowledge and exploration, and the importance they place on community, tradition, and ancestral ties.

Common Taboos

Within Tabaxi culture, there are certain taboos that are considered highly disrespectful or forbidden. Here are three examples of taboos within Tabaxi society:   Disrupting the Balance of Nature: Tabaxi hold a strong reverence for the natural world and believe in maintaining a harmonious balance between all living beings and their environment. It is considered taboo to engage in activities that disrupt this delicate balance, such as overhunting, wanton destruction of habitats, or practicing harmful magic that harms or exploits nature.   Betrayal of the Tribe: Tabaxi communities place great importance on loyalty, cooperation, and unity. Betraying one's tribe, revealing tribal secrets to outsiders, or causing harm to fellow tribe members is seen as a grave taboo. Trust and solidarity within the tribe are essential for their survival and well-being, making betrayal a deeply dishonorable act.   Defiling Sacred Sites: Tabaxi hold certain locations, such as ancient groves, sacred springs, or ancestral burial grounds, as sacred and spiritually significant. It is considered taboo to defile or disrespect these sites in any way, including desecration, theft of sacred artifacts, or engaging in disrespectful behavior within these hallowed places. Such actions are seen as deeply offensive and disrespectful to their cultural and spiritual heritage.   These taboos reflect the values and beliefs of the Tabaxi culture, emphasizing the importance of environmental stewardship, loyalty, and respect for their community and ancestral connections. Violating these taboos can result in social ostracization, loss of reputation, and the severing of ties with the tribe.

Common Myths and Legends

The Tabaxi people follow a polytheistic belief system centered around the Tabaxi Pantheon, a collection of gods and goddesses who hold significant roles in their mythology and religious practices. One of the central deities in their pantheon is Hualta, known as The Yellow Hawk.   Hualta, The Yellow Hawk, is revered as the chief deity among the Tabaxi gods. Often depicted as a majestic hawk with vibrant yellow feathers, Hualta represents several important aspects within Tabaxi culture.   Wisdom and Knowledge: Hualta is associated with wisdom, intelligence, and enlightenment. The Tabaxi believe that Hualta imparts knowledge and guidance to those who seek it, particularly in matters of strategy, leadership, and spiritual insight. They view Hualta as a source of wisdom and often turn to the deity for guidance in important decisions and challenges.   Guardianship: Hualta is seen as a guardian and protector of the Tabaxi people. The Yellow Hawk is believed to watch over their tribes, offering guidance and protection against threats or dangers. Tabaxi warriors often invoke Hualta's name and seek the deity's blessings before embarking on hunts, battles, or other perilous endeavors.   Sky and Air: Hualta's domain extends to the sky and the realm of air. Tabaxi attribute the winds, the flight of birds, and the celestial bodies to the influence of Hualta. The deity is believed to have command over these aspects, symbolizing freedom, agility, and the ability to soar to great heights.   Unity and Leadership: As the chief god of the Tabaxi Pantheon, Hualta represents unity and leadership. The Yellow Hawk's teachings emphasize the importance of cooperation, harmony, and strong leadership within Tabaxi communities. The deity's guidance inspires Tabaxi leaders to uphold these values and foster a sense of unity among their people.   Tabaxi followers pay homage to Hualta through prayers, offerings, and rituals. They may build temples or shrines dedicated to The Yellow Hawk, where they gather to honor and seek the favor of the deity. Festivals and ceremonies are held in Hualta's name, celebrating the deity's wisdom and benevolence.   It's important to note that alongside Hualta, the Tabaxi Pantheon comprises other gods and goddesses, each with their own unique roles and domains. These deities interact with one another, creating a complex tapestry of divine relationships within Tabaxi mythology. The worship and reverence of the Tabaxi Pantheon play a significant role in shaping Tabaxi culture, ethics, and worldview.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Tabaxi's animosity towards the Batiri, a goblinoid race sharing the continent of Maztica, stems from a history of territorial disputes, cultural clashes, and historical conflicts. The Tabaxi and the Batiri compete for land and resources, leading to frequent clashes. Cultural differences, with the Tabaxi valuing nature and wisdom while the Batiri have a reputation for aggression, deepen the mutual distrust. Past conflicts, legends depicting the Batiri as malevolent, and tribal warfare further fuel the animosity. While individual attitudes may vary, the general sentiment among the Tabaxi is one of deep-seated hatred towards the Batiri.

Tabaxi People

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Felis Sapiens Exploratoris
70 - 90 years
Average Height
1.50 - 2 meters
Average Weight
50 - 80 kg
Average Physique
Lean, athletic, and well-toned muscles.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Diverse fur colors and patterns, including stripes, spots, rosettes, and solid colors.

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