BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Aiko Amaya

A bard of the College of Lore and the Broker for the Order of the Lioness.   Aiko was a little more wild and free spirited than most members of the Amaya Clan, but she still managed to pick up their knack for spotting opportunities for fortune. One such opportunity was the chance to help Tsuya Ai and her friends recover some valuable stollen items and she has been working with them ever since.  


Aiko has an average height and build. Her straight black hair reaches a several inches past her shoulders, and is already streaked with strands of gray especially in two clumps in the front on either side of her face. She has amber colored eyes and a soft face that looks more youthful than it should at her age. She usually wears long flowing kimonos with the emblem of the Amaya Clan on the front, sides, or back.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
540 34 Years old
Aligned Organization


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