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Iron Home Town Council

The town of Iron Home is nto large enough to warrant an official Regent, so it is run by a council of three prominent citizens. Members meet every 10 days at the Iron Home Town Council Hall to discuss issues and vote on things. Under normal circumstances, elections are held every other year on the 2nd day of the Moon of Life.  


Leading up to the Falling Moon of the year S316, the council consisted of Garo Wester, Ichiyo Almstride, and Alia Moreswind. Around this time, Alia disappeared without a trace and seemingly abdicated her position. Although it was not known to the town, Alia had been working for the White Clover to bring the town to prosperity as a trading post that the organization would have a monopoly over. Her failuring to revive the town's failing economy led the organization to have her eliminated and supplant her with Barisseda Whitemantle. Barisseda took over opperations of the Iron Home Miner's Exchange after Alia's death, but had no desire to fill her seat on the council. Instead she encouraged Garo to grab more power, knowing that Garo cared about money first and foremost and his vision would be roughly aligned with the plans of the White Clover.   Garo convinced the town that a council was not effective at addressing the real needs of the town. He proposed a single mayor instead, and ran for the position himself. Although adventurers had helped the town in the past, he campaigned on the notion that adventurers were actually the source of the town's problems. Monsters, bandits, and misfortune had all been stirred up by the adventurers so that they could play the heroes and accept payment from the poor struggled townspeople. Ichiyo ran against him, campaigning on opening the town to outsiders and travelers to raise money and try to help the town.   This campaign was disrupted when the Order of the Seeking Fox unexpectedly arrived in town to investigate Okane Manor. Naoki Naoko promptly began interfering with the local politics and won over enough residents to call off the campaign for mayor and have himself elected as the third council member instead.   Naoki's tenure in this position was short lived, as the Order of the Seeking Fox was pulled away from Iron Home for an extended period of time. Naoki missed the first two council meetings he was supposed to attend, and was promply removed from office. Although Garo tried to restart the election for mayor, the town ended up voting Emao Ironhill into the third council position instead.
Geopolitical, Town Council
Garo Wester
Ichiyo Almstride
Emao Ironhill
Former Members
Alia Moreswind
Naoki Naoko


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