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A team sport, whose name is just the Shudani word for competition.  

Top Teams

  1. Phoenix Force
  2. Grave Blizzards
  3. Fighting Rocs
  4. Grand Line
  5. Mystics


The game is played three against three, with each team having one scorer and two defenders. The game is played with a large five pound ball, called the mari (based on the Shudani word katamari, or large mass).   The field is set up as a large rectangle, 100 feet long and 40 feet wide. In the center of the rectangle is a circle with a 20 foot radius, which is divided in half by a 40 foot long line which also splits the rectangle in half. Each team positions a scorer inside one half of the circle, and they must remain inside that space for the duration of the game. The two defenders stand on the corners closest to the opposing team's scorer.   At the start of the game a coin is tossed and the winners chose whether they'd like to pick the school or the mari, letting the opposing team have whichever they don't select. The team who picks school chooses which of the eight schools of magic they may use for the round; abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation. The opposing team starts with the mari and is forced to pick one of the seven remaining schools. The scorer holding the mari tosses it into play and the round begins.   Teams use magic, only from their given schools, to direct the mari across the other team's side of the field. Defenders cannot leave their corners and may only play while the mari is on their half of their field. Defenders can each cast only one spell per round. Scorers cannot leave their half circle and may only play while the mari is on the opposing team's half of the field. There is no limit to the number of spells a scorer may cast. The goal is to get the mari between the opposing team's defenders, over the 40 foot side of the field, to score a point. If a point is scored, the round ends and the mari returns to the center for the the opposing team to begin the next round. If either team sends the mari goes out of bounds, over the 100 foot sides of the field, then the mari returns to the center and the opposing team begins the next round. The maximum length of a single round is one minute. After that, the mari returns to the center and the team that did not begin the round that just ended will begin the next round.   The team that begins with the mari in the new round also picks their school first. They have only six options at this point, because they are not permitted to repeat any school used in the first round. The opposing team then picks from the remaining five options, and play begins again.   Each time a new round starts from this point forward, the first team will always have their choice of six different schools, never repeating either of the two from the previous round. Likewise, the second team will always have their choice of five.   The first team to three points are declared the winners.


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