BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


This up and coming Konpe team revels in being shrouded in shadow. The identity of their scorer remains a mystery to the public.   Scorer: Masked Mystic
  • Favorite Evocation Spells
    • Eldritch Blast
  • Favorite Conjuration Spells
    • Infestation
    • Unseen Servant
  • Favorite Necromancy Spells
    • Toll the Dead
    • Summon Undead
  Top Defender: Miya Okane
  • Favorite Conjuration Spells
    • Unseen Servant
    • Web
  • Favorite Evocation Spells
    • Melf's Minute Meteors
  • Favorite Transmutation Spells
    • Catapult
  • Favorite Necromancy Spells
    • Summon Undead
  Bottom Defender: Kano Shiroma
  • Favorite Conjuration Spells
    • Grease
    • Vortex Warp
  • Favorite Evocation Spells
    • Tasha's Caustic Brew
  • Favorite Transmutation Spells
    • Catapult
  • Favorite Necromancy Spells
    • Ray of Sickness

Team Uniform

The team wears a haori that is light blue on the bottom and fades to darker shades of blues and eventually black as it moves up. White and yellow stars dot the fabric, and different lines are drawn between some of the stars to create mark out patterns and symbols of power. Underneath the team haori players wear whatever is comfortable, but usually clothes that are dark blue, dark red, or black.
Home Town
Home Field
Gray Steel Colosseum
Entertainment, Sports team


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