
+2 charisma +1 wisdom
  Age: upon death they are ageless
  Alignment: lean towards neutral alignments or are the alignment they were when they were alive Size: medium or small
  Speed: 30ft speed, 5ft hover speed
  Dark vision: 60ft of white and grey darkvision
  Incorporeal: Once per long rest as a bonus action you can become intangible and invisible with attacks and creatures moving through you as if you aren't there (Including the floor). You can move through objects or walls no thicker than 5ft. While in this form any attacks or spells you cast go through the target(s) causing no effect. If you exit this form while you are within a creature or object you both take 2d10 force damage and you are moved to the closest available unoccupied location.
  Undead: You are considered undead, you do not need to eat, drink, or breathe
  Knowledge of time: You are proficient in the history skill

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