Dexterity Corporation

Dexterity Corporation (often shortened to DexCorp) is a mega corporation headquartered on Ianum. They are one of the largest manufacturer's of Dextra and spacecraft in the galaxy. They are a major defense contractor within the Planetary Liberation Union, and provide the Union with much of their military hardware. They market consumer product as well, including industrial spec Dextra, personal spacecraft, and cruisers.


Organizational hierarchy is a labyrinth of departments, subdepartments, and programs, each with unique management structures. There is fierce competition for promotions, so those trying to climb the same ladder are often pit directly against one another in single combat. In order to do so, combatants must each sign a waiver exempting DexCorp of all liability.   It's research division, DexterLab, is famous across the galaxy for its many scientific advances.


The promotion structure has turned the internal politics of DexCorp into a kind of game of thrones. Many supervisors set up their more promising underlings for failure so that they cannot threaten them in the future. The core idea behind this culture is that competition will bring out the best in everyone.

We Can Buy That!

Dexcorp Logo
Corporation, Conglomerate
Alternative Names