Inertia Suit

An inertia suit is a standard-issue space suit worn by Dextra pilots. As with other space suits, it protects against the vacuum of space as well as radiation and temperature extremes. In addition, it helps to protect pilots against the g-forces involved in Dextra combat.   The inertia suit has a small backpack that functions as storage for oxygen reserves which can also be expelled in small bursts from various nozzles around the backpack or gloves to help propel the pilot in zero g. The backpack works to recycle the suits oxygen for as long as possible, allowing a pilot to survive in the vacuum of space for up to 12 hours. Suits are generally equipped with magboots which allow pilots to affix themselves to metal surfaces. They also feature a plug in the back that connects to the seat of a Dextra, helping to keep the pilot tethered to the seat in addition to providing them with a steady stream of air recycled by the Dextra itself.   Inertia suits are widely used by pilots of both military and civilian Dextra. It is common practice for a faction to use inertia suits with their colors to more easily identify friend and foe. Variations are also used by fighter pilots and racers.
Standard Issue Inertia Suit