The Hollow

The Hollow is found at the edges of the galaxy, and in pockets between galactic arms. It is undetectable and imperceptible except at its threshold, when a dark mist seems to overtake the stars around, until they fade out of view completely. Probes launched into it cease communication the second they pass its threshold. Objects fired at a vector through a Hollow pocket towards a corresponding edge travel until they are out of view and are never seen again.   The Hollow appears to surround the galaxy and all attempts to discover what lies beyond it have failed. It is presumed that other star systems exist and are simply yet unreachable.  


Navigation Corridors are known routes of navigable space that allow safe passage between galactic arms. However, it is not uncommon for pilots following uncharted courses to drift into pockets of Hollow. Entering The Hollow is like entering a black fog. The stars around start to fade until there is no starlight at all. Lights on ships reveal only an inky void. Ship instruments become unreliable, and pilots themselves become disoriented and lose all sense of direction – as if the haze has permeated their mind as well. Those that successfully navigate out of The Hollow alive rarely escape with their minds intact.   The most successful navigators of The Hollow have claimed to do so by reciting prose or singing song, acts which they say helped them stay tethered to this reality. The Invocation of Hermes is a verse that has become favored by intrepid pilots, smugglers, and the like, who dare tread close to the edge. The verse goes:
May the Fates be ever kind,
Keep me safe from going blind,
Ever forward and sharp of mind,
Hermes' wings will be my guide.
Metaphysical, Astral