VD-1000 Vassal

The VD-1000 Vassal was the first Dextra to be designed from the ground up for combat. It is also the first unit to possess a head, as the cockpit became more armored and a peripheral location was required to house sensors. It's mono-eye camera provided a video feed directly into the cockpit, but was very easy to obscure or remove through decapitation. Even so, the design stuck, and future Dextra would take after it.   Vindustries attempted to sell these to both sides of the war before House Einbull put a stop to sales to the Union by threatening the highest officers of the company with arrest for treason. Vindustries was then ordered by Alliance High Command to continue development of new models of Dextra and to contribute all production to the war effort. These events have been forgotten by neither the Alliance nor Vindustries, and the relationship between them has continued to be rocky.   There would ultimately be 3 variations of this model, the Mk. I, Mk. II, and Mk. III, each of which was progressively more maneuverable than the last, with the Mk. III able to outperform winged fightercraft.
VD-1000 Vassal
VD-1000 Vassal Mk. III