
By far, the vast majority of folks in Selestya follow no organized religion at all, but this doesn't mean they're not believers in a supernatural world. Animism, in its strictest defintion, that all beings (and even some natural objects) have a soul or spirit, is probably not the most accurate reflection of what everyone else believes, but it's a pretty good catch-all, and besides, not far from the truth.

Cosmological Views

Animism could be considered the ancestral version of the Keltic religion - most beings are aware of the spiritual nature of the environment around them, but their interpretation of the cosmos is simple and practical and directly involved in their day to day. Some may worship the established gods, or the elementals, the Forces, but for most, the sun, moon, stars, their ancestors, or the spirits of the plants and animals around them does them just fine.    There is no uniform tradition for the world; some cultures, such as the Druini, are aware of the forces and gods and may call out a prayer, but are most likely to look for help from the totem animal of their tribe, as well as creatures of the Druin-Tor, and their own ancestors. Other cultures may have a shaman who leads their group to follow an incarnation of a particular god, or a pantheon of spirits.   Either way, divine powers still listen, and there are enough magical creatures and elemental spirits around to make deals with folks who want to worship them, especially if there are offerings involved.


Game Notes:
  Shamans: A tribal shaman generally worships a totemic animal, a specific god or its manifestation (Thantros would gladly hear the prayers of someone worshipping the sun, for example). For all intents and purposes, a shaman is a cleric per game rules, with the domains of all the gods of Selestya available. However, often a shaman will become a War-priest, as per DOF.   Hedge-witch: Wise woman, weird hermit, hedge-witch, village witch, whatever these folks are called, they're often a druid or witch who has left the fold or perhaps just didn't like the hustle and bustle of their organization. Everybody's got a story, and every village is glad to have a witch around if they need a potion or a blessing for the dead.
Religious, Other


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