
Navit (Vitalist "saint"), Majul (Valasian) Than (a.k.a. Navit Paollo, (the) Phoenix, Solmani)

The god of the sun is a solitary, brooding person, contemplative and even a little surly. Thantros was one of the first gods chosen by the Vis, and they take their duties very seriously. This is not to say that Thantros isn't kind, but they are gruff and do not suffer fools - perhaps one of the reasons they left the cruelty of Valay behind and joined the people of the north.   Thantros is often called upon for blessings in agriculture, pleasant weather, or anything to do with flame or fire. They are worshipped by the Vitalists, the Kelts, and many more religiously unaffiliated people, or animists and hedge beliefs.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

          Symbols: sun, phoenix   Colours: orange, silver


Navit Paollo's Day (Vitalist) or Aestival (Keltic), on the last day of Vernai, marks the beginning of summer, and worshippers pay special regard to N. Paollo/Thantros on this day. The six-day holiday of Lanaea at the new year/beginning of spring is also significant and many offerings are made to the sun to ensure plenty of sun and bountiful growth for the year.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thantros was, long ago, Majul Than, a Valasian vizier, of the fire order. Than sought power, as many viziers do, but in Than's case, they sought power, not as its own end or for their own glory, but to bring order. Those who worship fire come in two broad categories, those who see fire as a tool for creation and rebirth, and those who see it as agent for destruction and chaos. Than was definitely in the former camp, and this brought them into conflict with other viziers of the order.    When the time came, Than left the order of fire and joined with the apostate gods of the north, the Vis, who granted them control over the primal fire of this world, and the order they sought.

Gender Identity

The Valay people include in their gender categories that of aruvani, considered to be intersex or transgender. Many powerful viziers are aruvani, and it is thought that they might make more powerful viziers as they are outside traditional gender roles and don't have to be preoccupied about things like family. This is doubtful, given that viziers aren't, as a rule, family-oriented. The more likely possibility is that viziers are not messed with by the common folk, and that prejudices and hate tend to be kept to oneself when the target of said hate can barbeque or drown you with a passing thought.   In any event, Than was, and Thantros is, aruvani.


Divine Classification
Greater god
Brown, tinged with fire.
Black and long, generally up in some fashion, or braided.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark skinned
Ruled Locations
Original Race
Neutral Good
Involvement (none,minor,major,active)

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