The Sacrifice

Celestial / Cosmic


In 1307, the war is finally decided by the (literal) sacrfice of the god of peace, Larnir. The power released by the death of the god causes the continent to buckle and collapse, destroying the bulk of the Valasian army and driving the Elder gods back to the Protosean realms.

After three more gruelling years of war with little movement, the main armies meet in the broken lands that lay above the Caverns of Markesh, where Orcus lived and led his own tribe of viellun (the orcs). Though the gods Merlyn and Orcus had not met since their duel, they put aside old differences and worked together to create magic which harnesses the power of a living, and voluntary, sacrifice - powerful enough to rip the continent into pieces and tear open the Caverns of Marskesh like an anthill.   The war is over in a terrifying instant, with tens of thousands lost, not just in the immediate area but for thousands of miles. However the Elemental lords are banished once again and the gods are now fully in charge.

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