Protosean Time

The core timeline, UDT, elemental equivalent of geological time. Used in universities around the whole of Selestya.

Visean Age

When the Vis walked the world

  • The Most Distant Past - ~250K VA
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Selestya is created by the Stoicheia (Elemental) Gods.

  • ~150K-100K VA
    Ascendance of the Vis
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Forces take a hand.

  • ~25000 VA
    Birth of the Tree
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Great Tree, Crann Bethadh, is believed to have sprouted somewhere around this time.

  • 13246 VA
    Foundation of Valasian Empire

    For the first time ever, the Viziers in the continent of Valay stop fighting each other and unite to fight the world. They form a council and Majul Kanata of the Flame is the first elected Grand Vizier. They set about subjugating and enslaving all of the regions immediately around Kair Valay and within a thousand years control the entire southern continent.

    Additional timelines
  • ~12500-11000 VA
    Banishment of the Stoicheion (Elementals)
    Celestial / Cosmic

    And lo, after many milennia, it came to pass that the Bondservants betrayed the Elder Gods, banishing them from this world, and driving their believers into shadow...
    — from the Valasian Book of Creation

  • ~10750-9750 VA
    Founding of Annûn
    Construction beginning/end

    "The way I hear it, it was mostly cast-offs, layabouts, and would-be shamans (and not just a few under the influence of some potent herbs who maybe wanted to find more potent herbs) that camped around the tree, mostly by accident or convenience, the first winter. When old Greenleaf popped out of the Tree, a dozen or more died right there on the spot, on account of they were scared to death!   "But when those what didn't realized what was going on, they begged him to teach them the "way of the Tree" or some nonsense and he rightfully turned on his heel and went right back on there and slept for a thousand years, and by the time he next woke, the whole place was a school, and they'd made up their own way of the Tree, and he had to learn it right back from them! At least, that's how I heard it..."
    — The Storyteller, aka the drunkest man in Vensheim

  • 2 VA
    The Great Sorrow
    Criminal Activity

    During a war between viellun, sidhe, and men, one exceedingly evil king, at the behest of his allied king, tricks his enemies and allies into eating the flesh of butchered prisoners. Shapeshifting is denied to the races, the baen sidhe separate from the aes sidhe, the barghest are born of the wolf tribe, and lycanthropy happens. Original sin, if you will.

Dheosean Age

0 VA 8565 DA

After of the events of The Great Sorrow, the Vis are finally convinced that the races need actual gods, and begin the search, while becoming less involved directly in the affairs of the people.

  • 0 DA

    Not a Great Precedent
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Yeenoghu and Syrsha become the first to become gods.

  • 1298 DA

    Valasia marches north
    Military: War

    The Valasian Empire, inspired and mobilized by the return of the Elder gods, march north to end the apostate gods' reign and save the people once and for all.

    Additional timelines
  • 1301 DA

    1307 DA

    Torg to the rescue
    Military action

    After three years of gruelling loss, Torg unites the northern kingdoms under his banner. The tide begins to change.

  • 1307 DA

    The Sacrifice
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In 1307, the war is finally decided by the (literal) sacrfice of the god of peace, Larnir. The power released by the death of the god causes the continent to buckle and collapse, destroying the bulk of the Valasian army and driving the Elder gods back to the Protosean realms.

  • 1312 DA

    Torgish Empire founded

    After his successes in the Rift War (or the Godwar) as it has come to be known, Torg realizes he likes being in charge of every damn thing, and sets about to unite the lands around him.

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  • 1342 DA

    Military: Battle

    With the Battle of the Fall of Vensheim, the Torgish Empire asborbs the last independent state, outside of Nelfheim, north of the Pellinores.

    Additional timelines
  • 1387 DA

    1399 DA

    Siege of Camellotte
    Military action

    Having conquering the bulk of the continent, the Empire lays siege to Camellotte, and Torg returns to the place he helped defend 100 years before.

    Additional timelines
  • 1395 DA

    Gaia born
    Life, Birth

    The girl who would grow up to become Gaia is born to a village witch in the Torgish province of what would become Issur.

    Additional timelines
  • 1403 DA

    Benjamin founds Issur

    A mayor of a small city in the centre of Issur province leads a successful revolt against the local Torgish administrator. He and his followers are forced to flee before reinforcements arrive but he begins uniting people in secret, and establishing the idea of independence.

    Additional timelines
  • 1424 DA

    Gaia joins the revolution

    The woman Gaia becomes a witch like her mother, and, after several years of granting rest to victims of the Torgish religion (both recent corpses and the risen dead), she manages to convince the Coven to join with Benjamin's revolution.

    Additional timelines
  • 1427 DA

    Birth of Keladon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After several years spent with her lover, an elvish ranger of Annûn and fellow revolutionary, Gaia gives birth to Keladon, the first known half-elf child.

    Additional timelines
  • 1429 DA

    1435 DA

    The Great Purge

    The fledgling Vitalist religion takes off like wildfire, uniting the south more completely and effectively than the Issurians could. It takes a few years, but the south is finally free of the Torgish yoke when the last troops pull back across the river Issur on the 3rd day of Solstein, 1435 DA/123 TE.

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  • 1438 DA

    The march north
    Military action

    After taking a few years to get his kingdom in order, during which the Torgs still harass the southernors and pirate the coast, Benjamin decides the time has come to take the war to Torg.

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  • 1452 DA

    Witten's Tears
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Witten's Tears is the longest and bloodiest of 14 years of long and bloody war. But the last of Torg's line, his young grandson, and Benjamin II of Issur die on each other's blades, among some 50000 others. The Torgs surrender and vow to never cross the Pellinores or the Issur river. The south returns home.

    Additional timelines
  • 1495 DA

    Division of Issur
    Political event

    After many years raising his grandchildren to be good leaders, Benjamin dies. According to his wishes, Issur is divided into five kingdoms.

    Additional timelines
  • 5144 DA

    5147 DA

    Founding of The Dales

    Ernil of Marketdale, a perrin shopkeeper and homebuilder, unites the Dales to repel an invasion of viellun, and inadvertantly establishes a nation.

  • 5456 DA

    Founding of the Commonwealth

    The Commonwealth (of Camellotte, of Issur, of the East were some names bandied around at first, before finally settling on just the Commonwealth) is founded with inaugural members: the city of Camellotte, the five Issurian nations (who had had a commonwealth agreement almost since their founding) and Passau.

  • 5457 DA

    Weights and Measures standardized
    Diplomatic action

    One of the council's first acts was to establish a standard for weights and measures thoughout the Commonwealth. Many of these were already in place, with slight variation, but this act nailed down the rules for merchants in the Commonwealth, and by default, for everywhere else that wanted to do business with it.   Acts of the Commonwealth: Charter of Measures