Division of Issur

Political event


After many years raising his grandchildren to be good leaders, Benjamin dies. According to his wishes, Issur is divided into five kingdoms.

Issur is divided into:
  • Girvan, named for Benjamin's eldest daughter who helped her father raise the grandchildren as rulers, and died several years after the war. Her ward, Keladon, is named king.
  • Merryl, named for the youngest daughter (who died in the war), lies along the coast and is ruled by Merryl's eldest son, Faliv.
  • Streffen, named for Stref, who died within a few years of the end of the war, is to the south and east and is also along the coast, and is ruled by Merryl's daughter, Maial.
  • Hardovi, named for Hardov, is just to the south of what will remain Issur, and is ruled by the second son of Benjamin II, Felip.
  • Finally, Issur remains around the city of Issuri and against the Issur River and is the first barrier to Torgish incursion. Benjamin III is made king.
Keladon badgers his mother into establishing a holy city in Girvan as the base of the Vitalist chruch.

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