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History of Selwyn

Before Portals

150,000 years ago to AP

Includes all Era's and Ages before the portals were opened

  • -150000 BP

    Creation of Selwyn

    Dahzia, Zedmar, and Gomm created the Material Plane, Selwyn

  • -45,000 BP
    Founding of the Ferland Empire

    The founding of the Ferland Empire starting in Tyvamenz, by the great adventurer Harold Rayfore.

    Ferland Empire
  • -33,790 BP
    Osturg VS Gratform
    Military: War

    Ancient Osturg (now called the federation of Alara) created Gemstone Golems in an attempt to take over the Commonwealth of Gratform. However, the unstable magic of flawed gems made them unruly, and difficult to control, thus loosing them the war.

  • -1668 BP

    -2111 BP

    The Divide
    Military: War

    An extremely long and horrendous war between the tribal Orcs, Tabaxi and Goblins of the Preanlands, and the slaver Yuan-Ti, Dragonborn and Kobolds. It lasted 430 years before finally being resolved.

  • -298 to -318 BP
    Rise of Norvyth

    A 20 year long war over leadership in Peranku between the old ruling family, Tiarison, and a steel dragon, Norvyth. Norvyth and his followers won, and he was crowned King.

  • -290 to -276 BP
    Peranku and Ferland vs Ashr
    Military: War

    Right after the events of Norvyth, the neighboring country of Ashr (now Ashrem) switched from a Monarchy to a Council-run Democracy, giving Peranku and Ferland the perfect opportunity to start another war with Peranku's newfound power. Ashr was facing a time of corrupt rulership, an extreme lack of food due to drought, and was generally doing poorly. This build up lead to a 14 year war, in which Ashr was devastated, and forced to give much of it's land to the other 2 countries.

After Portals


  • Portals Open
    New Era
    Population Migration / Travel

    Portals to the Feywilds and Underdark open to the Material Plane.

  • 13 - 23 AP
    The Fae Takeover
    Military: War

    The newly arrived Fae had been cluttering the area around the portals, and Royals from the Feywilds decided to begin a war against multiple countries at once; the Protectorate of Shanahar, and the Naghi-Byem Dynasty. The Fae wanted their own land, a country to call their own. They won the war quite quickly, despite starting from nothing.

  • 35 - 53 AP
    Creation of Qurius
    Military: War

    After the Fae created their own country, the Drow and Underdark races that were forced out of their home decided to follow suite, going to war against the Federation of Alara. In 53AP, the Underdark races had won the war, and now had a proper civilization; Qurius.

  • 220 AP
    Lowsə is Born
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 335 AP - Ongoing
    Military: War

    The Bird-Folk and Kobold's in Kindeon Territory had been at odds for over 200 years before the war, when the Kobolds first arrived and took over Bird Folk land. This is the year tensions came to a peak, and a civil war finally began.

  • 348
    Trains Invented
    Technological achievement

    Wizards and Artificers work together to create Trains. They became a popular way to transport goods in bulk, and also of quick travel. They're powered by magical crystals that generate lightning and magnetic pulses, along with magnetic nodes as tracks to pull to train towards it's end location.