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Session 2: Dragons Arise

General Summary

Tuesday, December 27, 2022
  After incapacitating the pursuing guards in the fields outside of Siris, the crew found themselves amongst a group of refugees who were with their leader Rosehip. Rosehip explained how two of their number had disappeared into the woods two days ago and how they desperately needed them back in order to protect the group as a whole as it was mostly made up of inexperienced fighters and her children–an infant and some adopted adolescents. You accepted her plea and made your way into the woods eastwards for a couple of miles as the fog began to settle in around you. You made your way further still until you came across an old and long-forgotten graveyard where there was some cult activity going on. Fen alerted the gnolls—a human/hyena hybrid—to their hiding spot and a skirmish ensued resulting in Fen taking the surviving Gnoll as a prisoner. Making your way into the crypt, you found an altar showing a carving of several monstrous figures—one of which with sparkling emerald eyes and a familiar bow-legged shape—before getting stumped by a word puzzle along the wall. After adopting(?) the gnoll as a long-lost son, Theo gained his trust and help in order for you to make your descent. After you made your way on down, the low Eb note grew louder until you made it to a long, rounded tunnel. The earth began to shake and tremor around you and you had to dash to the other side of the tunnel as the ceiling began to fall around you and the floor would open up. Finally, after reaching the towering ebony doors at the end, Fen summoned a cold gale to announce your presence, and promptly the throaty hum quieted. You parleyed with a gnoll cultist who was twice the height of the other gnolls and introduced himself as the Gnoll Fang. Like his compatriots, he was wearing an emerald green cloak with an indiscernible pattern on it. After a bit of parley, the Gnoll Fang used the life force from his surrounding cult members to resurrect a skeletal dragon that had been unearthed in this tomb. After a rather rapid fight that ended when Thorns wedged the kneecap of the dragon out of position, Thorns found some gold and two rings, and a dagger that all shimmer with a mysterious quality. Fen recovered Dirk and Crem–the two missing folks from the refugee camp where they found out Blaze had been a member of their group as well. The party made its way back to Rosehip and over a warm and cozy breakfast, a raven landed on Theo’s shoulder. Tied to its leg was a roll of parchment that has been sealed with a red wax mark bearing a greataxe sigil.
Report Date
19 Sep 2024
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