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Session 25: A Dinner to Die For

General Summary

November 3, 2023       The dinner started off tense and uncomfortable, as none of the members of the party were accustomed or prepared to be in a setting like this with a royal court. But it quickly went worse from there. The dinner started with Fiona leaving as soon as the food was served, mentioning the gardens which sparked Joan’s interest who then left with Daisy to check them out for herself. Roslyn kept her composure and asked the party to introduce themselves to the court and welcomed any questions they had for the cabinet so that they would all be acquainted with each other. After Theo introduced himself, mentioning his last name–Brightdark—and sparking interest from the Priestess Repose and Eternal Diviner, they were interrupted by a drunk Greyson Billson—Swyndolyn’s uncle—who excused himself. As they had planned, Theo showed the runed stone to the table and tried to hand it off to The Eternal Diviner, who said that it did not carry a benevolent nature. Fen remembered that the Serene Shallows used to be a place of ritualistic cleansing before it became a tourist destination. You left a rubbing of the stone’s rune with The Eternal. Theo passed the introduction to Fen who said that they were from Efrits in Maiar and were simply researching. Timba the librarian offered her assistance with any research that Fen would need while Durand acknowledged the breaking tensions across Maiar and asked about your role in that. In response, Thorns made a very uncomfortable and tense remark saying that he wasn’t afraid to use violence to get what he wanted but Durand admired his spirit and invited the conversation to open up about Thorns’s experience. As he explained in vague detail the times he had to harm others (for self-preservation, he claimed) Swyn excused himself from the table to find his uncle. Upon his return with a very drunk Greyson, the High Priestess Repose abruptly left without a word. The party became very alarmed and confused when High Priestess Repose returned, and whispered something to The Eternal, who then begged Roslyn’s forgiveness before he took his leave. When Fiona finally returned to the table, Fen had enough. She excused herself to a very overwhelmed Roslyn and made her way out of the dining room. From there, the party was split: Daisy and Joan missing for the entire meal, Fen outside the room, where Thorns and Theo were separated by the table. A frightening resolution fell upon all the members of the party in their respective rooms but all were left scrambling with newfound information.   Fen started by consulting the servants who stood outside the door for directions to the gardens, palming them some gold coins. They found the large space that overlooked the city and found it deserted. Atop a bridge over a small creek, Fen found a large brass telescope that instead of pointed up at the sky, was angled downward, pointing at an ornate building that mimicked the Keep’s design and majesty, just smaller. Stumped, frustrated, and panicking from losing Daisy, Fen was approached by one of the servants, Mildred, from earlier. After a bit more bribery, it was discovered that Joan and Daisy did make it to the gardens but were forcibly removed by a guard that was not recognized by the servant.   Meanwhile, in the dining room, Thorns was panicking since Theo was uncertain about leading or directing the conversation and was instead serving the table their Sewer 4-Loco and showing how the thermos was ever-replenishing in between taking bites of food from Fen’s plate and finishing her food. Amidst all the chaos, the ever-loyal steward he was, Winston called for the famed honey wine that Sabrandom offers to be served. New cups were placed before each of the seats as a new bottle was uncorked—some leftover ones placed to the side for when the absent attendees returned—and a jeweled goblet was placed in front of Roslyn. Winston grabbed her cup, made a grand toast to her health and prosperity, and dropped dead moments after drinking from the wine. Chaos erupted in the dining room where Roslyn was hastily escorted from the room, High Priestess was pacing by the windows, looking out them, Gertrude and Fiona wailing over Winston’s body and Greyson and Swyn were nowhere to be found.


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