BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 26: Lockdown

General Summary

November 18, 2023
  Within the gardens, Fen learned from Mildred that The High Priestess Repose had been in the gardens as well that night. Angry with a new sense of purpose, they ran back to the dining hall where Thorns and Theo were dealing with the aftermath of watching Winston Forester die in front of them, where Repose was powerless. After a tense confrontation where Fen was ready to attack the priestess, and Durand was angry at Theo for making a remark that sounded as if Winston was glad that he had died, the group finally settled when Durand pointed out that Winston had taken a drink from Roslyn’s cup. Theo suggested a buddy system wherein each party member was paired with one or two court members and everyone left the dining room to check on Queen Roslyn. You confirmed her safety, glanced at some stained artwork in the windows, and then split up: Theo (alongside High Priestess Repose and Gertrude, Fiona’s grandma) wanted to investigate the dungeons; Thorns (with Durand and Fiona) wanted to see the kitchens; and Fen (with Timba) to a prayer room. Within the prayer room, Fen found themselves in a secluded room burrowed into the mountainside. They found a mechanism beneath a large chalice that compressed when weight was added to it. As they puzzled about what to do next, they asked Timba some questions about The High Priestess. She learned that the High Priestess was a priestess of Eldath, a goddess of healing and nurturing, but more importantly, the High Priestess’ family name was Sarven—a family of diviners and foresight among the stars. Fen eventually located a keyhole and a key within the statue to a passage and went to find their friends in the dungeons before opening it. Theo changed their mind and went to investigate the treasury, remembering that the Billson family was tied to the queen’s treasury and happened to be missing after Winston died. They quickly located a mysterious fine grain that trailed along the stone floor. They asked Gertrude and the High Priestess if they knew what it was. Neither did and Gertrude picked it up, sniffed it, and ingested it. She promptly died and Priestess Sarven was powerless to help, just as she was for Winston. Theo wanted to continue following the trail while Priestess Sarven was broken about Gertrude’s loss and didn’t want to leave her alone in the hall. After choosing to trust Theo (with an insanely high roll) the two parted ways and Theo continued down the passage. He climbed the stairs and checked Swyndolyn’s room to find a receipt signed by Greyson for four casks of honey wine. Outside, behind a potted plant was the disfigured and mutilated body of Greyson, and called for help. In the kitchens, Thorns found two cooks, Meebo and Octavius, and their busboy, Greg, hiding in fear. Each member took each kitchen staff aside to gather information. He found that Greg was apt at tracking and identifying a person’s steps and heard two people come into the kitchen and mess with the cups as he hid in the back with Fiona, who had snuck away during dinner. Taking Greg with him, Thorns left the kitchens and headed toward the dungeons to meet up with Theo. Thorns and Fen met up in the stairwell and bumped into High Priestess Repose, who was bearing the body of Gertrude. Fiona was devastated and she returned with the Priestess and her dead grandmother to the dining hall as the rest of the group heard Theo yelling for help. Back together, everyone looked at the grisly sight of the dead treasurer. Theo discovered that Greyson was wearing a vial on a chain around his neck, which the party recalled he had not been wearing at the start of the dinner, but had reappeared wearing later on. With Swyn still missing, the group decided to check out where the passage went. Fen performed an experiment and found that it was just Roslyn’s cup that had been poisoned before the three of you (and Greg) entered the passage and the door closed behind Thorns’s feet.


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