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Captain Brigand

Brigand is the Captain of the Guard in a city called Bulwark. He is robust and confident, ready to help out any civilian who may need it. He is often quick with a joke, even if they don't always make sense.

Mental characteristics


Brigand has had no formal education in any institution, but from a young age, he was educated on the ways of battle by his bandit tribe. He started with daggers and shivs and graduated to swords, axes, and polearms later. When he left his tribe and joined Bulwark, he was tutored by the previous Captain of the Guard on battle tactics and the maintenance/upkeep of defensive positions in a populated area. Brigand eventually won his first battle in a naval skirmish just off the coast of Drivel, using an intuitive tactic that sent his enemies fleeing. He was significantly rewarded back in Bulwark and was personally handed ownership of the title of "Captain" from his former mentor, being recognized as a powerful militaristic mind.


Brigand floated around from one group of mercenaries to another, fighting for gold. Still, eventually, he realized that mercenary work as he saw it was not a good fit for him, and he wandered the lands, searching for odd jobs someone might have for some coin. Most often you would find him staring at a quest board, ecstatic that so many people could possibly want help from him. For about 10 years, he wandered the land, and in doing so, gained quite a reputation as a folk hero of sorts. One town was so enamored with his work and ideas, they wrote a song about him, to which he promptly demanded to be at its first public performance. Eventually, he entered Bulwark and enlisted as a soldier in their ranks.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Brigand's biggest accomplishment is becoming the Captain of the Guard.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his distance from them, Brigand's family remains a shroud of shame for the Dragonborn. He is embarrassed that despite his great deeds, he will never be able to fully step out of the shadows of his family, even if others think the opposite

Morality & Philosophy

Brigand's time as a young bandit has fortunately defined his moral compass in a good sense. Brigand, as it turns out, is a bandit in name alone.



Brigand has been Captain of the Guard for roughly 10 years, and he's made incredible strides in how many people view the military. Because of his life and background, people often ask about Brigand when they come through town because they've heard the stories of his past victories. When they leave, they have many more stories of how well they were treated by him personally.

Family Ties

Both of Brigand's parents are in prison, as they continued their life of crime without their son. He almost never contacts them directly, but he does often know what they are doing and keeps tabs on them.

Religious Views

While Brigand is not wholly religious, he does hold a certain amount of respect for the god Pakanga, being the war god. He believes that while armies and military are responsible for their own victories, Pakanga can push the side who he deems more fit.


Many people think Brigand repeatedly casts Thaumaturgy on himself because of how loud his natural voice is. Many people become frightened when first meeting him out of fear of having offended him somehow, but those who know him know better. He is prone to complimenting you in whatever form you are in

Wealth & Financial state

Brigand owns a personal hoard of gold which he sleeps on every night.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Overseeing the reparations of the city walls
Current Location
Orange, reptilian
The scales on the top of his head are drawn back so it's not completely pointy on top
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sharp, blue, quill-like scales
256 lbs
Pakanga (Semi-religious)
Known Languages
Brigand is only fluent in a couple of languages, those being the common tongue, and Draconic.


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