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Phylasia (Fie-lay-xi-uh)

Phylasia is the capital city of Bandhor, currently a commercial powerhouse. It is the ruler of the Tharkson sea, named after the man who founded Phylasia. Because it sits on a peninsula, it is nearly impenetrable by land, and it is able to surround itself with an effective navy. Desmond Hammond is the king of Phylasia and Bandhor as a whole. Religion is slowly waning in the city, but churches dedicated to different gods are still standing. Their holy days are celebrated by everyone, and festivals are massive, even if their meaning falls upon mostly deaf ears.


Phylasia provides refuge to races of all kinds, including the odd elf, though they often try their best to avoid the limelight. Humans and halflings are most often found in the market area, peddling products or promoting their patrons. Orcs are also not common around Phylasia, but like the elves, they are not unheard of. They are known to be quiet when surrounded by people, and make good spies, ironically.


Phylasia is best described by saying that the king is a rabid dog, held on a leash by the senate. While the king holds a certain amount of power, it is abundantly clear that nothing happens without the express permission of the senate. Taxes, laws, and even declarations are not officiated without going through the Senate. That being said, the king does manage all of the minute details of statecraft, being the honorary head of the embassy and the military. He is often consulted and makes the final decisions on who they go to war with if they go to war and the de-escalation of war.

Industry & Trade

Mainly guilds run the show, all the way to the exportation of goods, which they all kind of collaborate on; however, caravans pass through the city from the Juniper wilds, and individual merchants with an already substantial base stop in from time to time to trade with the guilds. Goods are primarily exported through ships and shipping routes, and they can even go intercontinental, though they prefer to stay in Bandhor, or around the continent.


The infrastructure of this city is almost directly related to the question: "How will this help us either right now or later?" Very little beauty can be found in the architecture here. Since a lot of the focus and development goes towards the industrial districts, most of the advanced buildings are there. For example, much of Bismark's workspace, while inside, has slits in the ceiling to properly vent out smoke. Another big part of Phylasian infrastructure is its dockyard. It spans along the entire coast of the city and is made out of flame-retardent wood.


  • The Industrial District. This is where most of the major guild houses are located, regardless of what the guild focuses on.
  • The Market. Many of the goods that get either made or produced by artisans in the city are sold here daily. Many of the larger sellers have established stands and areas, but even local farmers selling crops can be found.
  • The Docks. Phylasia is known for its rather large fleet of not just merchant ships, but warships as well. The docks are often seen as an extension of the industrial district, but economically and politically they are two separate entities.

Guilds and Factions

The biggest guild is the ironworks guild, called Bismark's, led by Garth Habard. Many of the raw materials that eventually get made into weapons, armor, and tools go through this man and his guild. A few other notable ones include Quality Cloth (textiles), Lumber's Jacks (wood), Mind's Eye (research/technology), and A Few Good Men (mercenaries).


Phylasia was founded by Gale Tharkson, a Gormation explorer in 76 CA, whereupon he constructed a massive castle over which to view the open sea which would later be named after him. In 500 CA, a war broke out across the city because of the mistreatment of guild workers by the king, and mismanagement of resources. Although the history isn't all too clear, this is believed to be a part of the reason the senate was instated to keep the king in check.


People from across the continent and beyond come to Phylasia just to walk its streets or remember its history.


Buildings are made almost entirely of stone, at least for the poorer fishermen and farmers outside the city. The wealthier folks live in larger houses made of iron and garnished by wood. Even the hyper wealthy decorate their houses with paints and oils and other decorative things. The castle is traditionally gothic, and most of the houses are in the style of medieval housing. A large stone wall separates the city center from the outside


The city center of Phylasia sits on a peninsula, which is great for a good number of things. Firstly, it is almost impenetrable by land, since only one side can be attacked. It also is good for trade, being able to house a great number of ships and enough manpower to man those ships. Its one major detriment is that it can be flanked by naval forces.

Natural Resources

There is an operational mine in the city, but that is running out fast, and trees are scarcer in this region, but they make enough of both to get by. Their primary natural resource is actually clay and seafood. They also have shepherds for sheep and cows and other basic farm animals.
Religion in Phylasia is a constantly contested topic, coming under fire specifically from guild leaders, claiming that worship makes the workers lazy, by instilling faith in the divine rather than tools and trade. Grixis is the most worshipped in the city, due to his devotion to clockwork, or order.
Founding Date
76 Cracksion Era
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Dreams
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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