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Erathiel, God of the Arts, Creation, and Innovation

Erathiel, God of the Arts, Creation, and Innovation is believed to be the creator of all that is known in the multiverse. Erathiel is a grand and brilliant god whose features are both geometric and animal-like with a white and gold sheen which captivates those who gaze upon him. His sightings and messages are few, so it is believed that Erathiel still wanders the multiverse creating new things.

Divine Domains

Ambition, Forge, Light, Creation

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bisected gear whose bottom half is that of a six-pointed star.

Tenets of Faith

  • Creative Functionality.  Design is obsolete without function, and regardless of its function, a creation will not be used without a proper design.
  • Inspiration in All Things.  Keep an open-mind and observe your surroundings.  Ask yourself, "what can make this better? How?"
  • Flaunting Expression.  Revel in your emotions and translate them into your art!  Give birth to something awe-inspiring.
  Followers of Erathiel are artists, inventors, and sorcerers who hope to be blessed with Erathiel's godlike inspiration.  Their shrines are always within their workshops and studios; where they feel the most comfortable and closest to the distant Erathiel.  It is here where ideas become physical and plans make it to showrooms for all of the world to see.  If they are so lucky, a follower of Erathiel will be blessed with the capability to create the grandest sculptures or the most advanced technologies of the world.   Erathiel's followers are few in number and tend to be hidden from the public eye as they are wrapped up in their work as they pursue unrealized dreams and achievements.  This pursuit is a holy journey called "Consequi Magnitudo".  It is known that the god of creation will not guide the hands of his followers directly; otherwise it would be another creation belonging to Erathiel.  Instead, the followers of Erathiel must be vigilant to notice hints or clues laid out before them throughout the world that may inspire them to create something of their own.  This indirect guidance is worthy of much praise from Erathiel's followers, because Erathiel graciously allows them to claim his preconceived creations as their own.   As a way to insert themselves into these creations, Erathiel's followers allow their emotions, thoughts, and ideals to leak into them.  This sharing of one's soul is the true beauty of creation in the eyes of the followers of Erathiel that truly separates the creations of their god from the creations of his followers.  In this way, they become immortalized.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Erathiel is a somewhat selfish god whose goal is to simply create things endlessly.  In order to achieve this, he created the other gods of Serentheim's pantheon and gave each of them a set of tasks at the genesis of the multiverse's creation called The Formation.  While these other gods monitor his creations, Erathiel continues to create new things throughout the multiverse.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During The Sundering, it is believed that Erathiel had been preoccupied in some other plane of existence creating new realities as Serentheim burned. It is unknown whether this was a malicious decision or if Erathiel was simply apathetic.
Image: "Gabriel, Archangel of Strength" by Peter Mohrbacher
Divine Classification
Ascended Deity
True Neutral
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Articles under Erathiel, God of the Arts, Creation, and Innovation


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