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Piros, God of Freedom, the Sky, and Wind

The All-Seer, The Grand Expanse, Piros inspires true freedom and protection from those who wish to invade Serentheim.  Piros is a radiant god with a spiny golden crown which emits an iridescent bright yellow and white light. He is normally depicted with a playful, yet aloof expression as he lounges upon the clouds. His horns are long and jut outward from the sides of his head before angling upward and splitting in two.  Piros is believed to be the bulwark between Serentheim and the outer planes; and he is very protective of his devotees.

Divine Domains

Light, Peace, Tempest, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A ring of golden spines with a white feather lying upon the inner part of the ring and curling.

Tenets of Faith

  • Freedom of Life.  Be like the wind; travel, adapt, and live freely.
  • Protective of Others.  As the sky hugs our world and sustains life, so too should you be present and attentive to the needs of others.
  • Serenity.  Storms come and go with the wind; remain calm, fight and forgive as needed.
  The faithful of Piros are nomadic in nature.  They prefer the wide open skies, large empty fields, and tall intimidating mountains where they feel closest to Piros.  They are unbound by the ideas of a sedentary lifestyle; viewing such a lifestyle as poor for the soul.  Although they disagree with that lifestyle, they are not actively opposed to it.  They recognize that everyone has their own paths in life to follow that suit them; devotees of Piros are quite fluid in their understanding.   They take a calm approach to life that may almost be mistaken as callousness.  They still feel heavy emotions and turbulent feelings, however, they believe that by projecting their torrential emotions, they will inadvertently bring ruin to another's state of being.  So instead, they meditate and reflect on their thoughts and feelings before letting them float away like the clouds in the sky.   Enemies of Piros may mistaken this calmness as ignorance or arrogance, and maybe even weakness.  However, just as Piros protected Serentheim in the Dark Age, so too would his devotees protect their fellow person in their time of need.  Followers of Piros train to be warriors, monks, clerics, and guardians devoted to hunting interplanar entities and expelling them from Serentheim.  To draw a weapon against a follower of Piros invites embarrassment and ridicule, if not certain defeat.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To watch over Serentheim, protect her from foreign invaders, and inspire true freedom within her children; the ability to live without fear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During The Sundering, Piros was blindsided by the tearing of reality throughout the world. He sent out his angels as he personally engaged in battles that threatened Serentheim's continued existence as they entered the world. Piros was witnessed by many; and as a result, became a highly respected and loved god of the known pantheon.  Now, Piros has returned to his watch within the atmosphere of Serentheim, but he has lost one of his domains to Nahlus. Regardless, he still retains some remnant powers of the tempest which he may bestow upon his most devoted and battle-ready servants.

Personality Characteristics


In The Formation, Piros was tasked to act as Serentheim's ultimate guardian against forces which may threaten its existence. In order to do this, Piros, along with two other gods, were sent to the mortal world. To best occupy this position, Piros became one with the sky of Serentheim so that he could see all which may approach Serentheim from beyond the world.
Image: "Sahaqiel, Angel of the Sky" by Peter Mohrbacher
Divine Classification
Ascended Deity
Chaotic Good
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