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Qaytha, Goddess of the Land and Harvest

Qaytha is a kind-hearted goddess and leads her children in the city-kingdom Jubixalia.   She is an amalgamation of plant life which takes the form of a gargantuan humanoid shape.  Her angelic features divinely crest from her back and the crown of her head.  She may visit those who dream in her nation as a celestial centaur.  While she governs Jubixalia, she occupies the body of a young woman of any race as the Oracle of Jubixalia.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature, Order, Unity

Holy Books & Codes

Tome of the Land

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A great twisting tree bearing round fruits.

Tenets of Faith

  • Natural Equilibrium.  Give to the land just as much as you take.
  • Civilized Harmony.  Grow with the untamed lands which surround you as a part of that larger ecosystem.
  • Universal Community.  All living things deserve food, water, shelter, and love.  All living things are part of a delicate ecosystem which must be diligently upheld.


Autumnal Equinox and Harvest's Twilight

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Qaytha is aloof with her true goals when asked about them, but has an incredible patience with those who push to know them. It can be surmised that Qaytha wants a utopian society among nature, but she wants her people to build it themselves. She serves as a guide to these goals, but does not directly push herself onto the problems that arise. She loves the land and her people, and this is why she is so present compared to the other gods.   She rules Qaytha's Heart by supplanting herself within the vessel of a young woman, who then is referred to as the Oracle. The young woman's soul then ascends to Bounty, Qaytha's domain, where she will live in natural peace and harmony for the rest of eternity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In The Formation, Qaytha was tasked to cultivate the lands of Serentheim and care for all of its inhabitants.   During The Sundering, Qaytha fiercely did battle across the continent of Magnus in defense of Serentheim from the foreign invaders from far-off realities. As a god, she could not be truly slain by the mortals who fought with her, but she was severely scarred with a heretical curse.   Now, Qaytha is bound to a small area of Magnus; however, she never ceased her care and cultivation of the land. The ever-present care for Serentheim has divinely blessed those lands of Magnus now known as Jubixalia; a nation born to deliver her care to all the lands of Serentheim beyond Jubixalia's borders.
Image: "Suchlaph, Angel of Verdancy" by Peter Mohrbacher
Divine Classification
Ascended Deity
Lawful Neutral

Articles under Qaytha, Goddess of the Land and Harvest


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