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The Weave


The Weave is another plane of existence which interconnects with the Material Plane and all others. Like the air we breathe, it is unnoticeable unless an experienced magic-user focused on it. When one travels to the Weave, they will likely appear in or around the Material Gate, a 350 foot tall structure made from solid brown rock whose entrance is sheathed in a brilliant grey light; so much so that one cannot peer into the other side of the gate.   The landscape of the Weave is a reflection of the plane from which you entered from and it is always of your immediate surroundings when you initially travel here, minus the structures. Plantlife, buildings, and animal life are nowhere to be seen or interacted with in the Weave. So if you travel to the plane from the top of a wizard's tower, you would be floating above the land.   Travel within the Weave is simple. You can fly and walk here. You can attempt to dig through the glass-like grey ground, but the material is as hard as igneous rocks, making it incredibly difficult to penetrate. If a structure travels below ground, then the ground in the Weave forms a tunnel around where the structure would be. If some sort of magically created barrier were established in another plane, then that barrier would appear as a solid barrier that looks just like the mana which floats in the air here.   As a plane of mana, everything within the Weave, including the spirits here, is made of mana. The grey glass-like ground is called mana-rock, the sparkling and iridescent teal-purple liquid and gas is mana in different forms. The gaseous mana populates the majority of the plane like a permanent light fog.

Fauna & Flora

Lost and restless spirits occupy the Weave for potentially all of eternity if they cannot find their way or refuse to leave. These spirits are utilized by Avrimisus to harvest mana from across the worlds in order to add it to the Weave. These spirits are mostly unaware of what they are doing, because due to the nature of mana, they don't need to know what they are doing in order to harvest it. They can complete their actions in however way they wish and still complete Avrimisus's greater scheme.

Natural Resources

Mana is the primary resource of the Weave. It is infinitely produced and used through all of the other planes of existence. In the Weave, mana is produced through the wandering dreams and imaginative minds of the worlds; which leaks into the plane. Spirits play an important role here. The haunting of restless spirits can be two-fold; to achieve their own goals before they pass and to harvest the emotionally-induced mana. In its base form, mana is in a condensed, floating liquid form which looks like an iridescent and sparkling teal-purple color. When handled by spirits, who simply need to interact with it, mana becomes a dispersed gas which looks like a nebula.   When magic is cast, the magic user tears a minuscule portal into the Weave in order to draw a minute fraction of mana for the spell. In an instant, the mana is shaped and formed into the desired spell effect, as if the user were completing a cooking recipe in mere seconds or longer. Higher level spells require more mana from the Weave, but individuals can only handle spells reaching the 9th level. Groups can cast spells of 10th level or higher, pushing the bounds of what can be drawn from the Weave at a time.   Avrimisus is the gatekeeper of the Weave, controlling the flow of mana into and out of the Material Plane. Ultimately, it is her decision whether massive amounts of mana are an appropriate withdrawal or not. Due to her nature, she is either unaware of what the mana is being used for or she doesn't care. Sometimes 10th level and above spells work, and sometimes they don't.   Once a spell is cast, the mana fizzles back into the Weave where it forms the solid grey glass-like ground as rubble. Over time, the rubble fuses with the ground itself and adds another layer. This ground is dead-mana and is utterly useless unless it is filled with a soul to create a mana-rock. Mana-rocks can super buff spells in different ways, but then the mana and the rock turns to dust.
Alternative Name(s)
The Mana Well and The Infinite Plateau
Dimensional plane


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