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Viras, Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, and Death

The Eternal Stalker; while Mortok delivers souls from death, Viras delivers mortals to death.  Viras flies through the skies faster than sound while riding a dark cloud. Whether it is day or night, Viras finds her way into the hearts of killers all over the world and helps them achieve their bloody goals. She is mostly seen as a nude and pale mistress with long, shining black hair.  Sometimes, she may wear a long and silky dark blue robe reminiscent of the night sky.  Champions of Viras are assassins, hunters, soldiers, and others who want to devote themselves to the art of killing.

Divine Domains

Nature, Death, Strength, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An upright bloodied arrowhead piercing an eye.

Tenets of Faith

  • Serenity. A calm mind and a sense of inner security will protect you from your growing enemies.
  • Strength. Let your power loose upon your quarry without fear, and cultivate your power so that you may not be a victim yourself.
  • Death. End life as destiny foretells so that the cycle may continue unabated.


Hunting Season The act of tracking and killing prey for sustenance is inherently a task ordained by Viras.  This is all a part of the cycle of life and death which allows the flourishing of stronger life.   Purging Season Some nations follow the rite of the purge; a practice which challenges the people of a nation to grow stronger through the act of killing.  Survival of the fittest is the ultimate testament to the faithful of Viras.  It is during this season when Viras may bestow her greatest blessings upon those who prove themselves most loyal to the maintenance of the cycle.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

In The Formation, Viras was tasked with continuing the cycle of death after life. This sacred task would be the great motivator; the reason for life to have meaning.  In order to maintain this cycle, Viras has become an aspect of death and the image of sanguine bloodlust.  Viras's agents carry on her tasks so that she may deliver death in all places at once.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the Sundering, many people began to worship Viras so that death may befall their enemies or themselves; allowing Viras's deathly powers to become ever grander. This resulted in 10,000 years of death and devastation; Viras's most active time period.  Now, Viras's power wanes like the moon as more life fills the world of Serentheim. Yet she must continue her work regardless, lest life loses all meaning.
Image: "Leliel, Angel of Night" by Peter Mohrbacher
Divine Classification
Ascended Deity
Neutral Evil
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Articles under Viras, Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, and Death


Author's Notes

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