Horde of Agnorak Organization in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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Horde of Agnorak

The Horde of Agornak, is a strange phenomena of migratory groups. A horde of various sentient peoples united by the will of strong chiefs and warlords. Strange tribal organizations of species ranging from gnolls, ogres, kobolds,goblins, humans, elves, dwarves, genasi, and many more. There are many differing cultural practices and activities in these tribes. So many so that despite their multi-cultural nature it was not until recently did these diverse groups unite under one banner.   The one thing all of these tribes shared in common was their devotion to Ayessa and the pursuits of the war. A great warlord rose from among the many tribes and proved their worth. Through combat they asserted that they had been granted a great vision from their Crimson lady. That there has been too much peace in this part of the world. That people have gotten soft, that life is too quiet. That it would be up to them. Her most faithful people to lead a great raid into the civilized lands of Variathios. To push through their hard shell at Sunshield and expose their soft underbelly and to revel in their riches, blood, and in the glory of battle.   The five great clans of the Horde each bring a effective tool to war. Each swears fealty to the Warchief, provided they can proove their worth. The First Warcheif united these tribal groups and lead a great attack on Sunshield. While it was not successful, glory was won and this union of clans was solidified.   The five clans as they are known are as followed   Clan Uushin, a much more migratory clan filled with centaurs, elves, and fleet footed Tabaxi. They provide a mobile hit and run tactics and extremely skilled and fast archers. They tend to favor keeping at range but when on the move they are a fearsome foe.   Clan Seubo, a semi-nomadic clan which is known for their hardy clan warriors. Many Goblinoids, humans, and hill dwarves find themselves within their ranks. Like Uushin they do provide cavalry but it is heavier and hardier. Wargs, horses, and other mounts which provide a nasty shock on the charge.   Clan Venerii, a settled clan of peoples who provide much of the equipment and supplies for the horde when they are not on the warpath. But to say they are not warriors is poor choice. Fanatically devoted to the cause of the Horde they are often fill the bulk of the hordes infantry.   Clan Silurii, is a semi nomadic clan made up of some of the more bestial members of the horde. Ogres, gnolls, kobolds, and things such as stone giants call this clan home. They bring a deal of force and power to the cause whether it be through brute strength, masses of ravenous mouths, curious engineers, and even living siege equipment.   Clan Trevarii, is a settled clan, mining and gathering of raw minerals and trees from the gnarlwoods to sent to Clan Venerii. Dwarves, elves, humans, and dragonborn find their home among these peoples. They are exceptional at their duty, and even provide some of the more feared barbaric troops and berserkers to the Horde. It is said one Trevarii Berserker can kill ten men before being finally reminded that they are dead.
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Head of State
Government System


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