The Domain of Var'noth Organization in Seros--WIP | World Anvil
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The Domain of Var'noth

Once known as the Domain of Kel'noth, this blasted region was once the heartland of Kelivar. Once written and known as a lush and sheltered environment, it now is unrecognizable. The Land is dry, brittle, barren and ashen. Its ancient capital is now home to the Tower of Noth, and the ruins of the once proud city surround the towering fortress spire. No life dares consider being near this font of necrotic force.   Kel'noth who was once a mortal in service to his dark lord Sar'noth. They learned much, and devised new ways to help to create new more durable undead. Shortly after Kelivar fell, Sar'noth was destroyed by Kel'noth. Kel'noth took his place. Many of the old structures of the fallen kingdom were re purposed to produce new abominations and creations from the countless dead of the kingdom.   As of current scholars and theorists, none are certain of Kel'noth had any other goals other then to wipe the slate clean of life and all its inhabitants. For some time progress was made towards this goal till it was pushed to a halt by the nascent order of Sunshield. Several attempts were made to break the evergrowing fortress of Sunshield. All of which being repulsed in a dogged defense. However his most successful attack on the fortress forced the defenders to go on the attack. In a desperate assault a small force of volunteers breached the tower of Noth, and once famed knight-commander Varin was able to slay and destroy Kel'noth. But not before being cursed to take his place.   Varin did his best to retain his mortality, and who he was. But after the order abandoned the region and retreated back to Sunshield, the noble cleric remained alone in the hope of keeping peace and perhaps giving the dead a chance to finally rest. However, the curse of the Kel'noth ravaged not only his body, but his mind and soul. As his body withered and changed, his mind too changed, and eventually his very soul fell to the corruption. Varin became Var'noth.   However it is believed that there is a small fraction of his former self still struggling to hold the undead attacks have seemed to happen on a predictable schedule. Giving breathing time for the order to recover after each attack. The lands of Var'noth have been oddly fortified during this time. Many scholars asking. Is he trying to keep people from coming in...or make it difficult for his forces to sally out.   The hordes of his undead legions are often commanded by more creative and sentient leadership. But it is known that they still lack free will to disobey their orders.
Government System
Thanatocracy / Necrocracy


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