Rebirth, the 1st Word of the Seven-Part Name Spell in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Rebirth, the 1st Word of the Seven-Part Name


REBIRTH is the 1st Word of the 7-Part Word for the whole of creation, what we call the Yggtree. As the name implies, learning REBIRTH allows one to be reborn upon death into a new body. Learning REBIRTH is akin to reaching a state of enlightenment here in the land of the living and grants the Name Learner a metaphysical wheel that not only facilitates the act of reincarnation but also bestows a technique called the 'Noble Eightfold Path'.
  1. Right View: This ability allows the user to see through illusions and perceive the true nature of reality, including hidden truths and secrets.
  2. Right Intention: This ability grants the user the power to manifest their desires and intentions, as well as the ability to influence the thoughts and intentions of others.
  3. Right Speech: This ability allows the user to manipulate language and communication, including the ability to speak any language, communicate telepathically, and even bend others to their will through the power of suggestion.
  4. Right Action: This ability grants the user superhuman strength, agility, and speed, as well as the ability to perform incredible feats of physical prowess.
  5. Right Livelihood: This ability allows the user to generate wealth and resources through any means necessary, including the ability to manipulate markets and control entire industries.
  6. Right Effort: This ability grants the user near-limitless stamina and resilience, allowing them to push themselves to their physical and mental limits without tiring or giving up.
  7. Right Mindfulness: This ability grants the user heightened awareness and intuition, as well as the ability to perceive the thoughts and emotions of others.
  8. Right Concentration: This ability allows the user to enter into deep states of concentration and focus, granting them incredible mental powers such as telekinesis, telepathy, and the ability to perceive and manipulate the fabric of reality itself.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Reincarnation: The user is capable of surviving and escaping death by being reborn in the body of another or possessing a body that was just born. If they reincarnate by possessing another body, they gain the physical capabilities of the host, but also the drawbacks and potentially the social connections as well. If they reincarnate by being reborn in a new body, their original powers may be radically changed in strength, or they may end up with new powers. The user is also capable of copying their original consciousness and sending it into another body.
  • Resurrection Rebirth: Users can enter a permanent state of rebirth upon resurrection; in death, users are reborn into a newer, better, and more enhanced version of themselves, when they are being resurrected as their entire existence is redefined, during the process, any and all characteristics and features of their existence (body, mind, soul, abilities, nature, parameters, properties, aspects, etc.) can increasing their traits, capabilities and even enhance them completely. Upon their resurrection users achieves an entirely new level of existence that is well improved with various corrections that unlock a superior form with the enhancements of their latent potential with gifted supernatural abilities, power, and mastery, alongside the skill they may already possess. The nature of one’s rebirth is dependent on what source that resurrected them, which grants new powers and adjustments to enhance themselves that’s bound to the source, changing their status and physiology based on the nature behind the source of power (divine, magical, spiritual, scientific, etc) that brought them back in the first place.
  • Resurrection: The user can bring oneself and others back to life. While this power is similar to necromancy in that it raises the dead, resurrection is different in that it fully restores a creature's body, mind, and soul to full health while reanimation only creates undead with varying cognitive functions.
  • Recovery Manipulation: The user can manipulate different processes of recovery and restoration, such as the rate of it, doing so only partially, etc.


The Avatar that embodies the word Rebirth is Misjun, the Divine Mother. Misjun is often depicted as a Nymph surrounded by her Eternal Maidens in a forest. When a Name Learner has understood and gathered the Word Rebirth they receive a halo around their head, the Crown of Eden, which depicts a great oak tree within a triangle.


The Word REBIRTH is obtained by studying the Way od Edin, the religion of MISJUN, one of the Avatars of ISHIN (SEE The Seven-Part Name of ISHIN), and the embodiment of the word REBIRTH. The source of this power comes from Understanding and embracing MISJUN and her passion, which is just another part of ISHIN's reflection.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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