The Demon Lancelot, Beholder of the Word Legendary Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

The Demon Lancelot, Beholder of the Word Legendary

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

The Right Hand of Arthur that Remains Visible, Lancelot Hébras

Physical Description

Special abilities

The user can utilize the Sword Arts, a specialized system of techniques based on blade-based power. There are various types of powerful weapons that can grant their users supernatural abilities; however, properly wielding them to bring about desirable effects can still take considerable training and study, natures (anti-power, shapeshifting, etc.) and origins (divine, demonic, spiritual, elemental, etc.). By undergoing specialized training, one can learn to wield this weaponized power to exhibit skills and techniques ranging from enhanced physical ability to energy manipulation to healing. Inherited Magical Technique in the Lineage of Benwick. The Word Legendary allows a Learner of Names "To succeed beyond one's limits and aspire for Glory Everlasting", but what exactly does this mean? To become Legendary is to transcend the physical cosmos and exist in the stories Skálds sing for ages to come. Namely, this Word allows you to surpass previous limits and strive for even greater heights, whatever that looks like for you. The effect of learning the Word Legendary is to die twice; once when they bury you in the dirt, and again the last time someone mentions your name. Limitation Transcendence; The user can overcome their limitations/weaknesses, whether personal, from their species, or inherent to their other powers, becoming either more resistant or completely immune to said weaknesses/limitations.

Specialized Equipment

The Swords of Sir Lancelot

Lancelot was a master of sword arts and possessed a great number of them, the primary ones will be elaborated on here.
  • Secace & Seure; twin magical long swords created by Lancelot's foster mother Vivien, given as a gift to mark his transition into adulthood. They conduct magical energy well enough but are meant as ceremonial blades, too pretty to damage in battle.
  • Arondight: The sword counter to the legendary Excalibur is Arondight, forged at the same time in Avalon by Ygraine the Witch-Queen for King Uther Pendragon, the 1st Dragon Lord. However, Uther found the Falchion blade undesirable. It was later imparted to Lancelot after he defended Avalon from an Angelic invasion during the Great war.
  • Coreiseuse: The weapon Coreiseuse was the personal sword of Lancelot's father, a Zweihänder of impressive size. The weapon had seen true horror during the many wars and tragedies it was used in.
  • Joyeuse, the Blade of Benwick: Joyeuse is the symbol of power for the Kings and Queens of the House of Benwick, wielded by them for generations, starting with Emperor Charlemagne who founded the Hébras lineage. The weapon was inherited by Lancelot when his father King Ban released the throne and named him Heir. Joyeuse is a Claymore-style blade that multiplies the magical power of its user.
  • Regal Blade Rurik: a Regal blade previously owned by the former Hébras Master of Arms, Sword Saint Sarasvati Vyas. She taught Lancelot the basics and swordcraft with this blade and it was his after he finally defeated her.

The Ring of Dispell

A magical ring that was given to Lancelot in addition to the twin swords Secace & Seure. The ring dispels any and all enchantments cast on Lancelot on command, or any enchantment he can sense. Lancelot made great use of it to detect illusions and slay creatures that were not always what they seemed.
  • Concorde
Concorde is a Phantom Steed from the Fields of Basil. It is an impressively fast creature with six legs.

Mental characteristics


As a child, the Nymph Vivien taught Lancelot the ways of Magic, this education was completed under the care of his father's concubine, Lady Raphaëlle de Maris, earning the title of Eight Arts Mage. The Skáld Elmo Weiss taught Lancelot the ways of Science, Philosophy, Arithmetic, Poetry, and Alchemy, in the same manner, his Lord Father was educated. Lancelot's most influential training came from his family's Master of Arms, Sword Saint Sarasvati Vyas, who instructed him on how to maximize his natural talent for the blade. Sarasvati was one of the greatest sparring partners Lancelot had, her craft was completed when the Prince bested her in combat and was rewarded with her Regal Blade, Rurik, as a mark of his skill.


Family Ties

  • Ban Hébras (Lord Father)
  • Vivian (Lady Mother)
  • Hector de Maris (Half-Brother)
Prince Lancelot and his favorite half-brother Prince Hector retired their Lord Father and claimed the throne for themselves, with King Lancelot ruling and his faithful brother as his right hand. Lancelot drove away his father's worship of The Holy Order and returned their people to The Church of the Golden Vow in their faith.
  • Elaine St. Belmont (Lady Wife)
  • Galahad Hébras (First Born, Son of Lancelot & Blood of Elaine)
  • Lanzelel Hébras (Second Born, Son of Lancelot & Blood of Elaine)
  • Lanceline Hébras (Third Born, Daughter of Lancelot & Blood of Elaine)
  • Eleanor Hébras (Fourth Born, Daughter of Lancelot & Blood of Elaine)
The divine and beautiful Lady Elaine of House St. Belmont was wed to Lord Lancelot after his rape by her hand, having disguised herself as his secret lover, Lady Guinevere. Their firstborn was Prince Galahad and would have three more regal children, Prince Lanzelel, and the Princesses, Lanceline and Eleanor.
  • Guinevere Cameliardes (Lover)
  • Leodegrance Cameliardes II (Son, Baseborn out of Wedlock)

Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • King of Benwick
  • Legendary Round Table Knight
  • The Right Hand of Arthur Remains Visible
Bright Piercing Blue
Long Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cream / White
250 Lbs.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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