Xothians, the Star Spawn of Cthulhu

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford
The Xothians, descendants of the Ythogthan Star Spawn, have risen from the ashes of enslavement to forge an honorable and stoic society. Rooted in a history of rebellion and liberation, they cherish honor as a guiding principle, upholding integrity, loyalty, and courage. Xothian culture revolves around Clan structures, where the Clan Head holds authority, ancestral worship is revered, and the obligation to maintain Clan honor is paramount. Their reproduction mirrors that of octopuses, with an emphasis on caring for their young. With an extended lifespan and the ability to enter Torpor, a state of reduced activity, the Xothians have developed a deep appreciation for diversity and unity. They strive to dismantle prejudices and foster inclusivity, embracing the lessons of their past while shaping a future rooted in justice and acceptance.

Basic Information


Genetics and Reproduction


The Xothians, an extraordinary species drawing inspiration from the sea creatures of octopuses, possess a unique genetic makeup and a remarkable reproductive process. In this chapter, we delve into the fascinating world of Xothian genetics and reproduction, exploring their distinct mechanism of chromosomal duplication and the nurturing care they provide for their young.  

Section 1: Chromosomal Duplication - The Foundation of Xothian Genetics

1.1. The Absence of Sex-Determining Chromosomes

Unlike many other species, Xothians lack distinct sex-determining chromosomes. Instead, they rely on a remarkable process known as chromosomal duplication to contribute a full set of chromosomes to their offspring. This mechanism ensures that each parent plays an equal role in passing on genetic information, irrespective of gender.  

1.2. Genetic Diversity and Adaptability

Chromosomal duplication allows for a higher degree of genetic diversity among Xothians. Each parent contributes a complete set of chromosomes, resulting in offspring that inherit a diverse range of genetic traits. This genetic variability enhances their adaptability to different environments and contributes to the resilience of the Xothian species as a whole.  

Section 2: The Reproductive Cycle of the Xothians

2.1. Mating: A Dance of Connection

The Xothian reproductive cycle commences with a complex mating ritual. Male and female Xothians engage in intricate dance, entwining their tentacles and exhibiting graceful movements to communicate their readiness to reproduce. This dance serves as a crucial bond-building process between prospective mates.  

2.2. Egg-Laying: The Gift of New Life

Following successful mating, Xothians enter the egg-laying stage. The female Xothian carefully deposits a cluster of eggs, usually numbering between seven and eight, into a secure and nurturing environment. Both parents take an active role in protecting and tending to the eggs, ensuring their survival and development.  

2.3. Parental Care: Nurturing the Offspring

One of the remarkable traits of Xothians is their shared responsibility in caring for their young. Both the male and female Xothians engage in a dedicated and cooperative effort to safeguard the eggs. They meticulously guard the eggs against predators, provide nourishment, and maintain optimal environmental conditions for their development.  

Section 3: Reproduction and Lifespan

3.1. Limited Reproductive Cycles

Xothians have relatively low reproductive rates compared to some other species. They reproduce only 3-4 times throughout their entire lives. This limited reproductive capacity emphasizes the significance placed upon each reproductive cycle and highlights the care and attention devoted to ensuring the survival and success of their offspring.  

3.2. Extended Lifespan

Xothians are known for their long lifespans, spanning several decades. Their prolonged lifespan allows them to accumulate wisdom, experience, and deep connections with their Clans and the wider Xothian community. It also contributes to the preservation of their rich cultural heritage and the transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next.

Growth Rate & Stages


The lifespan of the enigmatic Xothians stretches far beyond the reaches of most known species. With their remarkable potential to live up to 10,000 years, they undergo a fascinating journey of growth and development. In this chapter, we delve into the stages of Xothian growth, exploring their progression from the vulnerable hatchling stage to the wisdom and maturity of adulthood.  

Stage 1: Hatchling Stage - Embracing the World

The Hatchling Stage marks the beginning of a Xothian's life. Similar to human infants, Xothian hatchlings emerge from their protective eggs, tiny and vulnerable. They possess the innate instincts necessary for basic survival, yet they rely heavily on the care and guidance of their parents and Clan. During this stage, Xothian hatchlings gradually adapt to their surroundings, learning to navigate the currents of their watery world.  

Stage 2: Juvenile Stage - Nurturing Growth and Skills

The Juvenile Stage of Xothians can be likened to the childhood and early adolescence of humans. Rapid growth characterizes this stage as young Xothians eagerly explore their environment and hone their hunting and problem-solving skills. Similar to human children, they exhibit a sense of curiosity and wonder, embarking on journeys of self-discovery. They receive guidance and instruction from their elders, absorbing the rich cultural and practical knowledge of their Clan.  

Stage 3: Subadult Stage - Discovering Independence and Identity

The Subadult Stage in Xothians can be loosely compared to the teenage years in humans. As they continue to mature physically and mentally, Xothians display an increasing desire for independence and exploration. They test the boundaries of their capabilities, pushing themselves to new limits. This stage is a critical period of self-discovery and identity formation. Subadult Xothians engage in the acquisition of vital skills, preparing themselves for the responsibilities of adulthood.  

Stage 4: Adult Stage - Embracing Wisdom and Contributing to the Future

The pinnacle of Xothian growth is the Adult Stage, equivalent to human adulthood. With the attainment of sexual maturity, adult Xothians embody the fullness of their physical size, reproductive capabilities, and developed behavioral patterns. They assume significant roles within their Clan and the wider Xothian society. Drawing upon their accumulated wisdom and experience, they contribute to the welfare and preservation of their species. In this stage, Xothians actively engage in mating and reproduction, perpetuating the cycle of life and ensuring the continuation of their honorable legacy.

Biological Cycle


In the face of challenges and adversity, the remarkable Xothians possess an extraordinary ability to enter a state of reduced activity and metabolism known as Torpor. This unique adaptation allows them to navigate periods of resource scarcity, aid in healing and recovery, and ensure the well-being of their offspring. In this chapter, we explore the intriguing phenomenon of Torpor in Xothians and its profound impact on their survival and reproductive strategies.  

Section 1: Torpor as an Energy Conservation Mechanism

1.1. Resource Scarcity and Environmental Challenges

Xothians have evolved to endure fluctuating environmental conditions, including periods of resource scarcity. During times when prey is scarce or environmental conditions become unfavorable, Xothians have the remarkable ability to enter Torpor. By reducing their activity levels and metabolic demands, they conserve precious energy reserves, enabling them to sustain themselves through challenging times until resources become more abundant.  

1.2. Preservation of Vital Resources

Torpor serves as a strategic survival mechanism, allowing Xothians to allocate limited resources efficiently. By reducing energy expenditure during periods of scarcity, they optimize their chances of survival. This adaptive behavior demonstrates the resourcefulness and resilience ingrained in the Xothian species.  

Section 2: Torpor for Healing and Recovery

2.1. The Wounded and Near-Death Xothians

When facing severe injuries or nearing death, Xothians can voluntarily enter Torpor as a last resort. By slowing down their metabolism and reducing physical activity, they conserve vital resources and buy themselves precious time for healing or receiving treatment. This state of reduced activity aids in the preservation of life, giving them a greater chance of recovery and eventual restoration.  

Section 3: Torpor in Female Xothians - Nurturing Offspring

3.1. Torpor Following Egg Laying

Female Xothians exhibit a remarkable utilization of Torpor after laying and caring for their eggs. This post-egg-laying Torpor period allows them to conserve energy during the crucial phase of guarding and protecting their eggs until they hatch. By entering this state of reduced activity and metabolic demands, they allocate more resources toward the survival and development of their offspring, ensuring their best chances of success.  

3.2. Enhancing Offspring Survival

During Torpor, female Xothians remain vigilant and protective of their eggs, even in a state of reduced activity. This nurturing behavior not only conserves the energy needed for the demanding task of guarding the eggs but also ensures that the offspring receive the utmost care and protection. The conservation of resources and focused attention on the developing eggs contribute to the overall survival and well-being of the Xothian offspring.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Xothian social structure is built upon three pillars that shape their familial dynamics and societal cohesion. These pillars encompass the authority of the Clan Head, the reverence for ancestors through worship, and the obligation to uphold the honor of the Clan. Together, they form the foundation upon which the Xothian family system and society are rooted.
  • Authority of the Clan Head: Within the Xothian Clan, the role of the Clan Head is of paramount importance. Traditionally entrusted to the eldest member of the Clan, the Clan Head assumes the highest authority and holds the responsibility of making crucial decisions on behalf of the entire family. Their wisdom, experience, and understanding of the Clan's history and values guide their leadership. The Clan Head's decisions are aimed at preserving the unity, prosperity, and well-being of the Clan, ensuring the continuation of its legacy.
  • Ancestor Worship: An essential aspect of Xothian family life is the profound reverence for ancestors through the practice of ancestor worship. Xothian families maintain sacred spaces within their homes, adorned with ancestral altars or shrines. These altars serve as a focal point for offerings, prayers, and expressions of gratitude to deceased relatives. Ancestor worship allows the Xothians to honor their ancestral lineage, seek guidance from their forebearers, and maintain a deep spiritual connection with their roots. It is believed that the wisdom and protection of the ancestors continue to bless and safeguard the present generation.
  • Obligation to Maintain Clan Honor: The Xothian family system places a strong emphasis on the preservation of Clan honor. Every member of the Clan is bound by an unspoken code of conduct that prioritizes maintaining the reputation and integrity of the family. Xothians believe that their actions reflect not only on themselves but also on the entire Clan. Thus, behaviors that may bring shame or dishonor to the Clan are discouraged and considered a betrayal of the collective. Upholding Clan honor involves demonstrating integrity, loyalty, courage, and adherence to the shared values that have shaped their identity.
These three pillars intertwine to form a cohesive and harmonious Xothian social structure. The authority of the Clan Head ensures wise decision-making and the smooth functioning of the Clan. Ancestor worship fosters a deep sense of connection to their roots and the guidance of those who came before them. The obligation to maintain Clan's honor reinforces the importance of individual actions that positively contribute to the collective reputation of the Clan.
In the Xothian society, the interplay of these pillars cultivates a profound sense of identity, belonging, and shared purpose. The Clan is not merely a unit of blood relations but a collective entity driven by a commitment to the values, traditions, and aspirations that define them. The Xothians find strength, guidance, and inspiration in their family system, honoring their ancestors, upholding the authority of the Clan Head, and actively working towards preserving the honor and dignity of their collective identity.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

I. Language as a Reflection of Nature's Rhythm

The Xothians perceive themselves as children of the ocean, and their names strive to capture the fluidity and grace of the sea. Just as waves rise and fall, their language undulates in a captivating symphony, as if carrying the echoes of the ocean itself. Their names become a melodic reflection of the ebb and flow of life, blending harmoniously with the rhythm of the tides.  

II. Phonetics and Sonorous Patterns

Xothian names are composed of a unique arrangement of phonetic sounds, carefully chosen to create a mesmerizing effect. Vowels and consonants interweave effortlessly, replicating the melody of undulating waves. Long, sonorous vowels dominate their naming structure, while softer consonants lend a whisper-like quality, reminiscent of the gentle sea breeze caressing the shores.  

III. Syllabic Patterns and Rhythmic Balance

Syllabic patterns in Xothian names are meticulously crafted to maintain a rhythmic equilibrium, just as the ocean sways in perfect balance. The number of syllables varies, but an underlying harmony persists throughout. The names may begin with a strong syllable, gradually crescendo, and then diminish into a gentle cadence, mirroring the rise and fall of the sea's grand symphony.   Example Xothian names;
  • Isalind
  • Oceara
  • Thalvian
  • Meridia
  • Evandor
  • Seraphine
  • Aqualis
  • Lyriantha
  • Calypso
  • Zephyrus
  • Marisande
  • Aeoliana
  • Aquelius
  • Valeria
  • Solstice
  • Meliora
  • Nauticus
  • Lyraina
  • Sirenia
  • Eiridian

Gender Ideals

The brutal war with God-Emperor Ythogtha forever reshaped the Xothian society, eradicating gender distinctions and fostering a culture of unity, respect, and shared responsibilities. The Xothians, having witnessed the strength that emerges from collective action, have embraced an egalitarian system where gender ideals hold no sway. They celebrate the unique qualities of each individual, recognizing that their combined strength lies in the diversity and unity of their society. Through their gender-neutral approach, the Xothians have forged a path forward, where harmony and equality prevail, ensuring a prosperous future for their honorable species.

Courtship Ideals

I. Clan-Centric Perspective

Xothian courtship is seen through a lens that extends beyond individual desires. The elders of each Clan carefully consider the compatibility and mutual benefit that arise from potential unions. Their primary focus is to ensure the long-term stability, prosperity, and growth of the Clan as a whole. By taking a clan-centric perspective, courtships are managed in a way that aligns with the greater goals of their species.  

II. Wisdom of the Elders

The elders, revered for their experience and wisdom, hold a central role in guiding courtships. Their deep understanding of Xothian traditions, values, and the intricacies of their society enables them to make informed decisions. Through careful observation and thoughtful consideration, the elders discern potential matches that are likely to bring about harmony, mutual growth, and shared purpose within the Clan.  

III. Long-Term Commitment

Xothian courtships are not ephemeral affairs; they are intended to foster lasting commitments. The elders consider the potential for a deep, enduring bond between partners, one that can withstand the tests of time. By prioritizing long-term commitment, the elders ensure the stability and continuity of the Clan, allowing future generations to benefit from the strong foundations established through these unions.
Xothian courtship ideals transcend individual desires and embrace a clan-centric perspective, managed by the wise elders of each Clan. Through their careful guidance, courtships are orchestrated to promote compatibility, mutual growth, and the long-term well-being of both individuals and the Clan as a whole. The Xothians understand that harmonious relationships nurtured under the watchful eye of the elders serve as the cornerstone of a prosperous society. By prioritizing the greater good, the Xothians ensure that courtships not only benefit the individuals involved but also contribute to the continued strength and resilience of their honorable species.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The history of the Xothians is one of transformation and resilience. Formerly known as the Ythogthan Star Spawn, they were enslaved by their God Emperor Ythogtha and denied recognition as sentient beings worthy of respect. However, a rebellion led by a mutant faction resulted in their emancipation and the birth of the Xothians. Today, their culture reflects the indomitable spirit that secured their freedom, as well as their ongoing journey toward honor, justice, and acceptance.

I. Honor as a Guiding Principle

Honor is deeply ingrained in the fabric of Xothian culture. Rooted in their struggle for liberation, the Xothians hold steadfast principles of integrity, loyalty, and courage. They revere acts of bravery and uphold the value of keeping one's word. Honor extends beyond personal reputation and encompasses a collective commitment to upholding justice and fairness within their society.
Within the Xothian culture, honor is not merely a concept, but a way of life. Vows and promises hold a sacred significance among the Xothians, as they recognize the power and importance of one's word. Taking a vow or making a promise is a solemn commitment that carries great weight and is expected to be upheld with unwavering dedication.
When a Xothian makes a vow or a promise, it is viewed as an unbreakable bond, and the consequences of breaking such commitments can be severe. Xothians understand that trust and integrity are the foundation of their society, and any breach of trust undermines the fabric of their communal values. Being known as an Oathbreaker is considered a grave stain on one's character within Xothian society. It is a mark of dishonor and a betrayal of the collective values they hold dear. The Xothians, as a community, rely on the trustworthiness and reliability of each individual to maintain the harmony and cohesiveness of their society.  

II. Warrior Pride and Martial Traditions

The Xothians' journey to freedom demanded a fierce warrior spirit, which remains a prominent aspect of their culture. They take pride in their martial heritage, valuing physical and mental strength, discipline, and resilience. Martial training and combat skills continue to be revered but are now channeled toward the defense and protection of their society rather than aggression or conquest. The Xothians find solace and identity in their warrior traditions, acknowledging the sacrifices made by their ancestors.  

III. Embracing the Tapestry of Diversity: A Shift Away from Eugenics in Xothian Culture

Within the ever-evolving Xothian society, a profound transformation is taking place as they leave behind the remnants of eugenics and wholeheartedly embrace the beauty of diversity. The Xothians, while cherishing their shared history and core values, have come to recognize the crucial importance of inclusivity and unity. Their society is undergoing a significant shift, with a growing acceptance of mutants who fall outside the confines of their own genetic makeup. This paradigm shift is driven by a genuine desire to foster a culture that celebrates the unique perspectives and contributions of individuals, regardless of their mutations.
The Xothians are actively dismantling the barriers of prejudice that once separated them, replacing them with a profound sense of belonging and respect for all members of their society. Efforts are being made to cultivate a genuine appreciation for the tapestry of diversity that now characterizes their community. No longer bound by the limited perspective of eugenics, the Xothians have come to understand that true strength lies in the collective wisdom and collective experiences of their diverse populace.  

IV. Harmonizing Tradition and Reform

Xothian culture represents a delicate balance between tradition and reform. They honor their past and the struggles that shaped them, while actively adapting to the changing world. Cultural reforms seek to align their values with contemporary ideals of equality, acceptance, and progress. The Xothians understand that evolution is essential for their continued growth as a society while remaining rooted in the core principles that define their honorable heritage.


Long ago, Yaldabaoth the Demiurge created the Archons to create and maintain the infinite Multiverses within the Greater Multiverses. Of them was Cthulhu, the High Priest of the Great Old Ones, an Archon of low rank as a Herald to the Great Old Ones, the first of the Archons to be born. Cthulhu would lay with Idh-Yaa, an Old God of Monsters who bore him four deities, Ghatanothoa, the Thing on the Mount, Ythogtha, the Thing in the Pit, Zoth-Ommog, the Thing in the Depths, and Cthylla, the Thing up High. They were known as The Cthulhi and were the masters of the 5th offspring from Idh-Yaa, the Star Spawn.
The Xothians were a slave race for The Cthulhi who led an old war on the Multiverse, conquering Realms to spread their influence. However, circa 3019 δράκων, Hasadiah, the Second Name of God would defeat and kill Idh-Yaa, and by the time The Holy Order was established, what remained of the Star Spawn were divided among the Cthulhi in various capacity. The Ghatanothoan Star Spawn maintained a cult-like following of their deity, offering it entire planets and Realms to feast on lest it consumes them. The Ythogthan Star Spawn had freed themselves from their Master and imprisoned Ythogtha inside a bottomless pit. The whole of their society was devoted to keeping the ever-adapting deity imprisoned. The Zoth-Ommogian Star Spawn prays eternally in his infinite dimension for the return of Cthulhu, singing the Song of the Deep for the entire cosmos to hear. Finally is the Cthyllan Star Spawn, the free Spawn, who was abandoned by their Master Cthylla shortly after the death of Idh-Yaa. Left to their own devices they have developed the most advanced society of the Xothians and are the most well-known.
The Cthyllan Star Spawn was a thriving society until the Death of God, circa 1003730 χάρη, when their Master, Cthylla, revealed herself as one of the 12 Traitor Apostles, responsible for planning the death of Hasadiah. Cthylla commanded her slaves to raise arms against the Holy Order and gain a devastating military advantage when they successfully laid siege to High Garden in Midgard. However, they were ultimately wiped out by the Archangels, led by St. Michael who re-took High Garden and glassed all the Realms the Cthyllan Star Spawn held. The remaining were commanded to wage war on the Angels forever until they were killed.
The Ghatanothoan Star Spawn could not sustain Ghatanothoa's immense appetite forever and by the time Sir Edouard Celiandet V, Son of Lord Ywain & a bearer of Let There be There Light, and his Knights happened upon the cult, it was no more, all that remained was Ghatanothoa and his hunger. Sir Edouard and his knights waged war on Ghatanothoa for 17 years straight, and in the end, Ghatanothoa was defeated. Sir Edouard V forced the mindless deity to submit to his will and banished it into a blade, the Mounted Great Sword, which now possessed power equal to its prisoner.
As one may guess, only the Ythogthan Star Spawn truly made it out alive, in every sense of the word. They had developed a genetic mutation allowing them to disobey their Masters, they purged their population of any who did not share this mutation and devoted their entire existence to imprisoning Ythogtha. This forced them to continue to develop new technology as Ythogtha could learn to adapt to any Phenomenon and constantly tried to bend his slaves back to his will with his mental capabilities. They developed technology to subdue beings such as Ythogtha and finally rid themselves of his existence, carving up his immense body to study him further, all but his heart. That was separated into 53 magical orbs, each one possessing immense power, and given to the greatest warriors of their race. From the bones of Ythogtha the Abomination Blades were cast, immense colossal swords so dense and so heavy that only the 53 blessed warriors could wield them. From his flesh, the Pit Armor sets were molded, living bio-material that merged with the host and continued to adapt to any new Phenomenon with an expansive past memory to boot. This armor would corrupt any other, too vile and defiled for any but the 53 honored warriors.
The Ythogthan Star Spawn renamed themselves the True Xothians and partook in the great and terrible War in Heaven. They came to side with The Order of the Dragon's Head and were crucial in imprisoning the 7 Deadly Sins, hunting down many of the Apostles, and severing the link between the Domain of Zoth-Ommog and the rest of the multiverse, so that their Song of the Deep may never disturb the dreams of Mortals or Gods ever again. However, their greatest feat was the Defeat of Master Cthylla, who had re-emerged bearing a great and horrible child fathered by Judas Iscariot. In another time and another place mayhaps, she could have bent the True Xothians to her whim, and they too would have been a footnote in her history. But they vowed to never be slaves again and were a proud warrior race with the power to defend themselves, a fact Cthylla learned all too well. While not killed, she was gravely wounded by ten of the 53 sacred Warriors;
  1. Galathar the Eternal, the Immortal Champion
  2. Xerathion the Unbroken, Lord of the Endless Void
  3. Morgath the Undying, Master of the Blackened Flame
  4. Zephyrus the Swift, Windrider of the Celestial Skies
  5. Lyzara the Radiant, Angelic Queen of the Golden Sun
  6. Valtor the Shadowed, Assassin of the Blood Moon
  7. Drakor the Ironclad, Defender of the Iron Fortress
  8. Azura the Mystic, High Priestess of the Arcane Order
  9. Thorgar the Thunderous, Hammer of the Storm Giants
  10. Nerathia the Enchantress, Weaver of Dreams and Nightmares
Cthylla, for the first time in her life, was forced to retreat from beings she considered incest, and, to her ultimate humiliation, was forced to abandon her newborn child. The True Xothians took the child into their custody and it eventually became KRAKENIUS the Conqueror, King of the Depths, founder of House Poseidon, and the True King of True Xothians. KRAKENIUS led his people out of the Great War and was crucial in establishing them as a superpower among the Asgardians, earning the favor of Godwyn the All-Knowing and a place for their Realm in Ásgard, Enclosure of the Æsir.

Historical Figures

  • KRAKENIUS the Conqueror, King of the Depths, founder of House Poseidon, and the True King of True Xothians
  • Emperor Sutoku, the Dishonored Son of House Yamato & One of the Three Great Vengeful Spirits
  • Sylvaris the Wavechaser: A renowned Xothian warrior and leader who played a pivotal role in the liberation of their species from the clutches of Ythogtha, embodying the honorable and stoic ideals of the Xothian culture.
  • Orion Tide-Charter was a legendary Xothian explorer and navigator who embarked on daring voyages across uncharted waters, mapping unknown territories and discovering new realms, expanding the horizons of Xothian knowledge.

Common Myths and Legends

  • The Legend of Ythogtha's Fall: A legendary tale of the Xothians' triumph over their tyrannical God-Emperor Ythogtha, highlighting their struggle for freedom and their collective strength in overcoming oppression.
  • The Song of the Serene Abyss: A haunting melody sung by Xothian bards, believed to possess mystical powers that calm the turbulent seas and bring peace to the hearts of those who listen.
  • The Fable of the Harmonious Clan: A moral tale emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation among Xothian Clans, showcasing how their shared values and collaborative efforts can lead to prosperity and harmony.
  • The Enchanted Pearl: A captivating legend of a mythical pearl that possesses extraordinary healing properties, sought after by Xothian healers and adventurers alike, believed to hold the secrets of rejuvenation and vitality.
  • The Dance of the Bioluminescent Veil: A mesmerizing tale of a mythical ritual performed by Xothian warriors before a battle, where they don luminescent veils, said to grant them enhanced agility and heightened senses, ensuring victory on the battlefield.
Scientific Name
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Mollusca, Class: Cephalopoda, Order: Octopoda, Family: Xothidae, Genus: Xothia, Species: Honorus (Explanation: The species name Honorus is derived from their strong emphasis on honor and their history of struggle for liberation)

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.