Pietr Reborn

Lord Pietr Reborn

Pietr was born a Tiefling shame to a wealthy Waterdhavian family, Pietr set out to make something of himself to prove his worth to his Grandmother, the matriarch of the family. Now Pietr finds himself a Tabaxi in a strange land.   His efforts to become a paladin were not enough, nor was his part in recovering a lost wealth to the City of Waterdeep and freeing a gold dragon. Not even his heroics in the dangerous dungeon below the City could make Grandmother approve. But he was beginning to find out why, and how she might share in his shame. Unfortunately, he woke up one day in chains in a new world, with no real idea how he got there, although a mad mage may have had something to do with it.   Now Pietr is fighting the good fight for House Ummo, along with old companions and new. Their secretive patron, a silver dragon, has provided what guidance she can on the apparent prophecy surrounding their group that gives grave warning of their futures. But they have set sail to confront that future, and time will tell what comes of it.

Born a Tiefling shame to a wealthy Waterdhavian family, Pietr set out to make something of himself to prove his worth to his Grandmother, the matriarch of the family. Now Pietr finds himself a Tabaxi in a strange land.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Grey with white accents
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
195 lbs

Session 7 - Preparations to Explore

April 10, 2022 I arrived late.   All I missed was some shopping and Espy getting into the library.   Pietr gets his pegasus tack set up and started making.   We dine at the villa and are entertained by Ummo Kyo. Next day Vedemis spoke with Ummo Masaki about the City of Glass which is a topic that has always bothered her, why was the curse so potent for such a not-important town.   Pietr spoke with Jokku about the house network and got an item that allows a sending once a week. We discussed the network of agents, whom are in most capitals with the exception of Tysdia and Silavere (at war). There are agents in the coastal free cities. Then spent the rest of the day learning the politics of the other nations.   The next day Pietr went drinking Kyo and wakes up on the roof of the Villa the next day less 60 gp.   Espy finds out about a Khalassian princess (Jianvieve Benoit Kh'alasse, the last Princess of Kh'alassia) with ties to a mask who Rhys finds out took out a book about the nexus tower. This further tied to rumours that Vedemis found of a potential portal in the City of Glass.   The book was called the Lady of the Tower. Espy has the following visions:   An older woman in her 80's dressed in simple adventuring garb, bedecked in jewels worth a sizeable fortune, sitting calmly with a book on her lap. The Lady of the Tower. The mask closed inside like a bookmark. The door to her chambers bursts open, and Leondrim guards arrest her.   A flash forward to the non-male members of the Royal Family, weeping and protesting, being shoved inside a circular stone room inside one of the towers together, the old woman with the book touches the mask and channels for a moment, and a spectral double of herself appears in the room, and walks over to the others to provide comfort. The actual old woman puts the mask on, and fades completely from view.   The door opens once more and Ffelyani Evokers enter the room, and the invisible old woman slips out while her double remains inside. The evokers shape their spells to exclude each other, and unleash a torrent of Fireballs on the room, as the masked and invisible old lady slips away down the stairs.   One last vision, Princess Jianvieve dressed as a commoner, on a ship heading east from He'shabha in flames. She removes the mask from the book, raises it and waves it as though in farewell to the city, and a breeze snatches it out of her hand, and carries the mask back to the city, while the Princess gives a smile, looks through the vision directly into Espy's eyes, and gives a wink, before fading from view.   When the visions fade, the mask moves in Espy's hand, winks at her, then goes limp.   The next day, we learn at the library the princess is from Tysdia, Veylpasha Keep.   Knowledge about the book is that it was written by a halfling noble about fairy tales written during her time in the nexus tower.   Some politics occur between House Alvar and House Ummo with Bespia now succeeding as Lady of the house Alvar and marrying Ummo Kyo. Gomke is now the navigator of the Silver Swan and House Alvar gets a 30% cut of the earnings.   The next day we cast legend lore on the princess.   Princess Jianvieve was the Princess who was not a Princess. Daughter of Mask, she stole her own identity, killing the woman who had been the Princess before her. She stole the immortality of an elf through her Father's devices. She lives now, but can never be found. She is a Vampire Lord who stole Immunity to the Sun And she knows you have asked of her. She stole the Seed of the Tower from the City of Glass, and sold the City of He'shabha to the Invading Ffelyani. Daughter of Chaos, seek her not, or on your own heads be your doom.   Then we cast legend lore on the book. The Lady of the Tower was a book written by Dame Adaire, halfling sorceress who took possession of the legendary Nexus Tower where last it was raised. She was from a place called Tol Vehara. Her party used the Tower for Good, not knowing that the Tower was capable of War. The Book contains secrets few can see, let alone understand. There are only six copies known to exist... one for each plane linked by the Cubic Gate -- the Seed of the Tower. The Lady of the Tower has been split into three parts. One to the far south amid the mango groves, One to the far north, in frozen Esh. And one to the top of High Demedras.   While out brokering prices for cargo, we see a group: an half-elf arcanist, human fighter type, human female bard in fur trimmed boots, humanoid rabbit in camo vestments. They are of the flagship trading company flying the flag of Tysdia.

Session 6 - Meeting the Patron

March 27, 2022 We picked back up shopping. Rhys got a Bardic Instrument (Bandalore) and an Amulet of Health. Umlilo got a Wand of War Mage +2 and a Bag of Holding. Vedemis got a Sentient Moon Bow and Slippers of Spider Climbing. Espy got a Brooch of Shielding. Pietr got a Cloak of Protection, Stone of Good Luck, and Heward’s Handy Haversack.   Umlilo then visited the War Mage tower and got the spell Teleport Circle. Vedemis and Espy went to the Shadow Monk Monastery. We learn the Library access is costly and elaborate. Rhys goes cruising Inn’s. Pietr tails Espy.   At dusk on the third day, Khepkhusha will come to the Villa and collect the party. She will introduce herself simply as Sister Ummo of the Shadow Monks, and she will ask that the party accompany her, then she will bring them to the palace gardens of the Suzerain court, and from there south into the market square where the shops are closed or closing for the night. Then she will lead them out of the eastern gates of the city to the settlement beyond the walls, and to a non-descript house there, where she will open a secret door in the parlor and lead them down a secret set of stairs, to a small but well-stocked library of some kind filled with scrolls written in Ffelyani Court Calligraphy. There is a formal zen garden of white sand with a small stone dais in the center, open to the sky through a sub-level to an overgrown and poorly-kept garden above. Sitting there on the dais is Evyzarraxxa, in katarzi (Tabaxi) form, looking very similar to Khepkhusha's draconic bloodline manifestations. Evyzarraxxa wears a veil (minor abjuration magic) even when dealing with the party, and takes care not to meet their eyes so as not to Glamour them accidentally. "Greetings, Travelers. I am Evyzarraxxa, your house's Patron. You may look upon me without fear, I mean you no harm."   Khepkhusha gives a small laugh and says as an aside, "She means she will not Glamour you, or make you Dragonbound. At least, not intentionally. Sometimes my Master does not realize how the speech of Drakes can come across to we mere mortals. Still, best not to stare directly into her eyes as she is one of the more powerful dragons, and you would not be the first to accidentally find yourselves Bound to her." Evyzarraxxa blinks in surprise as Khepkhusha speaks, then gives a small chuckle. "Yes, my Voice does well to remind me I am among the lesser races." She then looks directly at Rhys and says, "But you seem to have nothing to fear, Silvereyes. Kryptikos saw to that, though why he didn't similarly ward all of the rest is curious. Did he mean to make you a better servant, or a worse one? I wonder. "Well, no matter. I do not like to lead my servants through Compulsion, but rather take those who willingly agree to serve me. You all had a choice to enter Service to me and my agents or not. Still, since you are immune to the Glamour of Dragonkind, I may have specific use for you in the future, although dragons dislike moving directly against others of our kind, of course." "Now, speaking of the Horizon Lord, I understand you bring a Seeing from Lady Alvar. Let's take a listen and see what your role is to be, shall we?" Evyzarraxxa screws up her mouth and gives a little harrumph. "Typical oracular cadence. Ambivalence with a dash of self-importance and any number of possible meanings. " She sighs. "Well, let us consider some things that are obvious. The first stanza speaks of you coming here. Either you were found on the beach by a mortal weaver, or Moiraea the Goddess was involved in your transit.   "Naught but silver binding you... well, you Chose that path already. Either service to me, a silver dragon queen, or service to silver coins of a mercenary's existence here. So the first stanza would seem to be mostly about the past, and choices made. "The second stanza is a set of instructions for what you need to do. Or rather, a lack of instructions. You are to be given your lead to make what choices you would as a group, and follow your own advisement. At least for a time. Whatever choices you make, eventually you will start the 'path of dread'. And then... well, then it seems things will get interesting." "There are elements of the vision which are troubling to me, but too much is unknown. And it would seem that my role in your destiny comes much later. In the fifth stanza. 'Then silver calls and silver sees'. Assuming you still choose to remain in service to me, after you 'raise the nexus tower' I will summon you once more, and clarity on the remainder will present itself then. Perhaps before some kind of eclipse of the sun, if my initial reading of this is correct. I shall have to consult with an astologer for their ephemera of the coming years." The Dragon Queen seems troubled by something here, but keeps her own counsel. "No, Lady Alvar's vision was clear on one thing - I cannot properly advise you until you 'raise the nexus tower'. Nor can I direct you on which path to take until then. And even after then, the sixth stanza makes it clear that the results of everything will still frustratingly depend entirely on you, more's the pity. Mortals do make such complicated messes of everything. Even not knowing what exactly that 'everything' is going to be. Part of why I need to wait until later and you've established a course of action for yourselves." She sighs. " See what I mean? Standard Oracular cadence. Like any prophecy, best understood after it's happened. Well, at least Lady Alvar cleared up that you are not meant for regular service to House Ummo. I see that you wear the Coterie's Crown, but you might desire not to. If you wish, I will remove the crowns for you now. Or you may continue to wear them, as you desire. I leave the choice to you. Technically it was in my service, so 'bound by silver' could apply. But if you are uncomfortable with the binding spells used to pull you together, we can release you."   "Very well. If you have questions you would ask of me, you may do so. I am heartened by your resourcefulness and your decision to place trust in the extended allies of this House. Know that I will tolerate no evil within House Ummo nor any of her extended business dealings. Remember that for yourselves."   Then she borrowed Vedemis’ new bow and told it that it was bound to her much the same as he is. If it disobeyed, she’d find it and the 8 others and obliterate them.   On the way back to the Villa, as you pass out of the northern edge of the Market Square there seems to be a lot of activity going on over the palace walls and around the statue of the Empress in the small park up the hill overlooking the center of the city. Khepkhusha is looking up at the bustle quizzically when on one end of the outer walls of the Suzerain Palace, one crew unfurls a long banner of white with a border of light gray with an upside-down crown on the bottom point of the pennant. As it falls into place with a snap, another banner of matching design is lowered from another segment of the wall, and a crew from behind the statue maneuvers a white covering with an upside down crown design over the head of the statue of the Empress. Khepkhusha gives a horrified gasp, and falls to her knees, reaching out toward the banner. A low keening wail escapes from her lips, cutting the night air, and it very quickly is taken up by others in the market square taking evening strolls. From the heights near the villa and the monastery on the heights on the western edge of town, mournful gongs begin to toll in a slow beat, and all around the city sounds of wailing and grief flood the night sky. Khepkhusha rends the neckline of her monk's halter top, and lowers her face into the dust, ugly crying in a most shocking display. But she is not alone. Every Ffelyani, even the mionnim Attendants, adopt similar poses, some clutching to each other in grief, and looking up at the lit display of the palace, as from every wall and every height, the same white banner with the inverted crown falls into place, and the Imperial Guards take up active watch with lanterns and light spells fixed on the banners, faces stoic. Khepkhusha walks on her knees over to the side of the paved road and grabs fistfuls of dirt which she wets from her tears (and a quick slosh from her waterskin on the ground hidden by her hunched body), and she rubs the muddy mess all across her face and arms, tears quickly cutting tracks of grief down her face. In Pietr's ear comes a whispered message, "The Empress is dead. It is dangerous for you not to be seen grieving. Kneel and wail and smear dirt, or be suspected by the Inquisitors, or worse."   Pietr falls to do as instructed.   When the party is around her, she says in low voice between the moans, "Put on stoic faces, and form ranks about me. Be seen to struggle to contain your grief, but guard me as you take me to the Villa. Show your Circlets, and move others roughly out of the way if they will not yield passage. If any complain, declare loudly that you are the Coterie of Ummo, escorting a Daughter of the House to attend upon her Lord in his time of grief. If they complain further, kill them. If you do not, you will be mistaken for the disloyal. And we will be lucky to survive without an Inquisition. Now we go." The journey home is through increasingly crowded streets, as every felinoid citizen of the place seems to be out in the streets to wail with grief in torn clothing with mud or soot or ashes on their fur, even some with self-inflicted wounds upon their arms oozing blood. Guards, however, of the leondar and katarzi alike, are posted all about the houses and villas in full armor, bearing not weapons, but lanterns, which they shine into the faces of those who pass, seeming to inspect them all for the signs of appropriate public grief. One look at the party and the Circlets of Service, however, and their eyes move on. The grieving seem to take perverese pleasure in becoming a nuisance and hindering your progress. And by the time that you have made the ascent to the heights where the Villa is located, the mood on the streets in the city below seems to be turning ugly, with the public grief becoming anger, and the reason for the guards quickly becoming apparent, since the crowd is beginning to become an unruly mob. At the courtyard of the Monasteries which straddle the road before the end of the heights street with the richest and most powerful villas, House Ummo's included, the Monks are arrayed in row after row by rank, Sun Souls and Shadow Monks alike, and they challenge all who wish to continue up the street. Khepkhusha speaks with a hollow look in her eye, and an attitude of shocked disbelief, but she is part of the Monastery herself, and they know her familial affiliation, so once past the one end of the square, you find the streets empty of any mourners, guards with halberds, not lanterns, on all of the house entrances, and no further hindrances to get to the Villa quickly.   When you arrive within sight distance of the Villa, a cry goes up from the guards, and half of the guards detach from the outside and come to form ranks before and after you, weapons held at the ready, as they escort you the rest of the way to the inner Courtyard. A grisly sight greets you there - four corpses swing from nooses off of the inner balcony, the grimace of death staring blankly out of their eyes. All of the servants wear rough white linen homespun robes with no ropes to tie them off or give them shape, and all have white clay over their faces and arms, making them seem like ghosts. Jokku comes out of the main Villa doors and greets Khepkhusha, who is eyeing the corpses hanging from the balcony of the inner courtyard. Her wailing posturing noticeably gone now that she's home, she asks the Majordomo, "How many did we lose?" "Ten servants total. Two with permission for they were old and had felt the cancer take their joints, and they could no longer serve well. Seven were struck by grief. One was ... encouraged ... by myself for indiscretions and suspected disloyalty." "Better than last time, if I recall. Where is my brother?" "He is still at the palace, unfortunately. He issued a Sending that he will remain there with the Governor until released. Your mother has assembled the family in the Audience Room to perform the prayers for Her Majesty's ascent this evening. The news was sent by scroll, but there is more. The Empress apparently passed several weeks ago. We are only learning of it now because tomorrow the Portals home will be opened for a month again. And we must be present at the Portal... the Homeland is still in Full Mourning, but the Heir has taken advantage of the time lapse to send a new Governor to He'shabha, and a new Viceroy." "How can he do that without...?" she lets her voice trail off and frowns in thought.   Jokku shrugs and bows slightly, motioning to the party to wait in their chambers over Khepkhusha's shoulder as she enters the Villa. "I don't know yet, but I would assume that once the Viceroy arrives in Qidyria City, the Heir will declare mourning over, and claim thre Throne formally." And the door closes behind them, cutting off anything else they say. The Leondar Lyesh comes out of the side door in full battle armor and regalia, with a white sash over his armor with a blue stripe down it and a black swan insignia of House Ummo on it. He warmly greets the party and motions you hurriedly inside, saying, "This time must be confusing for you all. As the Coterie, your mourning dress is expected to be Courtly attire with the addition of the white sash. And your Circlets should be visible at all times. If you go without the Circlet, you must adopt the white linen homespun robes of mourning for the rest, and no sash. But because you are military caste, it will be good for you to stand watches in twos or threes throughout the night tonight, bearing only lanterns or light spells. "You will patrol the balconies and the inner courtyard, and do small stands with the guards outside. It will give the household strength to see you, and we don't wish the more fainthearted to take this as an opportunity to commit suicide like the others have. Ten is a decent number for an outpouring of grief. More would leave us critically shorthanded. Less would be impolite. But ten is sufficient for a Great House. Our honor is served already. "There are pots of white clay for your faces and arms inside each of your rooms. Tonight there will be riots in the lower city, and many deaths across the city as well. With the Heir not yet formally declaring himself as the new Emperor, the Empire is in a period of forced mourning. Tomorrow, you will be at liberty within the compound, until Jokku summons you midmorning to the Portal Opening to attend upon the arrival of the new Governor of He'shabha and the new Viceroy of Qidyria. "The passing of the Imperial Throne means a new era will begin for all of us, one which will match the political leanings and philosophy of the next ruler. There has already been word during the Empress's preparation for Ascension over the past few years that the official Heir seems to favor ceasing all raids and suing for Peace with Tysdia, finally, finalizing the boundaries of territory so that the riches of Qidyria can flow back to the Empire, and the combat raids and battles here turn into building up the resources of Qidyria into an economic empire more than a military one. But this is of course pure conjecture, the next Emperor will reveal their agenda in due course. We will know more tomorrow when we receive the new Governor. If they send one of the military strategists, then we remain on wartime footing. If it's one of the trading houses, then we can expect some measure of peace.   "So. Who will take the first watch tonight? I'm afraid no one may sleep this evening, but you may relax somewhat. " (Short and medium rests only)   The night however passed without incident and we headed to the Portal Opening.   The ceremony of the Portal Opening is decidedly boring and pageantish the next morning. The party forms up with Lyesh and the Leondar house guards, and goes to the street which passes between the Mage Tower of Evocation and Conjuration schools, the towers of which form the flanking portions of a forty foot high archway of stones inscribed with arcane sigils. Folks on the Market Square side of the road line up on either side, representatives of all of the Great Houses present. Lord Ummo is in full lacquered formal armor and an elaborate costume which Lyesh tells you is his ceremonial garb as the Master of Rituals in the current Suzerain Court. The current Governor is there as well on a litter, and the other members of court are also present, with all of the monks and nuns of the Imperial Veneration cloisters arrayed in full battle regalia with the white sashes of mourning and marked with the white clay. The portal opens quietly, a glowing sheet of energy that falls from the archway above and spins sideways to reveal a very similar looking city on the other side of it, with an almost identical array of monastics of the Imperial Veneration Cult, and dignitaries and politicians and ministers present. When the portal is opened, they cross through, and a Herald hands over formal scrolls which are received by ministers and examined by Lord Ummo, who reads aloud in a loud voice that the Old Governor is honored for their service and commanded to return to Aff'ha, the Imperial Capital, within ninety days, to receive new orders. The New Governor is announced to be the Lady Purshana Veyara, and she steps out of her Litter to receive a formal bow from the Old Governor and the court. Then she steps back into her litter, and the Monastics on the He'shabha side form ranks about her litter and the other (likely containing the Viceroy who did not declare themselves) and the Old Governor's litter, and they are led off back toward the Palace. Lord Ummo and the other ministers are obviously released from their attendance, for he gives a small hand signal to Jokku, who immediately orders the Coterie and the House to form ranks about him, and they all begin to proceed on the shortest route back to the Villa. When the procession is out of view, Jokku casts a Teleportation Spell, and he and Lord Ummo blink away. When the party reaches the house, the hanging corpses have been cut down, and there are ten funerary urns outside the front gate with white cloths tied around them with the upside down crown emblazoned on them, with clay name sigils for the servants who had died. The gateway to the outside is closed and a white silk banner is hung from each of the gates, and the inside wooden doors are closed as well, completely closing off the courtyard into privacy from the outside.   Lord Ummo is bathing his arms and face in the fountain, even as household servants help him to slip into a blue house robe and slippers, and store his courtly garb. Ummo calls the party over and says, "Well, you have certainly arrived during interesting times. Khepkhusha has delivered the news of what our Patron had to say about you. It seems that I will not enjoy having your services under my direct control after all." He laughs. "Well, it was nice while it lasted. You made us very rich in that last trade to Seahold, Nylasha has mentioned in her last Sending to me. You have more than earned your purchase investments and salary." "And now you must come to some kind of a decision as to how you wish to proceed. You are formally given your leave - Jokku will give you each your scrolls. If you wish a base of operations in a city where we hold sway, we can arrange that for you. Or if you wish to take up wandering about looking for clues or this 'path of dread' you are destined to find, you may of course do that. He'shabha City is going to become rather unstable for a good six months to a year, at least. Everything changes when the Throne passes to a new Emperor. And only the new Emperor can say how.   "You could decide to remain in service here, helping House Ummo to carve out a political advantage. There would be subterfuge and some need for muscle, of course, but there would be a lot of social gatherings and the political game of Great Houses. You might not understand the players yet, but I would ask my grandmother to bring you up to speed. She was the Mastermind for our departed Empress's father, and ran the spy networks here. She maintains more connections than I might like, but I cannot tell my own grandmother how to serve the House she gave to me.   "Another option you might wish to consider is teaming up with Captain Nylasha. She has given nothing but glowing reports about your competence and how you have endeared yourselves with ingenuity and bravery to her entire crew. I will release her to partner with you should you desire to learn of this world by taking the Silver Swan on trading missions to all of the sea and river ports you can access. As Coterie, you each get 5 shares of the Crew's take, in addition to your allowance. She knows all of our agents in all of the ports of the world, and she would be happy to sail for you wherever you desire, trading as you go to increase your wealth... and of course, the wealth of House Ummo. " He grins.   "If you wish to move straightaway to find more of the Path of Dread, instead of stumbling upon it as you go, then you should begin to find the caches of lore and secrets from the past. I know not what you seek, but you might discover that by consulting with the Libraries and Universities of Fryth Anvor, or even Ffelyani itself should you feel the need to begin exploring the motherland planes."   "If you wish to continue consulting other Oracles, then you might wish to pay a visit to the Tower of Conjuration to find someone who can Plane Shift you to fabled Mythosia, the land from whence the New Faith Gods appeared. Or you might wish to seek rumor of the Oracles of the Gods here on Fryth Anvor, though they will likely ask you to perform quests for them before they will answer your questions."   "It seems likely that peace with Tysdia is now imminent. The new Governor comes from a family of shrewd merchants who are the wealthiest in all the Empire, and personal exchequers to the former Empress before she Ascended. As a Coterie, I could put forth your name to accompany any diplomatic envoys to broker peace with Tysdia, or negotiate treaties of peace and trade with our weaker neighbors to the north. You would face much in the way of overland travel and the dangers of the wilderness, but when you got there you could directly influence the shape of the new Peace to come."   "Or you could simply travel on your own, unbound, to follow your own whims. You will remain on the payroll, of course, but you must make it to a city where we have an active agent to draw against your allowance accounts. Otherwise, you would be equipped for travel and left to your own devices, to explore where you wished, beholden to none but your own consciences."   "Take some time to consider. But do not dally. If you wish aid from me or this House, it will take a bit for me to arrange. The Silver Swan returns to port in one week's time, if the weather holds. Let us say that you have freedom of the city until then, and then you should make your decisions as a team, and I will support your choice as best I can." Then he excuses himself. Then we discussed where to go and levelled up.

Session 5 - Solving the Curiositorium

March 13, 2022 Picking back up with the tortured djinn/dao, we started investigating the room. Strong abjuration magic emanates from the hourglass. Espy tried a few things, pulled on a rope but found nothing. We moved on to the menagerie room, and looked for a lever there. We did not have any luck, although Vedemis had an idea to use locate object spell. We opted to use it on the next pass. In the golem room, strong transmutation magic emanates from the cog device the golems are arranged around. Espy summoned a phantom steed into the centre of the wheel to no effect. Using a mirror, Espy was able to see a hatch in the top half of the centre of the wheel. Not able to determine anything further. So Vedemis and Espy move into the dagger room while under pass without trace while the rest of us went under water. She found another scroll of thunderwave, but not much else.   So next we went around again and Alvar Qeshka detected a lever in the knives room and we went around again and Espy found and pulled the lever. It dropped the force cage. We climbed the falls and made our way into the middle where we were attacked by water elementals. We took some damage but were victorious. After a brief respite, we carried on. Qeshka dispelled the darkness in the middle and revealed a device conjuring the water. The device was a extra large decanter of endless water and inside it we found a moon pool room. In that room was the Horizon stone.   In the middle of the room was a large floating mirror with 9 golden frames.   Qeshka channels and chants.   Nothing to begin One to see Nothing Two, the sum of One and Nothing Three, each plus Unity Four, the ways One may go Five, the Journey and the Traveler both Six, the Five plus the foundation below Seven, the Six plus the possibility above Eight, the Ways, Journeyed there and back again Nine, the Unity of All.   Only Nine may behold Ten The pattern underfoot changes, and a line of energy bisects the slab, then widens into an oval of glowing blue fire with a dark circle in its center with the faint reflection of the Star of Kryptikos within it. You realize suddenly that you stand not on a slab of stone, but on the orb of Kryptikos, glowing with arcane energy, even as the ground gives a lurch and with a rumbling, grinding noise, arcs of stone runes float up from the ground in various orbits and begin to circle about you, as your surroundings fade away into the enormity of a vast desert of nothing but sand to all sides of you, the cosmos whirling about above you, the fires of Infernal realms below, and on all sides the impossible vast endlessness of the horizon. You sense the ur-Genie from the other room being ripped apart slowly by the winds of karma, and each and every grain of sand being added one at a time to the sands before you, as Time races toward the point where the Wind of Nothing is finally exhausted, and all existence ceases to be. But only Kryptikos may attain the Horizon. Qeshka is no longer an old woman, but a being of titanic height and presence, massive in her power, the same gold and blue energy of the Eye of Kryptikos beneath your feet now shining forth from her eyes, beams of light showing where she gazes at the pulsating sea of lifetimes and events within the endless sands between here and the horizon. One heartbeat passes, and she looks to you quickly, and then back out to the horizon. Another heartbeat passes, and she turns and looks at the sands behind you. A third heartbeat passes, and she turns her gaze upwards into the Cosmos wheeling above. There is another shift, and the sands and the horizon fall away to nothingness. The stones and runes begin to wheel over and about you in their orbits, and you notice that you are floating on the Eye of Kryptikos within the center of a massive Gyroscope of Eldritch Energy. There is another Heartbeat then, the single heartbeat of a God, and all fades to black, and you find yourself back in the Bag of Holding, at the now-locked entrance to the Curiositorium. Qeshka sits before you unceremoniously on the bottom of the bag, her eyes now milky white and she says, "I have stood on the Horizon Stone, and Beheld from here to the Horizon. I shall never behold through mortal sight again. You will need to assist me. I am blind now, for such is the price of my Vision. Assist me back to Seahold, and I will reveal your Path to the Horizon." We aid her in leaving. We make our way back to the Villa. Then she told us the following prophecy:   beyond horizons came the five the weaver she to find them no fated choice so we might thrive let naught but silver bind them   let choice be theirs unbound un-led to walk among the nations until they walk the path of dread and serve as our salvation   in crystal find the ways between to join the cities six in riddles old find paths unseen and gate to move betwixt   plant it then with dragon gold in place of earthblood's power let five and one unite unfold and raise the nexus tower   then silver calls and silver sees observe the solar halo approach the throne upon your knees the silver crown in shadow   and then unknown the final steps the chance of failures legion exalted lords or demons depths our masters or fell minions   Bespia believes she feels the crystal and cities six: Khal'vraya back in the Age of Chivalry was home to several superlative sand deposits that filled crevasses and coated the mountainside in ravines and valleys hearkening back to when the land was part of a prehistoric seabed. When the humans controlled the lands, there was an entire city high up on the mountain called the City of Glass, where artificers and guildmasters for glassblowers and glaziers and crystal workers would work the ancient sand deposits producing superlative products of many kinds of glass or crystal. It was more of a Guild Outpost than any actual city itself, barely larger than a medium sized town. When Kh'alassia fell, the human Guildmasters called upon their knowledge of the magic of crafting and cast some kind of enchantment upon the City of Glass, so that any Ffelyani who entered contracted some kind of cursed wasting sickness that they never recovered from. Either that or the trespassers disappeared forever, or met with gruesome accidents on the ascent to the City of Glass. We are also told we are free to go back to Heshaba City. Alvar asks us to take Bespia and Gomki back with us. We agree to do that and she gives us a holy symbol each and says we can show it in her lord Kryptikos temples and receive aid. We then make our way to the gnomish enclave and the teleport circles to return.   Ummo Meksu was waiting for us in the dining room and asks after our adventures. He is most pleased and grants us a bonus of 3000 gp and outfits us further and a monthly allowance of 1000 gp a month each.   "I have been informed by my sister that you have been summoned to an audience with Evyzaraxxa, that our Patron leaves her lair and comes here, to you. I confess that I am envious, for I have served as head of this household for decades and I have never been granted an audience, nor a summons, merely dispatches as communications. I would not recognize Evyzaraxxa if she stood before me today." For just a moment he looks at each of you in turn as if actually wondering if one of you are an ancient silver dragon in disguise. "However, that is not the way that this family operates. My younger sister Khepkhusha was selected as this generation's connection with our Patron. It surprised us all, as the other twin, Zomza, was always more mystically inclined, even before they named themselves Twiceborn. Khepkhusha was originally a Shadow Monk in the armed services of the Empress. But when she was summoned to serve Evyzaraxxa at age 26, she spent two years in attendance of the dragon in Grand Askolvieth, high atop the Forbidden Mountain. "When she returned she had unlocked powers as a Sorceress from the bloodline of one of Evyzaraxxa's children who had blessed House Ummo at the start of our service. She is now a stronger sorceress than she was a Shadow Monk, even though she has returned to active duty in the monastery long since. "Khepkhusha has left this scroll with instructions for you to follow for your audience with the dragon. It is a summons to a place within the city here, a counting house we have several accounts with. We maintain secrecy to a point as to whom we serve, and while I have every confidence that Evyzarraxxa has less trouble dealing with trouble than we ourselves do, it is more of a courtesy to keep her comings and goings private so that other houses don't make foolish mistakes, like they tried to do with you, twice now. You will report to the counting house in three days time, at sunset. "In the meanwhile, you have leave of the city. I am no expert in deciphering prophecies, but I suspect you will be removed from active duty and given your own lead soon enough, though I will await instructions from the Silver before giving up all hope of continuing to have you serve my missions directly." He smiles. "You have already gained favor of the Dwarves and earned the respect and scrutiny of the court members here. I do confess, suddenly having the newest Coterie of the Empire seem to vanish or act in a random manner would delight me in just knowing how confounded and chaotic all of the schemers would be trying to figure out your agenda and my own for using you in such a random fashion. In the meanwhile, please enjoy the city."

Session 4 - Dinner, Court and a Curiosity

Feb 27, 2022   Captain Nylasha dispatches the household servants and attendants to ready the dining room for an informal reception of the Alvar family shortly for cake and coffee, since they had to cancel their dinner plans unexpectedly. As the party takes a hurried dinner of meat and cheese and simple soup on the sideboard in the dining hall, the Captain gives them a quick debriefing. "As you know, Jokku commanded me to reveal certain things to you a bit earlier than we normally would have done so. Recent events have forced our hand. "You know that you were given a choice before entering service of House Ummo, and you were told that we serve a Patron of the House with a definite code of ethics. Well, our patron is none other than the reclusive, ancient silver drake Evyzarraxxa. "She is one of the oldest surviving dragons of the Dragon Nation, and she makes her home in a secret lair rumored to be high above the cloud lines in the Whitecap Mountain Range, running from here near Seahold all the way up to the border of Esh and Cyre, splitting the continent wholly into the Grand Duchies of Parnath in the east and the nations of the West. "While all of the Blood of House Ummo know who their family serves, very few in the household actually meet her from one generation to another. She sends messages through an envoy, though I confess I am not so privileged to know the Blood's business in this matter. "Like most of the metallic dragonkind, Evyzaraxxa serves an ethos of goodness. And like most silvers, she operates from behind the scenes, her presence felt in the actions of her minions, not herself directly. "It is the support of Evyzaraxxa which has kept House Ummo from feeling any sort of negative economic effects this past decade that the Portals to Ffelyani have been sealed closed on the order of the Empress." She does not utter the honorific wish for the ruler's eternal life. "Most of the trade that supported the other Great Houses here in the Qidyrian Empire in Fryth Anvor was originally back to the Imperial Capital of A'ffha back home, and He'shabha is the city whose gate connects closest to A'ffha, thus the city enjoyed privileged status, and all of the Great Houses gave up their large estates and homes for the chance to be close to the Suzerain Court of the Governor and the Gates back home. "A number of the trading houses made aggressive moves in the marketplace, though, once the first year had passed and the Empress did not immediately reopen the Gates home. They ruined over half of the Great Houses who were based in He'shabha, and forced them into vassalage to gain just enough trade power to survive and maintain appearances, and in doing so effectively purchased votes and choice council slots. "It was the Purr'tan's father, Purr'tan Ummo Kheskio, who uncovered the plot and revealed that they were plotting to subvert through extortion and kidnapping hostages the very Governor himself. There were several large families involved in the trade coup attempt, and the largest and most involved were rounded up and summarily executed for sedition and treason. "The lesser houses involved in the plot were punished, sent far away from the Suzerain Court where they could do little harm. But they never forgot House Ummo's involvement. They assassinated Purr'tan Kheskio. Meksu succeeded him quickly and translated the goodwill of the Governor into strong positions for himself and his family at the Suzerain Court, digging himself in like a tick in He'shabha, and using the money and economic support of Evyzaraxxa to ensure that the security and integrity of House Ummo was sound. "My friends, I tell you this so you might understand some of the danger that you are in. The orders which were given to you to dispatch the blue dragon did not, you see, come from the throne of the Dwarven Nation as you were originally told. Those orders came from our Patron. For whatever reason, the Silver wished the young Blue removed from life. And you served Her wishes and did so. Quite handily, I might add. "But this has put you at a position of danger here. Yesterday while you took your leisure about the city and I saw to the disbursement of the cargo, the enemies of House Ummo here spun a tale for the Mayor and the rest of the Council of Seahold, accusing you of murdering the blue drake in cold blood, and unprovoked. "The complaint was raised by Melthranax the Mighty, Ambassador from the Dragon City of Askolvieth. He is a Dragonborn who is also a half-drake offspring of Ethranax the Terrible, Queen of the last Red Flight. He is a brute, and incredibly powerful in magic, being a Draconic bloodline Sorcerer and a very charismatic speaker who spins lies with his Draconic Charms and it is said holds members of the Council here under his sway. "To make matters worse, my informants tell me that Melthranax the Mighty is assisted by the tabaxi Velkato Shen. Shen is the ambassador for life to Seahold specifically, and occupies the title of Ffelyani Consul here. As he has, since he arrived shortly after his mother was executed for her role in plotting sedition against the Suzerain Court, one of the families who was exiled due to the actions of Purr'tan Ummo Kheskio... Ummo Meksu's father. "You will need to appear before the Council tomorrow. And you will need to defend your actions concerning the slaying of the dragon. Or you will not be allowed to leave to teleport home. The Gnomes of Gimraeth who run the Teleport Gates across the continent will not allow you to use their magic without the Release paperwork of the Mayoress. "And to top it off, the Alvar family is coming within the hour for a social visit. They are local allies of House Ummo, if indeed a smaller House. But no less important. Tonight you must navigate a dessert-style party which will be held here because you will no longer be allowed to move freely around Seahold until the Council meets with you to decide your fate tomorrow. And then tomorrow you must find some way to keep our Patron's involvement hidden, yet still justify your actions to the Council in killing the drake. "I will be interrogated of the incident under separate review. I will of course point out that the DSS Scrimshaw patrol clipper acknowledged the threat of the dragon by coming to warn us in those waters. But since it is an official inquiry, they will need to summon the Scrimshaw, which could take weeks. And Evyzaraxxa has commanded you to return with all haste to He'shabha.   Within the hour a bell will ring at the front and Larento will answer the door, then appear in a few moments with a few felines following him. Alvar Qeshka is an older female Ffelyani with the long orange hair and black stripes that call a tigress, though a tigress of some age with white about her nose and mouth and sides of her neck. She comes bedecked in simple robes of pure scintillating white with a sari-style wrap overlaying them. The Sari itself is made from enchanted cloth which shimmers as it moves, depicting a scene of a desert horizon at night, a faint glow of orange on the horizon, and overhead myriad galaxies and stars wheel about as the cloth moves. As it settles, faint lines begin to form between the stellar lights, and after long moments of stillness, patterns of unknown constellations emerge, only to break apart into a scattering of stardust and darkness as the cloth moves once again. She leans on a gnarled staff of natural driftwood, the burls of which at the end are hung with a net of silver chains dangling with lapis lazuli of midnight blue and startling gold, and around her neck hangs a rusty iron holy symbol on a simple leather thong of a star. She is the matron of House Alvar, and introduced by Larento when she enters as an Oracle of Kryptikos, God of Horizons. Alvar Gomki is a male tiger-hued burly beast of a Ffelyani. He wears sable colored leather armor of thick hide that shifts about him, with four long furr tentacles of black descending from the shoulders and upper back. The armor gleams with blue-black glow, and as he moves, he flickers in his appearance, often arriving at his destination before the appearance of him moving seems to have caught up in crossing the space. He carries little else, but about his neck is a malachite holy symbol depicting a hunter drawing a bow, arrow nocked. He is the heir to House Alvar, and introduced by Larento when he enters as a 'Moon Hunter' which Gomki explains with a friendly grin to Vedemis as being a Druid of the Moon and a Hunter Ranger by vocation. "Father was a Hunter and Champion of Oriona. I loved accompanying him on his treks as a child. The wilderness was so much more fun than court. Alas. Duty calls me back to the cities." Alvar Bespia is a younger female tabaxi with a charming plumpness to her form, and patches of tiger coloration intermixed with the gray short fur that in actual cats would be called 'blue'. One eye is brilliant green, the other is gold. She is dressed in noble attire, low cut and quite flattering, in deep burgundy-colored silks with matching long silk evening gloves that have fringe down the outer seam. She is perfumed by a scent that is quite intoxicating, and seems to waver between the hint of honeysuckle and warm vanilla spice. She appears to be no older than 18 years of age. Her mother, Qeshka, informs the group when they arrive that Bespia is in her training as an Artificer specializing in alchemical preparations. She wears a pendant on a silver chain depicting a hammer striking an anvil. The guests will bring hampers full of 'light fare' to contribute to the feast, but it will turn out to be a princely spread including more than just desserts, but also many foods which may have been prepared for the dinner party originally. The chefs of the Alvar household are Parnathi, so the feast is spiced differently than the fare they have been enjoying at He'shabha, far heavier a spice hand with small plates of meat pates and sherbets and palate cleansers of blander fare to accompany the sauces and stews and smoked meats.   The skill challenge: It quickly becomes apparent, naturally, that the family members of House Alvar have something that they want from the party. The party's objective is simple - survive dinner, without promising anything to the Alvar's which might interfere with their duties to House Ummo, or entangle House Ummo in ways that would be impolite or impolitic. Because the encounter is a social one between political allies, the number of successes which must be scored is only 7. Because the party has already given cause for possible offense to the Alvar's through their late refusal of the dinner invitation itself, the party begins the Skill Challenge with one Strike already against them. Because this is a challenge between allies, the DC for success will be reasonably low. But because you don't understand the stakes of the game you are playing, even though the challenge will end after 7 successes... not every success counts toward a Win. Some will simply move you toward closing the Challenge out and ending the evening. You won't know until the evening is over whether it ended with a Win or a Draw, however. Because of the new circumstances for this particular Challenge... you do not have to participate in every round with a social attempt. However, the same party member cannot go more than once in a turn. And every member of the Alvars *will* participate each round. There are no Hazards to worry about, but the Alvars will not spare you because you decline to make an effort in the Turn.   Vedemis and Gomki hit it off discussing the wilds (success). Pietr apologizes and provides the reasons for their absence from the dinner (success). Umlilo offers to protect from scrying and cast detect magic (unknown success). Rhys observed for insights and aids us and shifts us around (success). Espy looks around. Bespia fumbles a seductive look and Qeshka asked Pietr if he was married and asks after the Purr’tan’s wifes pregnancy and mentions Bespia’s fertility. Vedemis draws Bespia into a conversation about Gomki’s armour (success). Gomki lets Vedemis know Qeshka is trying to marry Bespia as high as possible in the house. Umlilo tells a story but fails (failures). Rhys deflects from the pregnancy talk (success). Pietr further deflects asking after Qeshka’s calling (Success). Challenge succeeded. Qeshka says that Kryptikos’ touch is all over the party from what she can see.   Lady Alvar will say at the end of the meal, "I can see that the Lord Ummo's trust in his new Coterie was well placed. As a long ally of House Ummo, House Alvar is ready to stand beside the interests of House Ummo once again. As a Cleric and Oracle of Kryptikos, I am afforded a diplomatic status within the Dwarven Nation which will allow me to stand beside you tomorrow as your Holy Advocate before the Council, and speak on your behalf. Furthermore, if I am present, then House Varkato, despite being Consuls for He'shabha, will be neutralized as any kind of threat or support for that blowhard. In return, I ask for your help to gain official permission to enter the Curiositorium, to enter shrine of great power to my God, and there, Prophesy for the good of the party, the good of my faith, and the good of the Realms. I will meet you before you leave for the meeting tomorrow afternoon, here. And then, I would beg an additional favor of you accompanying me inside the Curiositorium should we be allowed in. Never mind specifics for right now, I will explain all about it tomorrow. We've begged enough of your time for one evening. Gomki, Bespia, time to take our leave." When asked after the Curiositorium, she says she doesn’t want to overstay her welcome.   The answer to that question is long, for there is much lore to tell. But I will answer your question and reveal this secret to you, out of trust, for I sense that our purposes may be aligned here. I know that the God Kryptikos has touched you, for I am his High Priestess and Champion here on this plane. I am also called to serve him as an Oracle of the Horizon Lord as well. And it is in this capacity that I speak now. Listen close, for I shall not repeat this secret to you again. When Time was made, Kryptikos already Was. As all of Creation was brought forth by the cthonic godforms who have long since risen, shone, and fallen to dust or wandered off to other vibrations of energy... as these Elder Gods did their work, Kryptikos watched. He took one of the first stones imagined into being, and perched upon it in the Astral Plane, to gaze into the forming Horizons and view the outcome of all of Creation and Time. This outcropping of stone was later fashioned by the Younger Gods into a shrine, an altar of sorts, in honor of Kryptikos the Horizon Lord. It is known as the Horizon Stone. From it, the devotees of Kryptikos, the seekers and seers of secrets lost, Diviners, and those who follow the path of the Horizon Walker rangers can peer into Time and Creation in all Directions, but for a price. Sanity is taken from many who attempt it, for the vastness is such that only the minds of the Gods and Devils may perceive it without losing something. The Horizon Stone is here, in Seahold. Its entry is supposedly hidden within the Grand Curiositorium, an extradimensional museum which is controlled by the Queen of Dwymir Vale, the Dwarven Throne. The Curiositorium was a gift to the Dwarven Kings of old from Kurspirex, a half-dragon Eladrin wizard who was quite mad. Kurspirex blended the magic of the Shining Lands and the magic of the Dragon Lords. Rumors say that the mischief of the Shining Lands entered the substance of the Curiositorium, and the museum itself delighted in the treasures and curiosities which were placed on display there. But the energy of dragonkind is covetous, and soon the Curiositorium became demanding of more and more treasures. It began to grow in power, and Compel lesser beings to its will to serve it. The Librarians of the Curiositorium traveled the planes, seeking treasures, seeking marvels. Thieves in love with the heist, adventurers seeking gold, lesser dragons too immature to stand against the will of the ancient drake magic. So the Throne went back to Kurspirex, and asked him how to contain what had been unleashed. He told them how to move the entrance to the Curiositorium. If it were no longer on this plane, then it would break the direct bond with the Librarians, and there would be no one left to serve the Curiositorium. So Kurspirex used his magic and did something that made even the Hags quake in fear -- he put the Curiositorium, an interdimensional storage space, inside a Bag of Holding. And stabilized it. The energy that stabilized it required great energy. Geomantic energy. So it was placed suspended over the magma chamber underneath the volcanic caldera of the city of Seahold. Because of the danger associated with the fascination magic, and the multiple layers of interdimensional spaces that Kurspirex somehow managed to stabilize, the Throne has standing orders forbidding anyone access to the Curiositorium. Yet within its halls lie the entrance to the Horizon Stone. As an Oracle and Champion and High Priestess of Kryptikos, if I can gain access to the Stone where the Horizon Walker viewed all of Time and its ultimate result, I will be able to Scry any Vision of the past, present, or future, and there would be precious little, if anything, that could be hidden from my Sight. I seek entry because of a prophecy I was given after a pilgrimage to one of the former Champions of Kryptikos when I was nineteen, the one who converted me to the New Faith from my dutiful role as a Sister in the Convent of the Imperial Veneration temples. That one day I would meet five strangers from beyond the Horizon, and sense the Horizon Walker's touch upon their souls. That my greatest Oracular work would be at hand -- the reason for my life's path. The strength of the Oracle is only partly dependent upon the skill of the seer - the rest is determined by the place where the vision is read. And I can think of no place more powerful than the Horizon Stone for one of my path. If you help me to attain the Stone, I will also See for you, to divine the reason behind your selection, and the result of your fate's momentum, such as it might be. Since the Horizon Lord does not reveal except to those who Seek, you may not have another chance to learn any of the reasons for your selection otherwise. As to why she thinks we can help. The Dwarven lords did put out a call for hazards to the shipping lanes and as we did that, we would be granted a boon which we could use to access the Curiositorium.   With that she took her leave, and we rested for the night.   Sets of dwarven guards arrive when it's time to bring you to the Council Chamber, and they escort you up even farther into the heights of the caldera's center. Off to the southwest the afternoon sun is illuminating the center of the mountain cleft, all the way up the bore and well into some of the lava tubes and chambers higher up. You come to a large door cut from a single slab of the basalt, and you are led inside a magnificently, impossibly tall vaulted chamber with windows facing the southwest, open at this point in time to let in the full glory of the sunlight. High above there are walkways in the rafters for the chambers. Green inlaid marble tiles form a pattern in the floor. A huge clock lies beneath a clear crystalline faceplate, with a dark unicorn at one end, and a light unicorn at the other, inlaid in the floor tiles. There are five tall stone chairs with table extensions before them, with the tallest chair just behind the pattern of the black unicorn on the floor. In this chair in ceremonial robes of red sits a rugged dwarven woman with scars across the back of her hands, and braids to either side of her face which were once blonde but now are shot through with white and gray. An orb of stone sits before her on her table, half white and half black but looking all of a piece and resting on a small tablet of red stone that matches her robes. A rose made of red garnets and green peridot makes a brooch on her lapel, with a gold insignia of the dwarven crown floating above it. To her left sit two male dwarves dressed in white, and to her right sit two female dwarves dressed in black, their robes a perfect match to her own in everything but color. Three other individuals are standing in attendance before the council as you enter. One of them is a human male, wearing expensive tights, a doublet of dark silk over a white linen blouse that shows through slashed sleeves, and an almost comically large codpiece and short kilt fitted over his hose. On his feet are soft gray velvet boots turned down just below the knee with pointed toes with bells on them, and his eyes are painted with black kohl, giving him an exotic look. He is well into his middle years, and his once-dark hair is now almost exclusively gray, and his face is mapped in wrinkles, but his eyes are still bright and clever and he stands with ease in the chamber. Another standing along the edge of the giant clock is a tabaxi of luxurious white fur and blue eyes, with smoky black hands. He wears the same style of clothing you have seen from the Ffelyani city of He'shabah. His clothing is quite exquisite in flowing and voluminous dark silks of greens and grays, and he wears one sash in a bright yellow, and a second, thinner sash on top of it which is a braided cord of black and thread-of-gold. The tabaxi's face reveals nothing as he looks at you as you enter, but his tail flicks back and forth with annoyance or anxiety. It is the third person standing before the council, however, who holds most everyone's attention as you walk in. There in the center of the clock in the floor is the biggest Dragonborn you have ever seen, if not Huge, then at least Large and knocking on the threshold of Huge. His features are incredibly draconic, even for a Dragonborn, right down to the deep burnished garnet red scales that catch every glint of the light and smother it in its sleep with darkness. Two enormous serpentine wings lie folded along his back, his robes cut to allow his powerful, hulking build to free both wings and an impressively thick and powerful tail with spikes beginning to grow out of it, and the line of scaled plates that start from tip of his tail and end at his snout. His eyes are swirling embers of molten gold splashed among glowing furnace coals, and two wisps of smoke trail from his snout, as though the effort of speaking without exhaling flame is taking obvious concentration. His robes are deepest black, and a rainbow cord woven of all of the dragon colors including a few you are unfamiliar with serves as his sash. "And so, Mayoress, as the Ambassador from the Draconic Council of Askolvieth, I request... no, I demand justice be done, and these murderers be turned over to my government to stand trial for crimes against Dragonkind, at once ." He ends, pointing one hooked and wicked talon at the party as they enter. The woman in red looks to you as you enter, and there are whispers from the dwarves to her side for a moment as she considers you. Finally, she picks up the stone orb before her and bangs it back down, and the chamber quiets while the Red glares at you cruelly. "Extradition has been requested by the Ambassador for purposes of the pursuit of swift Justice. Who speaks to this claim?" One of the male dwarves in white places his hand on his table and says, "How very convenient that justice is demanded now by the Lord Ambassador when for weeks now the entreaties of this same Council fell upon deaf ears when we asked for the Lords of Askolvieth to deal with one of their own who ranged outside of their lawful territory. I decline." One of the women in black placed her hand down on the table before her next and said, "While I am inclined to agree with Angus, now that the Coterie is present, I would hear them answer the allegations of murder before rendering final vote." The woman in red considers for a moment, then bangs the orb twice more. "A second has been found. The Coterie is present. This Council will hear their answer for the charge of Murder of the Blue Dragon Androsharax, whose head was taken and displayed as trophy of war as they approached our city, as the testimony of the Master at Arms of the Scrimshaw has demonstrated. The trophy display having been noted, the act is not contested, but let the Council now turn our attention to the question of motive. What say you, Coterie of Ummo? Why did you murder Androsharax?" We stated our innocence of murder in varying degrees of diplomacy. Then Lady Alvar took over.   Honored Mayoress, Esteemed Council Members, and visiting dignitaries. My name is Sister Qeshka, Oracle of Kryptikos, and High Priestess of the Temple of the Horizon Watcher in Seahold. I present myself as friend of the Throne to speak as Legal Advocate for the Coterie, as a favor to the Purr'tan Ummo of He'shabha, whose Great House has long been a patron and taxpayer here at Seahold, and in good standing with the Dwarven Throne for many years. The male dwarven councillor who had not spoken previously stands and bows toward the Mayoress, who gives a nod and taps her orb once. "With the recognition of Councillor MacCleod, the Council accepts your Advocacy, your Emminence. You may proceed." Melthranax gives a huff and a small cloud of brimstone vapors rolls out and wreathes his head for a moment, his eyes burning through the cloud like embers. "This is highly irregular. We must protest." The Mayoress arches one eyebrow, then shrugs. "Then we shall add it to the long list of your many protests, even as we continue with the Council business before us. Step aside, Ambassador. You no longer hold the floor." A long staring match begins, but Melthranax bows suddenly in graceful mimicry of acquiescence, and mutters a smooth plattitude as he manages to both stomp and seem to undulate in a slink off to the west side of the chamber. Lady Alvar gives a nod to the Mayoress, and says loudly for the chamber, "This is all a misunderstanding of the highest sort, and can be easily remedied." She produces a scroll with the seal of House Ummo on it from within her robes, and hands it off to one of the Dwarven Guards, who brings it to the Mayoress. "This is the formal order from Purr'tan Ummo Meksu commanding his new Coterie to venture forth upon the waves in the flagship of House Ummo to answer the call of the Dwarven Throne issued through this very august Council of Seahold to dispatch and remove the threat of the marauder, Androshanax, and restore peace to the shipping lanes between Seahold and the West, by any means necessary. You will find the order witnessed by the Suzerain Court's Chamberlain and sealed by the Purr'tan's own seal, over that of his Majordomo, Jokku. You may of course inquire with the Suzerain Court officials of He'shabha City, but you will find the order quite legal, which, of course, means that this cannot be tried as a murder, and the complaint of the Ambassador from Askolvieth lies not with the lawful agents of this action, but rather with the Council itself. I suggest that his Lordship withdraw his complaints or face the charge of Concilliatory Contempt, according to the Laws of the land. The Mayoress will examine the document briefly, then hand it to the guard and nod toward the Councillors at either side. The Guard begins to walk to each of them in turn, but they simply wave him on, until he brings it back to the north of the hall and hands it off to waiting clerks and a Dwarven Mage. The Mayoress stands, and everyone in the hall either comes to their feet or comes to attention. "I find the orders legal, pending confirmation from He'shabha City. In light of this evidence, all charges of murder are formally absolved, again pending confirmation. Until such time, this Council on behalf of all of Seahold and the Dwarven Throne itself declares a debt to the Coterie, who have taken action when the Council of Askolvieth itself did not. Therefore, members of House Ummo's Coterie, we do not punish you, but instead, honor you. By my order as Mayoress and Chairperson of this duly constituted Council of the Throne, I declare you each to be Honorary Knightst of Seahold, and I give to each of thee a Boon of the Council. You may ask for any favor you wish, and if it is within the power of the Council of Seahold, it will be granted to you. This is a cause for celebration. I declare a formal banquet in your honor this evening, in the Ballroom. You shall be our guests of honor. And now, there being no further business, I declare the matter closed with provisions as declared, and this Council adjourned.   We asked for our boon to see the Curiositorium and were informed that would use all our boons, less minor requests. As minor requests, Umlilo asked for an Imp familiar upgrade and Pietrs purchase sped up for the +1 shield and longsword.   We all go to the banquet all dressed up fancy and it was basically boring. Vedemis had an encounter with a red fox. Umlilo has a run in with a djinn who wants some lovin’.   In the morning, we are met by Alvar Qeshka who is flanked by dwarf guards. We proceed deep into the volcano.   A vast reddish glow shines up from below here as the party emerges in the depths beneath Seahold in the main magma chamber. Ledges and rock protrusions ring the cavern, with stalactites reaching down from the ceiling, wreathed in fumes and smoke. Various lava tubes from eruptions past lead off in smooth passages angled upward from the central chamber. A huge obsidian catwalk is suspended from the ceiling here, and in the center there is a circular platform open in the middle from which is suspended several large crystal structures underneath on metal arms with winches attached to machinery on cranks. About 60' below the thick magma rests fairly placidly, small islands of rock forming as parts cool, and floating gently about the pool before crossing hotspots and melting back down slowly again. Dwarven forges lie empty down below about 30' from the catwalk, unused in decades, but at the ready to be activated again should the dwarven artificers require any earth magic to fuel their creation in the service of the Crown. On the lowest ledges all about the chamber stand dwarves who have shaven heads, and some, shaven faces for the men, women also bald. Tattoos instead cover their heads, and they wear robes that begin at the bottom as a deep fire red, and fade to charcoal and black at the deeply cowled hoods, which most wear down about their shoulders. They stand facing into the chamber, and a deep melody is being sung into the echoes and noise of the volcano's heart, one which echoes off of the walls and blends in strange harmonies with the other singers on the other side of the caverns. Qeshka will turn to you and explain "Those are the Dwarven Earthsingers. Seahold is the largest choir assembled outside of Vale City. They sing with magic that the earthblood responds to, and it is the Choir which prevents the volcano from erupting again, in essence, spending their days crooning magical lullabyes to stop the volcano from awakening to destroy the city above. Come, what we need is in the center platform." Walking out over the magma everyone is hit with a blast of massive heat, even though giant metal fans vent the heat upwards into chutes that distribute warm air where needed and disperse the heat out into the sea and sky nearby, yielding the hot springs and bathhouses and hot water for the entire city above. Everyone else needs to make a Con save DC 13 or else suffer from the heat (Umlilo excepted) with Disadvantage on all Skill Checks. Those in metal armor or weapons who fail their save will also be at Disadvantage on the catwalk for any attack rolls. In the center of the platform a dwarven sorceress with golden draconic scales and wings greets you and heads over to the machinery. With her bare hands she turns a crank and a small, 5' wide bridge of stone plates with stone railings to one side appear connecting the ring with a small object floating in the center. The sorceress says to them, "Your arrival was foretold. Bold of you to seek entry to the Curiositorium. You must cross and enter the bag of holding one at a time. I warn you... do not bring any extradimensional spaces, handy haversacks, or bags of holding with you. You may place those here in the bin for retrieval if you return. Once you enter the bag, go directly to the door for the Curiositorium. Use this key to open it," she says, producing an iron key with a golden C in Dwarvish runes on the blade of it, "And proceed down three flights of the main stair. Get out there. "The Horizon Stone is within the central chamber. You will need to find the lever to disengage the force barriers to access it, however. You will see many wonders on the way. Not all are safe. But I cannot caution you not to interact with the Curiositorium, for it will be curious, and it will interact with you. "Just know that any attempt to remove items from the Curiositorium will awaken the Librarians, spectral forms who will try and drain your soul away. If you fall to their magic, you will rise and join them, and only a Wish may undo that bond. So be careful. I do not know whether or not you will return. It would be a shame to lose the key, but I can conjure it back eventually. Any questions?" You see inside the bag of holding stands a doorway made of stone with a golden dwarvish rune for "C" emblazoned upon it. There is a keyhole. Around the edges of the doorway is some kind of rift, a tear in the fabric of reality itself, through which you can see the Astral Plane spinning chaotically beyond. The rift is covered over by some kind of magical field of translucent arcane energy. Umlilo gives a low whistle and says, "Kurspirex didn't actually stop the magical explosion from putting extradimensional containers inside the bag of holding... he just interrupted the explosion so it moves very slowly. No wonder it takes the concentrated magical force of an active volcano's heart chamber to stabilize it." Espy gives a small chuckle and adds, "No wonder the Hags of the Greenwild fear what Kurpsirex did. I wonder what would happen if I --" Pietr, Rhys, and Vedemis all chime in, "No." At the same time. Espy says, "But I just --" "No," the rest of the party says in unison. Disappointed, Espy and the party use the key without issue and go into the museum beyond.   We enter the Curiositorium without further incident.   On the way down the grand spiral staircase the party sees halls full of stuff leading off in a strange twilight glow, as though the place were lit by moonlight at night, not fully in darkness. Rhys and Espy, both being of the Fae themselves, immediately sense the strong currents of energy from the Greenwild in the very bones of the halls and galleries. Umlilo, Espy and Rhys being arcane users can almost hear the sound of gold coins or metal-hard scales whispering as they rub together in the back of their mind, speaking a litany over and over again of a single word in Draconic speech… Mine Three floors down, the stairwell opens up into a 40' high series of chambers, and the air becomes cool like the desert at night. To the east, a massive oak tree hangs with shards of Crystal carved into wind chimes that give a pleasant array of tinkling noises. A river curiously runs down out of the south through rushing whitewater rapids, and a high cliff with a waterfall tumbles through what looks like a wall of force in the shape of a cage over to the southeast, into a deep and wide pool that looks like it descends quickly from a shore of sand that borders the grassy hill by the roots of the crystal tree. A small boat with a sail and room for six people is tied up here, with the sail up in green with the golden C rune in dwarvish again. No oars are in the boat. To the east, the passage drops sharply and the sound of more rushing water comes from there, with spray and whitewater rapids and small falls coming from it.   We get in the boat.   The chimes begin to ring out with a delightful song of crystalline notes and the sighing of wind over bamboo flutes begins, while the babble of the river and gurgles over the rocks adds in a chorus that repeats over, and over again in Sylvan as the boat begins to move clockwise around the rooms, propelled by magical wind that now begins to fill the sails. Those not already on board will need to either hurry up and board, or swim.   We proceed around in the river, viewing different odd rooms. One a shrine with various animals and six scroll cases; one a room with a harp and dancing spears; one with 7 plinths with bracers atop them; one with 2 huge pillars arcing chains of energy towards a huge hourglass, a djinn/dao is trapped in the hourglass slowly turning to sand; one with 3 divans on animal pelts and shelves of glass animal figurines living and dying endlessly; one with 7 stone dwarf women standing around a spoked wheel and a chamber; the last held thousands of flying knives that attacked anything that made noise.   Attempts to cast silence were dispelled. In the end, all of us but Espy went underwater while Espy commanded the boat.   Then we found ourselves back in the first room. We proceeded around again, stopping in each room.   In the shrine, the scrolls were of reincarnation and the focus was a magic item related to reincarnation. In the gold orbs were 2 scrolls of thunderwave, which we took to counteract the flying daggers.   In the harp and spear room, Rhys tuned and played the harp to no effect until he played a shanty. Then the spears lined up dancing behind him. When he switched to his pan flute, they still danced. When he used his bardic inspiration, they got larger and held by spectral knights. We took some spears.   Next in the room was the bracers, that when identified summoned a variety of pestilence and plagues. Nothing Else   We ended in the djinn room.

Session 3 - Arriving in Seahold

Feb 13, 2022   Three days into your journey there thunderstorms, but no rain, merely heat lightning. The Captain has the masts shipped - a momentous undertaking but the crew is efficient and obedient and barely grumbles at all as the masts and sails are taken down to avoid lightning strikes and fires on board ship while the thunderstorm rages. On the midmorning of the fourth day, a clipper ship comes into view from the east, tacking into the following wind that you are running before, coming from the opposite direction. As it continues to approach Mate Marako will inform you that the colors and lines of the ship mark her as one of the Dwarven Patrols. They have the advantage tacking into the wind, as their beam is lower and draft is less since she is unladened and can tack faster than the Silver Swan could run direct before the wind. Not that they would dream of trying to outrun or avoid one of the Dwarven Patrols in these waters. Besides, your crew is still settling the masts and rigging back into place so there's not much speed at the moment... unless Rhys would like to turn into a blue whale again and tow them? The ship is a five-masted clipper with tall sails and a light draft, and she tacks gracefully before the wind, leaning onto her turns thanks to some kind of outrigging floats that are being magically raised and lowered as the ship zig-zags toward you at an impressive speed. Within the hour the ship has come within hailing distance, and a steely-gray pennant emblazoned with a black warhammer and a red rose in bloom beneath a crown of gold that gleams against the sky which the sailors will tell you is the sigil of the Dwymir Vale, the Dwarven Nation currently ruled by Queen Elspeth Brighthammer, in Valehome, up the river several days. The Arms Master from the other ship uses Sending spells when the ship is in range and commands the Captain to prepare for the ship the Scrimshaw, to come alongside. Messages are sent by reply of their identity and bearing and intention to comply and soon enough, the Scrimshaw is alongside the Silver Swan within 30 feet of running. A contingent from the ship uses some kind of teleportation magic on their belts, apparently, and appears on your decks. Pleasantries are exchanged with the captain and the Arms Master, who are speaking in Dwarvish, a gruff but fast language. There is a great deal of discussion spent gesturing to the blue dragon head and skin which are still curing on the masthead. There are glances and gestures in your direction as well, and finally the Captain returns to Common parlance.   "Armsmaster General Stoneboot, this is the Coterie of House Ummo. It is they who have slain the blue drake, in compliance with the orders of their lord, Purr'tan Ummo Meksu." Stoneboot gives an approving nod, then says to Captain Nylasha, "Very well. My crew tell me everything seems to be in order from your manifests. You have permission to continue on your present course. We'll inform Seahold to expect you within the next week or so, seeing as how you're ladened. They'll be expecting you thereabouts. And we can finally stop warning folks about the dragon. On behalf of the Realm, we thank the Purr'tan for his service." The dwarven contingent activate something on their belts with their hands again, and once more they seem to teleport or dimension door back over to their own ship. The clipper falls away to starboard and begins making a graceful turn before resuming their original course, tacking once again into the wind and leaving the Silver Swan to continue on her way.   Daily life on board the ship is very routine, and also very boring. Anyone with a negative Con bonus needs to make a series of Con saves DC 10 against Sea Sickness, which grants you Disadvantage to everything you try to do while sick, including sleep, and makes it so that you cannot eat. Pietr can remove the sickness with his paladin skills, but every day is a new save. For the rest of the party, you have 10 days of downtime for the rest of the journey. Your options on how to spend the downtime are limited to things that you have brought with you and which can be done on the ship. Carousing is not an option but you could find crew members to dice or gamble with. Your Backgrounds as Far Travelers, coupled with your recent success against the assassins and the dragon, means that at least on board the ship every member of the crew is going to welcome your attention, since everyone wants to ask questions about where you call home. Socializing is at Advantage. Take a few moments and describe what your daily routines are going to look like while you're on board for the rest of the voyage. Use this as an opportunity to give some insights about your character. Weather tends not to rain, since immediately to your north is a desert that stretches northward to mountains which are decently far away over the haze and dunes. And besides, the captain will steer slightly more to the south to try and keep with the last of the currents driving into the straits. Fog and lightning storms are common, but precipitation is not. At most a few showers here and there over the sea.   Umlilo gave us and some of the crew sweet blue dragon tattoos (Pietr got his on his left forearm). Rhys gave performances of a lifetime. Espy assisted magically with those performances. Vedemis fished. Pietr socialized and play cards, with anyone and all and the captain, who then showed him how to play a stones board game (Go). This include an embarrassing drinking result where I awoke in a stupor, tied naked with a female sailor to the mast in the crows nest.   The Captain will come to the party and let them know that the dragon hide has been cured enough that it can be taken down off of the masthead, and the trophy of its head is being preserved by her own magic as a Cleric of the Sea God. But she says, "We can find a place to store both the head and the skin, or we can leave them where they are since they're doing no harm. While I'm Captain of the Ship, you will have your own business in Seahold when we arrive. Do you want us to enter port with the trophies displayed, or hidden?" We chose to take it down. At the end of the voyage the sea traffic begins to become more common. Dwarven clipper patrols are more common, but aside from simple hails communicated via light flashes and minor illusion colored flags of semaphore, they don't pull alongside or detain the Silver Swan. Islands and sandy tols become more common to the south as you approach, and the current and the winds become more fickle, slowing your approach. A low, jagged mountain of stone rises to meet you as you come to the point where the land connects and the straits come to an end. A wide and slow river tumbles down from wooded hills that lead up, up, ever upwards into mountains... and then up even higher beyond them into peaks that seem to float above the horizon, disconnected from the earth below them. And you realize that the 'mountains' you have been looking at are merely foothills, and the real mountains are carrying the clouds on their shoulders, rising impossibly high even beyond that, even at such a distance away on the landscape. The desert to the north gives way to wadis and scrubland slowly, becoming sparse grasses and grasslands among rocks that shelter copses of stunted trees in their leeward region, a land of ravines and oases and fountains and springs that incredibly gives rise to a thick forest of oak and running water, white water rapids that cascade quickly down to the sea, and support the thick forests of the Dwymir Vale proper, and give rise to the slow river.   The stub of a mountain which is leftover at the mouth of the river is a volcanic caldera which has blown away at some point ages past off to the southwest, scattering massive boulders and outcroppings of pumice and obsidian, black sand beaches and pink quartz tidal hills and basins, making the approach to the base of the city treacherous indeed. And it is a city. The crescent of the remaining rock around the central bore that was exposed when the volcano last blew has been carved on the outside into formiddable defenses, with canons and trebuchets and mangonels and ballistae at every crenellated terrace along a single winding and switchbacking path of wide stairs to the top. The central bore has also been carved into terraces of individual homes and shops, stretching from the deep harbor which occupies the cavity where the magma chamber once formed. Small ships bearing the Dwarven National flag row out to greet the Silver Swan, bearing Official Guides who it seems are coordinating all of the clogged shipping traffic in and out of the many different treacherous paths through the shrapnel of the ancient explosion into the harbors proper for the city of Seahold. The officials who come on board the Swan hand the First Mate a small set of flags with unique colors on them which the Mate instructs the Bosun immediately to display at bow, midmast, and stern. By the time the orders are given the official instructs the team to await these signal colors from the Guide Ship and they will be brought to the commercial docks when they get to them in line, which should be a few hours as it's busy today. The Mate gives a nod and hands over an extra pouch for 'docking fees' and the official nods, checks the clay tablet they are carrying, and says, "I mean, in about an hour and a half. Of course. You'll be happy to note you're unloading near the markets themselves, of course. Should make up the time in the harbor wait lines when it comes to getting your goods to the warehouses." And with that, the official climbs back over the side and down into the Guide boats.   After about two hours the Swan's berth in the waiting shallows outside the busy harbor is flagged for them to follow the guide ships in. For anyone on deck it quickly becomes apparent that the wait was not exaggerated. There is a veritable maze of channels punctuated by islands and rocky outcroppings, all with different depths able to handle various vessel drafts and beams as they maneuver in and out of the clear channels to the docks inside the crescent cavity of the caldera. The guide ships seem to be constantly casting spells and using what look like Sending Stones to the Arcane users in the party in order to coordinate which ship is going where. Although chaotic on the surface, there is obviously a very meticulous and orderly system to it all, demonstrating Dwarvish practicality in action. As the boat comes up to the docks Captain Nylasha will gather the party in her cabins for a quick council. "Welcome to Seahold. You will have the run of the Lower City like any other guests of the Dwarves. The Hold itself occupies the upper levels and is accessed by invite only. North along the bottom level of the Lower City you will come to a small bridge that will lead to the Villa of House Ummo here, should you get lost. There are other residents of that island and it's a pleasant enough place with parks and terraces to explore if you like. Just in case at some point in time you get lost. But I can see that no matter what Jokku thinks he's given you as far as equipment goes, you'll likely want to stock up on certain things. I'll let Larento know. He's the Family Agent here, sort of like Jokku's assistant locally, though of course Larento answers to Jokku in all things. He'll be here presently to accompany you from the docks. I need to see to the offloading of the cargo here and have some personal business to attend to. I will call up at the Villa later this afternoon. In the meanwhile, you will have some time to do some shopping. As the Coterie, you will of course have an allowance, but I can't tell you what that is as I don't know. Perhaps Larento will know.   There are several places nearby which might be of immediate interest. The Makerspace is a gated trading area where those artificers and traders in magical items and consumables make their daily trade. If you are going there, I'd go there early because they close at dusk each night. While you might be able to purchase some items outright, it is far more typical that you trade for them with magic of your own, or by taking on quests and favors to be paid out when you complete them. There is a normal bazaar here, and several food stalls and things. That stays open until the dinner bells after dusk. (about 8pm). There is a bath house for massages and the pleasures of the flesh for those who need to refresh and recharge. They will also have sartorial services there as well for those in need of grooming or barber services. There is a wine house which serves excellent Parnathi vintages and desserts. I highly recommend relaxing there. It becomes busy at dusk so reserve your table with a silver to the host early even if you aren't yet ready to lounge. And there is a stall which sells clockwork curios next to a Pet Store for those looking for exotic pets as well as interesting forms for your familiars to adopt. And lastly there is a kenku Illusion Vendor named Keeroks. He can get you access to vistas, performances, special effects, illusory terrain and such things to add to your personal repertoire. He's also willing to pay fairly to copy one of your illusions should you have interesting battles or creatures or scenes or stories and performances to sell or trade of your own.   Ah, there is Larento on the docks now. Disembark now and tell him where you need to go in the city, and he will handle the rest of the details. And remember, I'll meet you before the dinner bells at the Villa, even if we end up with alternate dinner plans. Enjoy Seahold, it's a fun little town."   The captain anticipates at least a week, if not two before they go. We met with Lorento on the dock and informed of a stipend of 5000 gp each credit for spending in the city. We also were informed of dinner expectations with allies of house Ummo.   We made our way to the makerspace first. Pietr commissioned a +1 shield and traded a +1 scimitar for a +1 longsword. Rhys obtains a necklace and a date from the vendor. Vedemis got some arrows and Umlilo got some spells. We rested while Rhys attuned and Umlilo scribed. Then we were attacked by a fiend and some mephits. When we killed the fiend, it transformed into the vendor (Daeva). On her person, we found a note:   "As promised, here are a thousand gold and two souls trapped in a Mirror of Life Stealing. Destroy Silvereyes at all costs. Their Patron must not speak with him. -Shen"   Lorento contacts Jokku right away and we are to return by teleport as soon as possible, which is to be tomorrow. However we’re also summoned to the council to hear accusations of Murder for the Blue Dragon in the morning. Then Captain Nylasha arrived and things got hectic. We learned the patron of the House is an Ancient Silver Dragon. We’re still having the Alvar family in for dinner.

Session 2 - Here be Dragons

January 23, 2022 Jokku accompanies us to the ship in the morning.   Jokku will accompany the PCs this time, carrying a long, thick bamboo staff with him, rough hewn on both ends, as well being flanked by a set of 10 leonin and tabaxi house guards, four of whom are carrying an ornate wooden chest between them. Two tabaxi Beholden walk to either side of Jokku and the Party carrying torches in the dark pre-dawn. The journey through the city is uneventful, and at this time of the day there is not much going on in the streets or homes you pass to either side in He'shabha on the way to the docks. You smile to yourselves because you can remember just hours ago taking the exact same route to get to the moorings of the Silver Swan, but thankfully this time you all simply march out onto the wharves without pretense. The docks are very busy, however, as more than one sailing vessel is getting ready to make good for the open seas now that the tide is almost risen to full. Once you pass the halfway point of Dock number four, however, there are still no other vessels moored to the pier except for the Silver Swan out in the distance, her rigging and decks now home to the full complement of sailors finishing the last minute checks and prep to get underway in the next hour or so. You ascend the scaffolding and the sailors on duty there seem to look guiltily in your direction before steadfastly ignoring your existence. Jokku strides across the gangplank and astride the main decks amidships, and motions you to follow him. No sooner than you have arrived than Captain Nylasha comes out on the deck followed by a burly looking female Leonin with reddish fur, a tabaxi woman with reddish fur wielding a wicked-looking battleaxe, and a human male with a terrible looking scar that narrowly missed his left eye from scalp to chin. Except for the captain in her thigh-high leather boots, everyone else on board is in bare feet. "Majordomo Jokku, welcome aboard the Silver Swan," the Captain calls out. The crew nearest quiet some and turn to watch the proceedings. Jokku gives a perfunctory bow to a subordinate, and motions to the guards carrying the chest. They drop it on the deck before him and open its lid, revealing another smaller chest on the inside, along with a formal set of scrolls under ornate seals. The tabaxi in the crew lift the smaller chest out and put it on the deck, as the leonin pick up one scroll each and approach the Captain and the sailors immediately with her, one scroll apiece. The leonin give a formal bow and hand the scrolls to them each. "These are your formal orders, Captain Nylasha. You are to accompany these new Bondsmen of House Ummo on their mission to try and kill or otherwise dispatch with the blue dragon which is harrying the shipping lanes between He'shabha and the Dwomir Vale. Death to the dragon is the preferred result, of course." Jokku looks with side-eye at a couple of the party members. "Do you have any questions?" The Captain receives her scroll and breaks the seal formally, opening it and giving it a very cursory glance before replying. "No, all seems in order, as usual. I will bring the Bondsmen to their duties, assist them as I may, and then hopefully I will trade in Dwarfhelm at a profit before returning for further instructions. The Swan will be ready to sail with the dawn, as ordered." Jokku nods. "Good. Your operating costs and crew wages are there, please see that they are distributed upon successful completion of the mission."   Jokku turns to the party and says, "I am further commanded by Purr'tan Meksu to formally recognize you each at this time as the new Coterie of House Ummo." He steps to the larger chest and removes five black velvet boxes, flat and thin, and hands one to each of you. "You will open these now." When you open them you see inside each of them a silver circlet with four aquamarines carved to resemble swimming swans. "These are Circlets of Service, and given across the Empire to those groups who are meant to work in concert for the glory of the Blood of the Empire. They are given to you now, and you are commanded by the Purr'tan, Ummo Meksu, to receive and wear them from this point forth. Please don them each now, and join hands in a circle around me." Jokku takes his chunky bamboo staff and presses a catch on the side, and it splits open lengthwise to reveal a maple wood rod of four feet in length, thick, and inlaid with a pattern of silver swans in flight climbing up to form the silver head of a swan at the top of the rod with sapphires for eyes. When Jokku reveals the rod, there is a collective gasp from the sailors on board the ship within eyesight, and all motion ceases as the crew (except for the Captain) drops to their knees and press their foreheads to the deck as one. Jokku smiles and nods to the rod. "The Rod of Command of House Ummo, and my official badge of office. With this Rod I am able to allow each of your new magical circlets to function for you as a group. Where the Rod of Command is, so too is the Blood of House Ummo, and the Eyes of Her Patron. Join hands around me, and I will activate your circlets now." The ceremony is decidedly anti-climactic. Wearing your circlets you clasp hands around Jokku who activates the magic of the rod and forms a glowing link that connects each of you to your circlets, and to the rod, and then spins out into a spiderweb spiral pattern that connects each point within the circle to each other, as well. There is a soft glow from each of your brows, and you feel after about 10 minutes of this that you are now... connected... to the circlet, and in strange fashion, to each other. "Please tell me, Jokku, that you are giving them more than just the Circlets of Service to assist them? Ummo Meksu does realize he's sending them to defeat a dragon, right?"   "This is best suited to one of your assassin's ways. It is a Dagger of Venom. Wield it carefully and only for the foes of House Ummo." "To everyone else, these are enchanted daggers which will be of use in many ways, I am certain." Jokku retrieves four scimitars from the chest as well and hands them to everyone except Pietr. "These scimitars are basic enchanted blades with a minor bonus to attack and damage. They are better than the enchanted blades you've already received, but you may choose to wield them or not as you wish." He hands out a small case to each party member and says, "This contains two Potions of Superior Healing (40 hp each), one Potion of Lightning Resistance for facing the Blue, and one Potion of Vitality each for recovering from exhaustion after the battle is through." To Pietr, he turns and says, "Now, Lord Pietr, you will need to determine who best in your group to use this next potion. It is very, very dear, and should not be used lightly, but perhaps you can use it in some way to help bring the Blue dragon to the surface instead of facing him at a distance." He hands over a potion vial of crystal filled with a faint white-blue liquid, suspended in the middle of which is a single scale from a silver dragon. "This is the Potion of Silver Dragon's Majesty. Whoever drinks it will transform into an Adult Silver Dragon for one hour. Use it wisely in the Coterie." "And then finally... this blade is not GIVEN to you, but merely LENT to you. The Purr'tan Meksu remains the owner of this blade, and he commands you as a fellow Paladin of the Crown to bear it aloft to wage Just War on the enemy of the interests of the Empress, may She live forever. I give to your charge and keeping for this mission alone... the Scimitar of Dragonslaying. This blade is meant for your hands and your hands alone. See that you return it, and your Coterie, in one piece." And now, I am commanded to return to the Villa to report these items safely discharged. You will also find spending cash in pouches here as well. Any last questions?   We had no questions beyond proper etiquette surrounding the circlet reveals. It was suggested that revealing it could be a boon or bane in different locales. We were shown to our cabin and were discussing tactics for the dragon when we were interrupted by a lack of noise from the upper deck. Assassins and thieves had attacked! The fight was long and brutal, but the attacker’s blew a whistle and started to flee. We captured one alive and tied him up below. We sent them back to the house with the guards and set out before we lost tide.   The first day went by uneventfully, but in the night just before dawn an unnatural fog rolls in, but didn’t amount to much. The second and third day pass equally boringly. The fourth day becalms us and Rhys polymorphed into a large whale and towed the ship. He also sang glorious whale song and attracted a pod. The pod leaves quickly, spooked by something watching them. As Rhys got out of the water, the dragon did a flyby in lightning crackling fashion.   We enraged the dragon and Umlilo landed a massive strike as it swooped in and forced it to the deck of the ship. Thereafter, it was very short work in dispatching the dragon. The rest of the voyage was uneventful and we make it to the dwarven city.

Session 1 - The Beginning

Jan 9, 2022 We built our new/reborn characters and introduced ourselves to the others. Then we began:   A day and a half ago you fell unconscious as you literally fell from the heavens -- and landed on the ranger, Vedemis-- crossing the planes to arrive in the surf of the tides among crystalline blue clear waters of a tropical beach paradise. When you came to, you had been given simple sackcloth for clothing, you were manacled and held in individual prison cells with bars that were enchanted somehow to project an anti-magic field, and you were informed by your feline humanoid captors that you were being brought to the nearby city of He'shabha, the Jewel of the South and one of the Imperial Gate Cities to their homelands. Your captors treated you well enough, and used powerful magical spells and items on you to try and divine your origins, strange as you were to them and to yourself. They were not forthcoming on any details, however, and they seem to be consumate professionals in ensuring slaves do not escape before market sales are final. The sun dawned this morning with you crossing underneath the city gatehouse of He'shabha, a bustling port trade city full of every kind and variety of race imaginable, but none of these seemed familiar to you and every so often, even the Common tongue escapes your comprehension as your spirits feel like they are not quite settled into their new home yet. But as time goes on the babble of the crowd becomes more and more clear, and you oddly feel like this plane is where you belong, even though most have never been here before. The slavers bring you to an auction in the morning before a courthouse. You were advertised as by far the most accomplished of the individual talent available for sale there. The caravan master told you to be ready not to be purchased, but in a surprise move a well-dressed tabaxi with golden fur and violet eyes wearing very fine serving garb with a long royal blue sash over one shoulder made surprise bids at the end of each of your auctions and snapped you up for bargain rates, leaving both the Auctioneer and your caravan master quite upset. You all were collected by the Tabaxi and loaded onto the back of an open wagon pulled by two ornery camels. The tabaxi had seven Leonin guards in breastplate carrying large scimitars and weighted nets for weapons. One of the leonin walked alongside the front of the wagon where the Tabaxi sat, his uniform notable because his silken belt was also royal blue to match the color of the sash on the Tabaxi. They conferred speaking a language that defied easy translation, and carted you up the road leading toward the heights on the southeastern side of the giant palace complex of white and red marble that perches centrally overlooking the city. Once the wagon turned the corner and the courthouse with its auction block was no longer visible, the tabaxi ordered the wagon to stop and clambers nimbly into the back wagon bed with you as the leonin guard frowns and says, "You're certain?" The tabaxi nods and smiles and looks directly at Pietr, then at Rhys, and finally back to Pietr again. "Certain. Never fear, Lyesh, I will assume full responsibility if I am wrong. But I'm not wrong, and you know it." Lyesh shakes his head and his golden mane shakes out, and then shrugs and motions for the guards to be vigilant. They make no move nor seem any more invested in what's going on than they already were, as the Tabaxi pulls out a small key carved out of a blue-tinged clear crystal. "Greetings, and welcome to the household of Ummo Meksu, the noble Purr'tan who has just bought your services. Or your freedom." The tabaxi speaks a command word and the crystal key glows, and at once all of the manacles and bonds restraining you open and they fall to the floor of the wagon, inert. You can once more access your professional skills, and you have access to cantrips and any innate spellcasting abilities you have. The tabaxi grins and nods to Lyesh, who hands him three wineskins. The Leonin drinks a swig from each before handing them to the tabaxi, who also drinks a swig, before handing them to the party. "Wine from the mioli fruit. It is our Ffelyani equivalent of your bread and salt customs. Well. I say 'your' because I assume from your appearance that you are from Tysdia, but ... it is a gesture of trust extended freely to you." "My name is Jokku nrr'Ummo. I am the Majordomo of House Ummo here in He'shabha. I am second only to the word of the Master of the House in terms of disposition of the household staff and servants." He touches the sash with one hand and points to the belt that Lyesh is wearing. "These color sashes and belts are a mark that we are Bonded to the House. Sold into slavery as you have just been, yet Bondsmen are loyal and trusted advisors and given the right to wear weapons in the presence of the Blood of the Empire. We were no more than slaves, and now are more than free vassals could hope to become. In this, the Ffelyani society is different from your own, yes? I say this so you take no offense to your humble beginnings, and because I'm afraid that before I explain much more to you, I must offer you a choice. "You see, the Purr'tan's family is bound by more than just his position as the leader of one of the Great Houses of Qidyria, though members of his tier at court dance a delicate step for the good of the realms. House Ummo has achieved greatness due in part to a compact sworn with an ancient power, a Patron we are beholden to -- Blooded, Bonded, and Beholden alike. This Patron insists that none enter service, even as a Beholden, without it being of their own free will and accord. Those coerced cannot be trusted, and just as every Great House has Great Secrets, House Ummo cannot and will not expose its underbelly to betrayal by accepting service from those compelled. "And so I offer you The Choice. We will bring you back to the Villa today and give you clothing, what remains of your equipment, food, shelter, safety, and space to deliberate as you continue to adjust to your strange circumstances. Tomorrow at noon you will be asked to make The Choice, to come willingly into House Ummo as one of the Beholden at first, and then to prove your worth to the Purr'tan, serving him as one of his Questing Bands of Henchmen, being directed about his business as he sees fit. "If not, you will be given 100 silver each and allowed to keep the clothing you have been given, and given directions to a local Inn where accomodations will be paid for you for one month, food and lodging, so you might find your way and lead a virtuous life in He'shabha as Kismet wills for you. "Now, I shall say no more, even though there is much that I could say. Make no mistake, I have been Bondsman to the Purr'tan for years now, and I enjoy my Master's complete faith in the arrangement and disposal of his household staff and servants. It is the Purr'tan Ummo Meksu's will that you be given The Choice. It is my decision that you take a leap of faith when you make it, for such is the leap of faith we will be making in such as you... who come to us with great accomplishments already. "While you are technically free, the city of He'shabha can be dangerous for those who have no knowledge of our ways." At this, Lyesh gives a snort of agreement and rolls his eyes looking pointedly at Espy. "But," Jokku continues, "If you will please consider yourselves prisoners of custom and not imprisoned by restraint, we would have you enjoy the hospitality of House Ummo while you recover your presence of mind, your spells, and you rest fully. Privacy will be given to you, and tomorrow you may make the Choice." Without waiting for assent, Jokku clambers back over the wagon's front to sit next to the tabaxi drover, and the wagon begins its ascent to the heights where the rich and ornate domiciles are located. Three wineskins of Miolifruit wine are left in your hands, and aside from making certain that you don't jump down or run off, none of the felinoids around you pay you any further heed. Assuming you don't try to make a break for it, the wagon will enter under an archway into a cobblestone courtyard ringed on three sides with residential buildings with balconies and open-air hallways where servants and other blue-sashed or -belted felines move about, laughing and chatting. Formal gardens with a lovely tiered fountain form the south side of the courtyard, and behind that rise five stories of formal villa complete with stained glass windows showing scenes from battles with human knights in full plate armor (most unsuitable for the weather and humidity in the tropics) who apparently are vanquishing an ancient Black Wyrm. You will be given quarters on the western side of the servant housing, and Mionnim attendants will bring you a spread of food, water, and wine as you desire, leaving you to spend time in either your rooms, or the gardens, or the courtyard. Lyesh posts two leonin guards for you as well, but they set up to either side of wherever you congregate and settle into stoic silent observation.   After getting dressed in noble’s clothing and eating some of the food brought by servants, Pietr gathered the others into the courtyard. We made in-game introductions and discussed our potential futures. Then we gathered back Jokku for some questions. We learned of the levels of servitude and the houses serving the empire (serving an Empress). The heat became oppressive and we thanked Jokku and moved into Espy’s room.   As the heat of the day falls there is a strong wind that arises off of the sea that cuts through the humidity and brings a period of cool and dry with the twilight. The main doors of the Villa open up and out comes a small Mionnem Attendant with gray tuxedo fur wearing the attire of a monk with a quarterstaff adjusted for its Small size, with an elderly tabaxi woman dressed in noble clothing of purple and royal blue and black finery accompanying it, leaning on a walking stick. The old tabaxi crosses to where the party is gathered, and wanders into your midst. Without introduction or excuse, with great stiffness, the woman finds a spot and settles herself onto it, right in the middle of the party. The Mionnem assists her as she groans against her age and says, "Lady Ummo Masaki" before stepping to her side and kneeling just behind her, but within reach, attending. The old woman's fur is dusted with white, and what looks like once it was a sable coat has faded to grays and whites here and there, revealing stripes of black like a tiger. She has piercing blue eyes, and a commanding, sharp presence, even while being at ease in her own Villa. She looks about the party when she is ready to, and her eyes linger on Rhys, but she speaks to Pietr. "I understand that you all come from off world, and that you are here, yourselves in mind and personality, but changed from where you came? Sent to us by these so-called New Gods, yes? And with a purpose?"   I tried to answer. Apparently too wordy.   The old woman gestures and the kneeling monk says sharply, "Yes or no will do. You are in the presence of the matriarch of House Ummo. Speak when you are spoken to, answer what is asked, and wait until she is finished before you volunteer more... ONLY if you consider it worth her time and interest." The noble gives a small sigh and says, "I'm afraid Kimko here is very protective of my time, you see, but her point is well considered. I am 93 years old, I don't have time to wait for long-winded answers, so please, a modicum of brevity might just see me alive by the end of this interview. They then displayed a great wealth of knowledge of our histories. She questioned Umlilo’s motives. "I am here to urge you to accept the Choice tomorrow. As Dowager Lady of House Ummo, I have spent my life raising my children to serve the Empire as well as the forces of Goodness. My grandson has been Purr'tan for many years since his father died in battle for the Empress against the forces of Tysdia here, may She live forever. He is in need of your services, though he may be too proud to ask. This place, for all that we have ruled these lands for a hundred years now, remains wild and untamed in the spaces between the cities, and quite expensive to hold and maintain. "Being Purr'tan, my grandson has many duties, and has risen to prominence in the Suzerain Courts here in the Jewel of the South. While the Gateways to the Empire have been closed off these past ten years, we have weathered the shortages of creature comforts better than most Houses, and the local Houses resent us for our shrewd planning and economic stability. You are all accomplished in your trades and would give my son the ability to represent House Ummo where he cannot afford to go personally. "So." She clears her throat. "Join our House, and I promise that if you serve my son faithfully you will not long be Beholden in this House. Not if *I* have anything to say about the matter." You all get the distinct impression from your short time with her that this is a woman who is still used to getting her way, one way or another, despite her advanced age. An extremely comely, well-built tabaxi with luxurious short body fur the color of blackest midnight, with a golden chain connecting his pierced nostril and right earlobe comes over to the gathering. Without missing a beat, Masaki continues speaking to the group saying, "Well, those certainly are interesting funeral customs. I'm not certain a flensed skull animated with illusions to capture scenes from my life would be exactly appropriate for us, since we are, after all, civilized peoples. But I could definitely see the merit of gems of illusion being arranged inside the mausoleum in the necropolis, projecting scenes of my life on certain days of remembrance." The male tabaxi gives a laugh and rolls his eyes at the kneeling Mionnem. "Planning your funeral again, grandmother? I keep telling you, you will outlive us all. I apologize for interrupting, but Lady Azorza requests your presence in the nursery." "Is something wrong?" Masaki asks, genuinely concerned. The tabaxi shakes his head. "I think she just needs the reassurance of your company." Masaki rises to her feet with some difficulty, aided by her grandson and the attendant, and says to her grandson with asperity, "Meksu went through great trouble to bring Sister Shonma here to comfort her grandchild. Really, such a fuss over a foolish young bride who has yet to produce a living heir. In my day she would have been set aside already for a more suitable and fertile mate." "Oh. Well, thank you for the visit. You have all been most instructive in the funeral customs of your homelands. My, you outlanders do have the strangest of customs. I certainly hope you choose to stay. We have so much more to speak about." The man grins. Once his grandmother is inside the doorway to the Villa proper, he turns and says, "Let me guess. She was trying to influence you to make the Choice and stay to serve House Ummo? You will forgive the subterfuge. You'll find that my brother and sisters both care far more for Tradition than I do, but my grandmother does love her little deceptions. I think it reminds her of her younger days running the espionage operations for the invasion of Tysdia for the Empress, may She live forever. If She's even still alive. "My name is Ummo Kyo. Welcome to the household. It's not every day we take on new servants. Everyone will naturally be curious about you, especially with such fascinating stories as yours. Whatever you choose, I will be very interested to learn every detail of what it was like to meet the Gods."   We continued talking after that meeting and seemed to be leaning to accepting the choice. Rhys performed in the courtyard much to the delight of the staff. Then we slept.   The party is ushered into a side chamber with richly woven floor mats and small cushions to sit or kneel upon. A dais is raised three steps off of the floor and upon it are sumptuous cushions on which rests a tabaxi male with a powerful build, short sable fur, piercing blue eyes, a winged overmantle, and a circlet crown of platinum with glowing blue gems set within it. A small white long-furred Mionnem wearing spectacles sits to his immediate right on the same level of the dais, a scribe's desk in front of him and a small iron tea set within reach, tea cups set near to both the man on the dais and the scribe. Jokku motions to five small cushions on the floor for you to kneel and bow to the floor alongside him. Jokku motions you to stay on the cushions, then steps forward to the right hand side of the man on the dais, and sits cross-legged on the floor facing you at three-quarters angle so he might see his Lord as well. The Mionnem scribe clears his throat as this is happening and says, "My Lord Purr'tan, the Outlanders, as you have requested." Jokku says, "Behold the Lord Ummo Meksu, Blood of the Empire, Purr'tan of the Fifth Province of Ffelyar, Imperial Ritual Master in the Suzerain Courts of the Imperial Consul of He'shabha, Jewel of the South, sworn Paladin of the Oath of the Imperial Crown, and Bound Defender of the Empress, may She live forever. "My Lord, may I present to you Lord Pietr, Blood of Waterdeep of the Sword Coast of Toril, sworn Paladin of the Oath of the Crown of his Lands, and stranger to our Realm. I present as well his Bondsmen, Sir Rhys the Silver, Speaker of the Eloquenti, and Dame Espy, Daughter of Mischief and Trickster of the Arcane. "Also presenting War Magi Umlillo of the Genasi, though not of the Genie Lords' Empire, Bondsman to the Overlord of the Diamond Throne of the Jewelled Cities and forerunner of the Civilizing Force of the New Order. And Scout Vedemis of the Outlander Wood Elves, Unbound by the Silaveren Compact of this world." The Purr'tan gives a formal bow of welcome to Pietr, nods to the rest of the group, and then says, "You have been offered The Choice - swear allegiance and fealty to me and my House, to serve and obey the head of House Ummo for the rest of your lives, and in return you shall be freed from slavery and valued for your contribution to the success and welfare of House Ummo, its members, and its interests in the wider world. Or, you may go free from this day forward. How do you Choose? House Ummo, or the path of Free Folk?"   Pietr, Rhys, Espy, Vedemis and Umlilo all choose to join the House Ummo.   "I, Ummo Meksu, Lord of House Ummo, accept your service from this day henceforth and accept responsibility for your success and well-being just as you accept responsibility for mine." "Now, however, I must put you to the test. Words are cheap, but actions are the true proof of your heart. You will be given a simple task to fulfill here in town, this very night. Report back in the morning, and we will settle the matter of your place proper within this household." "Tonight, you will wait until the cover of darkness, make your way at low tide to the Silver Swan down on the docks, steal aboard the vessel, and locate my puzzle box. Once you have found it, secure the box for me, and return with it to the Villa. "Discretion is the highest order here. You must take every effort not to be detected. It would be best if the puzzle box disappears completely from Captain Nyshala's inventory without her or her crew being aware at all, as this will turn her lies to me about having the box into truth, and I will be reunited with my personal property once more. No face will be lost on either side. "The Swan has just put into port on Dock 4. Very likely the puzzle box will be held in the Captain's Quarters in the aft main deck where she spends most of her time. The puzzle box is approximately a foot wide, and half that in depth and height, and will feature the crest of a swimming silver swan in profile. The wood will be stained the blue of my house, and smell faintly of cedar oil. The Silver Swan is the large galleon at the end of Dock 4, we were given time to plan and prepare. You have been brought to the edge of He'shabha's buildings with the boardwalk and docks open before you. There are patrols of city guards in groups of four and five leonin or tabaxi mixed, and they don't seem to keep any kind of regular rotation or pattern, although they pass frequently enough that they make for effective security presence. Dock 4 is a long wharf that ends in a three-masted deepwater gunship tied up with a gangplank at the very end of the wharf. Three decks are above the water level not counting the forecastle and the aftcastle wheelhouse. The gangplank is atop scaffolding of two stories next to a cargo crane to reach the Main Deck. The galleon's gun ports are closed in port, but the portholes in the aft cabins are open, and the decks are lit by watch lanterns. The crew seems to have been given leave for the night, but a small crew has been left behind to make ready for sailing on the morning tide. Her rigging is orderly, as are her decks from what you can tell, and there are bored tabaxi sailors (4) hanging around the scaffold and crane access to the gangplank, watching the half stretch of open wharf idly, but otherwise not looking too attentive, trusting they will see anyone approaching long before they need to be at attention.   The skill challenge went along like a see-saw. A few natural 1s threatened to derail us but we proceeded along the water surface under the docks. We disturbed some smuggling going on and the guards were alerted by a surprised yell. Espy and Rhys dimension doored into the Captain’s quarters and found the puzzle box in a chest. We made it back to the Manor detected but unseen, and were shortly followed thereafter by the Captain.   We were awarded our sashes and told we’d be leaving come the morning with the Captain to deal with a Blue Dragon that’s been harassing the shipping lanes.    


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