
Goddess of Mountains, Snowshoe Goddess

Skadi is a female giant and the daughter of the giant who bargained for Freya, the sun, and the moon in exchange for building Asgard’s walls. She came to Asgard seeking revenge against Thor for killing her father. When she arrived at Asgard in her armor she so impressed the gods they offered her pick of the bachelor gods if she would not go to war against them. The only condition was that she could only see their feet when she made her choice. Thinking the cleanest, whitest feet must belong to Balder, she made her choice only to discover they belonged to the older Vanir Njord, whose feet the sea washed clean every day. Because they couldn’t agree on a place to live, Njord and Skadi moved back and forth between Jotunheim and Asgard. On Midgard, these movements created the seasons. Skadi later divorced Njord and married Uller.

Divine Domains

Earth, mountains.

Tenets of Faith

Skadi’s cults are common in mountainous regions. Her worshipers include those who make their lives hunting, herding, and mining in the mountains. She loves the cold of winter and the wind on the mountain peaks, and teaches respect for the earth and the mountains to her cultists. She also teaches readiness for battle, believing that the best defense is an impressive offense.


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