Dead Set Culver

An imposing devilkin and klomerati symbiote who is the leader of The Unyielding warlord band at Thunzen Waters. He has even managed to fuse salvaged Scrapper technologies to his body.   This has turned Culver into what may be a unique three-way symbiote, combining devlkin with klomerati and scrapper technology into one being. The augmentation has given him the power to establish and maintain his leadership of the Unyielding.  
You ask: am I still me with all this crystal and metal now?   The question is numb-skulled. Are you the same as you was when but a sapper crying blind for milk?   The truth is I was never me until I chose to become me. Dead set true. Nothing more dead set than that.   So the question you should be asking: Who in the everfire hells are you then?  

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Growing from his body at various places can be seen the threads and veins of Klomerati tendrils crystals that Culver has joined with. These are most prominent on his forearms and scalp, but can be seen just beneath the surface of his leathery skin all over.

Special abilities

Culver uses his Klomerati tendrils for feats of strength, and to store more water inside his own body than would normally be able to.   His metallic Scrapper armour is a strong physical protection.   His Scrapper brain gives him nesar perfect memory and recall of anything said or seen. The memory banks he has access to also give him many lifetimes of experience which often provides insights and inspiration for his dealings - social, political and martial.

Apparel & Accessories

Culver usually wears traditional loose robes made from Razor weave, dyed orange using the juices of the Salt plums farmed at Thunzen Waters. The robes hide most of his augmented metallic and crystalline skin.   His chin, ears and wide horns are adorned with jewellery made from salvaged Scrapper circuitry.

Specialized Equipment

Culver has also salvaged old scrapper techologies and devices and wears much as jewelry. Some he has even fused with his Klomerati tendrils as permanent attachments. Much of this acts as a kind of personal metallic armour, but Culver has even managed to fuse with an ancient Scrapper brain, augmenting his memories and mental acuity far beyond the norm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Culver was born into The Unyielding war band, and spent his youth raiding merchants up and down the Godwsollen. At that time, the Unyeilding were a medium sized band, and largely nomadic.   It was Culver's discovery of the Klomerati known as Thunzen - and the reservoir that it protected - that would change his life, and the fate of The Unyielding.   After a particularly disasterous raid, Culver was separated from his war band as it was scattered and chased into the deserts by the forces of the Merchantry of the Torrent. Culver managed to evade pursuit in the clouds of a sandstorm.   He wandered alone, seeking shelter, and discovered the rocky hills that he wuld ne day call home. He found the Klomerati Nest and it called to him as it was large enough to be sentient, but lonely in its isolation.   Culver immediately saw the potential of the Nest as a secure homebase for his people, and for many moons he lived there, communing with Thunzen, learning of its ways, and becoming a symbiote with tendrils that Thunzen gave to him.   Eventually he brokered a partnership with Thunzen, and with the strength he now possessed as a Sybiote, he returned to the Unyielding to challenge the leadership.

Cover image: Dead Set Culver by Midjourney


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